Best Tips for Writing Content in Blogging

Hello friends, let’s learn today in this post Best Tips for Writing Content in Blogging, Content Writing Tips For Blogging, Blog Writing Tips, blog writing tips for beginners, blog writing format

A blogger should be well versed in the art of writing, only then the post written by him is liked by the users and his blog gradually becomes famous in the public, in view of this, Google is also forced to rank the site in this way. Is.

Google needs such content that users like and their problems are solved, then this type of post may not be SEO friendly but because people are liking it, so Google brings such content to the top of the search engine. .

We often get to see that bloggers constantly improve the art of writing, but SEO experts do not pay attention to the art of writing, they only try to rank the post by SEO optimized.

In this post, we will learn the art of writing a good post keeping in mind the SEO Guideline because the content you have written should be understandable to the people and they should get the answer to the question they came to your site with.

Best Tips for Writing Content in Blogging

For this, how much benefit you will get by reading this post, it depends on how much you practice because we will tell you how to write a post here, but you have to do the practice yourself.

Write Short Sentence

While writing a post, keep in mind that your one paragraph should be only two to three lines long.

Your blog is in Hindi, in English or in any other language, you are writing a blog or writing content for a website or writing content for any other purpose, but the paragraph should be short and in simple language so that the search engines Be able to suggest your content to normal users.

Posts with short and simple language paragraphs rank quickly in search engines because visitors spend more time on such posts because they understand things by reading that post.

And this sends a positive message to Google. Then Google recommends that post of yours in front of other users and then your post starts coming up in the search.

Do not copy others post

We have seen many such people who say that after searching the topic on which you want to write, read the post of others and write the same title, tag heading, sub heading and content, then your post will also start ranking.

But it can not happen at all, think for yourself that the post which is already ranking in the top in the search engine, if you also copy and write like it, then why will Google bring the same post up.

Because such material is already in the top, so write in your own style, rather try to write a new one so that such material is not found anywhere else or at least it is there.

We are not forbidding you to read other’s post, but see what are the shortcomings in that post and also watch the video made on that topic, that is, you search everywhere, how to write the content that is ranked in the search engine. So that he becomes something new and becomes the best.

Write Title Heading Subheading

Title in WordPress is h1 by default, followed by h2, h3 and all other headings. Headings and subheadings are not a ranking factor but still we should put it in the right place in our post.

Because headings and subheadings give direction to our posts, headings form an important part of our post, and then the next story is divided into sub-headings.

With the help of headings and subheadings, it is easier for the visitors to understand what is the content next in the post and sometimes Google shows our heading and subheading only in the snippets features in the search engine.

If one of your posts is of two thousand words and it does not have headings and subheadings, then it becomes heavy for any user to read such a long post continuously.

But if you have put the heading and all the headings in the right place in this long post, then it gives the users a break in between and then they can read that post easily.

Using Bold italic List Quote Columns etc.

Make sure to use Bold, italic, List, Quote, Columns etc. as per requirement in the post, this makes your post look like professional and it is also liked by Google.

These types of posts are also liked by the users and they can understand quickly what has been said in the post.

By giving bullet points in a particular line or words, those lines or words are highlighted and this allows users to understand your post better.

Enter Keywords Naturally in the Post

There are five such important places inside our post, here we put keywords like-

1. Title
2. Sub Heading
3. Meta Description
4. In Anchor Text of Internal Link
5. In Anchor Text of External link

Keywords have to be entered naturally at these five places, it should not seem that the keyword has been forced to rank the post.

We have seen many such posts in which keywords are repeated repeatedly and it is made bold, it used to run earlier but now Google’s algorithm has become very smart.

Google puts the post with keywords entered more often than necessary, which is a penalty in a way.

Even if the keyword is appearing more often in your post, then do not bold all the keywords, this can save you from the penalty of keyword stuffing.

Read by yourself after writing the post

When you have written your post completely, read it once and see whether the things mentioned in it are easily understood by you or not.

