How to make About us Page for Blog and what to write in About us

Hello friends, let’s learn today in this post How to make About us Page for Blog, what to write in About us Page,  Create About Us Page for Blog, Create About Us Page for website

Are you a blogger and you want information about how to create About us page for blog and what to write in about us page, then here we are going to give you complete information on how to create About us page step by step.

Whether your blog is on Blogger or about us page on WordPress is the cornerstone of our blog and through this page people get information about our blog and about us.

What is About us Page in Blog?

All the visitors who come to our blog, through our about us page, they find out who is the owner of this blog, where they live and what is their education.

At the same time, they also try to know whether the bio-data of the owner of the blog they have visited is worth the kind of information they are sharing here and whether they should believe that information.

Google also takes complete information about our blog and about us from about us page and this page is very useful at the time of AdSense approval, without this page you cannot get Adsense.

Why is About us Page important in Blog?

If you want to earn money by blogging and Google Adsense is the way to earn money, then it is very important to have about us page on your blog like contact us, privacy policy.

If you do not create an about us page in your blog, then you will not get the approval of Google Adsense because along with the visitor, Google also now sees information about you through the About Us page.

So if you are thinking of taking the approval of Google Adsense, then first of all make these four pages well about us, contact us, privacy policy and term condition, then apply for adsense.

How to make About us Page for Blog/Website

By the way, you will find many tools on the Internet for how to create an about us page, where you can create an about us page by giving some of your information in seconds, but I will never suggest this method to you.

Because the about us page created by the tools contains half-incomplete information, which will neither make your visitors happy nor Google will be able to get information about you.

That’s why here we will give you step by step information to create an about us page, where to write what to write and how to write it and you will be able to prepare your About Us page after working hard for some time by yourself.

How to make About us Page

Below we are going to tell you that in the about us page, where will you write what to start with and what to end with, so let’s start about us page kaise banaye

1. Write about yourself

First of all, you have to write About us in the title above, then About us for (your site name) in the heading below and then you can also put your photo below the heading.

If you do not want to put your photo, then you can design an image of us and then write about yourself in the below paragraph like where are you from, what is your name and when did you start your blog.

You also inform your visitors about your job study and lifestyle, this makes your visitors believe in you even more.

Also, what is your interest, how far did you study and for how many days you have been blogging, also write. Now start writing about your site below it.

2. Write about your site

Now start writing about your site in the second part of the about us page, like when did you create this blog and where did you get the idea of ​​blogging.

What is the topic of your blog, that is, in which topic do you write information on your blog, which services do you provide on your blog.

Your visitors can take the information given on your blog for free or they will have to pay for it and what will be the benefit of the visitor to your site, write all these things clearly.

3. What is the language of your blog

You tell your visitors about the language of your blog, in which language you will write the blog post and how much knowledge you have in that language.

The blog should be run in only one language, for example, if you write your blog in Hindi language, then write about how much you know about Hindi and why you chose this language.

4. Why did you choose blogging

Tell us about why you are blogging and how many years of blogging practice you have, as well as what you want to teach your visitors through blogging.

Your visitors want to see your experience, so tell in detail about how many days your practice is in the field of blogging.

5. How people can contact you

At the end of the about us page, tell us about how your visitors will contact you, you can also put a link to the Contact Us page or your business email here so that your visitors can contact you.

6. Enter your social profiles link in About us page

You can also request your visitors to follow you on those accounts by putting links to your social profiles like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, link din etc. at the last of the about us page.

Try that the name of your blog should be the same name as your other social profiles, so that your visitor’s trust in you remains good.

By giving a link to your social account, as the popularity of your blog increases, your other social accounts also gradually become popular.

And your visitors go to your other social media accounts through your blog and browse the images, videos or any other content shared by you there and also they can contact you from there as well.

Lastly, you must also ask your visitor to subscribe to your blog, if your visitor likes the information given in your about us page, then they will definitely subscribe to your blog.

7. Write about us page in simple language.

Whatever language your blog is in, you write in that language in such a way that your visitors can understand well what is written.

Do not make the written thing too difficult, which will cause difficulty in reading, even an ordinary person of that language should read about us very easily and write in this way.

Now your about us page is ready, now if you want, you can add it to your blog, for this all you have to do is to go to the pages and publish it as you publish the article.

How to add About us Page in Blogger

By the way, you must have come across this process “how to add about us page in blog” and if you do not know this, then we also know this small process.

First of all, you login to your blogger’s das board, then click on the pages on the left side, then all the pages you have already created will be visible here.

Now click above add new and write about us in the title then write about us for (your site name) in the heading below.

Then you will copy and paste all the things you wrote in about us in the paragraph below and then publish the page after linking the social media accounts.

How to Add About us Page to WordPress Blog

Just like you published about us page on blogger, you can publish about us page in WordPress blog as well.

For this, you will login to your WordPress admin panel and click on the pages and then the same process will remain the same in Blogger as mentioned above and by doing this you will be able to add about us page in WordPress blog as well.

Whether your blog is on blogger or on WordPress, having pages in the blog is as important as it is necessary to have adsense approval to earn from adsense.

Through pages, people are able to know about you or the policy and term condition of your site, and Google also gets all this information through your pages.

Learn more article here:


So if you are going to send your blog for Adsense approval, then make the first four pages connect us, about us, privacy policy, turm condition Only after making these four pages well, your site should be sent for approval.

So here we learned how to create about us page and also learned how to add about us page to blog and also got information about what is written in about us page.

It is always our endeavor that the visitor of our site gets complete information and for this we keep updating our posts continuously.

If you have any kind of question or suggestion related to how to make this post about us page, then definitely reach below in the comment box and share your opinion about how to add About us page in Blog.

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