Learn Necessary Settings of blog – Blogger Settings

Learn Necessary Settings of blog – Blogger Settings, Blogger Basic Settings: If you have created a new blog on Blogger, then first of all you should be aware of how to do the Necessary settings of your Blogger Blog, that is, it is very important to enable the necessary settings of the blog and to deactivate some settings.

Because without completing these settings, if you start writing a blog, then you are not going to get much benefit from it.

Because only after completing the basic settings of the blog, Google’s crawlers will be able to crawl your web pages and then your pages will be able to come in the search engine.

Necessary Settings of your Blogger Blog

Although it is not such an easy task to rank your blog in the search engine, but if you work hard and that hard work is done in the right direction, then only the hard work done by you gets the fruits and your pages start getting ranked in the search engine.

And for this the most important thing is to fix the basic settings of Blogger Blog, because some new bloggers who do not know about it and they are not able to do the basic settings of their blog properly.

And because of this many errors or problems come on his blog and then even after working hard, he does not get any special result because he has not done the basic settings of his blog properly.

If this is happening to you too, you do not know whether you have done the basic settings of your blog properly or not, then read this post completely and improve the basic settings of your blog.

How to make necessary settings of blogger blog

Blogger Settings In Hindi Recently Google has released a new update of blogger, due to which the interface of blogger has completely changed, as before, your blogger’s dashboard was visible, it is not visible now.

So here we will tell about its basic settings according to the new dashboard of blogger so that you do not face any kind of problem.

Learn how to do blog settings

First of all login to your blogger’s dashboard and click on settings in the bottom left side (see picture below)

blogger open

If we click above the settings, many options will come in the right side, in which Basic will be written at the top and below that are all the settings which we have to fix.


At the top of this list, click on the title and then enter the title of your blog, for example my blog is rakhiimage.in, so I will put the title of Rakhi Image and then click on Save.


After saving the title, the second option Discretion comes below it, then you will click on it and you will write information about your site within 500 words.

Keep in mind that the title should also come in the discretion and there should be keywords related to your site, it helps a lot in ranking in the search engine and Google is able to understand from your description on which topic your site is.

Always keep one thing in mind that even if you write a blog in Hindi, put keywords in English only.

Blog language

After Discretion, there is an option of Blog language, then by clicking on it, you have to choose the language in which you write your blog here.

Select the language in which you write your blog here, when you click on the blog language, then a list of all the languages ​​that Blogger supports will appear here.

If your blog is in some other language and that language is not in this list and you write a blog in that language, then you will find it difficult to get Google Adsense approval later on.

Adult content

After choosing the blog language, you will get the option of adult content below, so if your blog has adult content, then there is a small button in front of it and enable it by clicking on it.

Google analytics property ID

After enabling adult content, you will get the option of Google analytics property ID below, you will click on it and enter your Google Analytics ID and click on save. If you have not yet created your Google analytics account


Now below you will get the option of favicon, favicon is that icon when someone sees our blog or blog pages in the search engine, a small icon appears before the url, that is the favicon.

We keep the blog favicon or logo pre-designed because it is the identity of our blog and then we upload it in the settings as a logo or favicon.

After clicking on the favicon, it will take you to another page, then by clicking on the choose file, you will upload the favicon already kept in your mobile or computer here and then click on Save below.


Under the favicon, the option of privacy will be found and under the privacy it will be written visible to search engine and there is a button in front of it and it has to be enabled by clicking on it.

Although this button remains enabled by default, but if it is off then you must enable it by clicking on it.


After privacy, there will be the option of publishing below and here the address of your blog will appear, if you have not added a custom domain to your blogger, then from here you will be able to add a custom domain.

After adding a custom domain, enable the small button in front of the redirect domain below, otherwise your blogspot domain will not be able to redirect to the custom domain.


Now the next option is HTTPS and both the buttons in front of HTTPS availability and redirect should be enabled, although it is enabled by default.

With this you get SSL certificate in blogger for free which makes your blog secure, so if the button in front of them is off then definitely turn it on.


Now the Permissions option comes below and it contains the information of the authors of the blog, in this we do not have to do anything, leave it as it is, now let’s see the option below it.


After Permissions comes the option of Posts below, you can enter the number of posts by clicking on Max posts shown on main page below it i.e. how many posts you want to see on the homepage of your blog.

Image Lightbox

There is a small button in front of the Image Lightbox, if you enable it by clicking on it, then any image will come in front of you on your blog post and if he clicks on it, then that image will open on his mobile or computer. I will come to the fore.

So we should keep the option with Image Lightbox enabled, this makes it easier for your readers to open the image you entered and see it correctly.


Now the next option comes of comments, you will click on the comment location below it and save it by selecting embedded.

And then by clicking on who can comment below, you will choose who can comment on your blog pages, here you will get three options, you can choose the middle option users with Google accounts.

With this, the person who is signed in with his Google account in his browser will be able to comment and you will be saved from comment spamming.

Then you can put a message in the comment from message below, for example, you can write thanks for feedback, then whoever comments, this message will come in front of him.


After the comments, the option of formatting comes below, here you will select the time zone of India (GMT+05:30) India standard time- Kolkata by clicking on the time zone below.

Then by clicking on the death header format below, they will choose which format the date appears in your blog and then save it.

Meta tags

Now the next option comes of meta tags and it is very important to rank our blog in the search engine, so enable it.

For this, enable it by clicking on the button in front of enable search description and enter all the words related to your blog in the search description which will help in ranking your site.

Crawlers Custom Indexing

It is also very important to enable Crawlers Custom Indexing, for this enable it by clicking on the button in front of enable custom robots.txt below and by clicking on custom robots below, enter the xml site map of your site and then save it.

Enable custom robots header tag

After entering the xml sitemap, you will enable or disable the rest of its options, for that you will enable it by clicking above the button in front of the enable custom robots header tag below.

Home page tags

Then below you will click above the home page tags and a popup will come in front of you, there will be many options in it but you have to enable the option all at the top and enable noodp at the bottom, all the other buttons will be dijable then above save Click to save it. (see picture below)

custom robot tags for home page

Archive and search page tags

Now if you click on archive and search page tags below home page tags then again a popup will come and many options will be shown in it, so here you have to enable the second number noindex from the top and then save it by enabling noodp at the bottom Have to take (see picture below)

custom robot tags for archive and search page

Post and Page tags

Now after archive and search page tags, click on post and page tags below it and here also a popup will come, then enable all at the top and then save it by enabling noodp at the bottom. (see picture below)

custom robot tags for Post and Pages

Google Search Console

Now the option of Google Search Console will be found under the post and page tags, as soon as you click on it, it will take you to the page with Google Search Console, then there you will verify your site.


Now the next option comes of monetization, you will enable it when you get the approval of Google Adsense, then you will save some code from your Adsense account by pasting it here.

Learn more article here:


So friends, we have enabled or disabled all the necessary settings of our blog which were of our use and we did not talk about what was not of use.

We always try to give complete information to the readers visiting our site and for this we constantly try, as well as update the post from time to time.

We hope that you have liked this post Blogger Settings very much and by reading this you have got the answer to your question how to do basic settings of blogger blog.

If you have any kind of question or suggestion related to this post Blogger Settings, then definitely comment below.

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