You can also get your post read to your friends or relatives and ask them what kind of problems they are facing in this post, are they able to understand the things mentioned here easily.

When your post is opened by a user and spends maximum time on it, commenting on that post and going from one post to another through the interlinking done in that post, then this signal to Google as a positive message. As goes.

And then Google feels that you have written the post in a very good way, it is benefiting the users, then Google recommends that post in front of other users and also brings it upwards in the search engine.

Don’t write too long post

We have heard from many people that they say that by putting more and more words in the post, they rank in the search engine but this is not the case at all.

If you are writing a post on a topic which requires only 1000 words but you put two thousand words in it then that post will not perform well.

Because if the time to read a post of 1000 words is 5 minutes but you made that post of 10 minutes but users will come back in 5 minutes, then the Bounce Rate of your post will start increasing.

Due to the increase in bounce rate, your post will start going down in the search engine, so enter as many words as you need, do not forcefully write the post to rank it.

Think for yourself, if you have a 1000 word post on one topic and another post on the same topic is of 3000 words but the same thing has been told in both, then which post would you like.

As far as we hope, you will like the post of 1000 words, you do not want to read casually, so do not pay attention to the length of the post, pay more attention to its quality.

In today’s time, almost everyone wants to get answers to their questions by reading at least words, no one has so much time to read nonsense and long things.

Keep your post as per the requirement, neither make it too long nor make it too short, so that the bounce rate of your site will remain in a specified direction. Check your post readability with this tool readability checker and optimize. 

Take care of spelling and grammar

You write a post in any language, but if there is an error in spelling and grammar in your post, then it also causes problems to the users and the search engine also does not understand your page.

Do not depend on any tool for spelling and grammar, you should improve it yourself, sometimes tools also give wrong suggestion.

Check for Plagiarism

After you are done writing your draft and have checked it for errors and mistakes, you should also check it for plagiarism. This is very important as plagiarism in a post can be harmful to the entire website. Search engines reduce the SERP’s rank of sites if they have plagiarized content.

Checking for plagiarism is easy, all you need to do is use a plagiarism checker. A plagiarism checker is a tool that can find out and highlight which parts of your content are copied. They are usually reliable and many are available for free.

Importance of Post Design

No users on your post come to see the design of your post, but to get answers to their questions.

The design of your post should also be good but it is more important than that the quality of your post should be high to rank that post in the search engine.

After writing a very good post, you can also design your post well, for this you can divide the heading, sub-heading and text in different colors.

Write aloud with Google Voice Typing

You can enable Google Voice Typing by going to Language Settings in your mobile phone, then whenever you type something, instead of typing, click on the mic icon in the keyboard and then start speaking.

Whatever you say, you will write. Google Voice Typing automatically writes by listening to your voice, you can add a separate keyboard in Hindi or other languages, then you can write by speaking in any language you want.

Use Google Docs to write a post

You can go to the Play Store on your mobile and download the Google Docs App developed by Google and write your article in it.

Open Google Docs, create a page and then start speaking using Google Voice Typing as we mentioned above by clicking on the mic icon on the keyboard.

Write a paragraph aloud then check it because sometimes there is some error in writing aloud, if something is written wrong, then rectify it by typing it through the keyboard and then write another paragraph.

The method of writing by speaking is very good, you can easily write a post of two thousand words in an hour by speaking.

When you open Google Docs in your mobile, then whatever email will be active in your mobile, it will be signed in to it.

Then you will open Google Docs in your computer with the same email, then whatever work you do in mobile will be visible in your computer.

Then you can copy and paste it in your blog post and by doing this you can write a post very quickly.

Learn also these article:


If you follow all the things mentioned above, then your writing skills will definitely improve, but you will have to keep practicing.

By practicing, you will learn to write a good post on your own, this work takes months.

Hope you have liked this post very much and you must have got the answer of your questions, if you still have any question, then definitely tell us by writing in the comment box below.

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