What is Web Mention ? Webmention use in Blog

Here in this article we read all about What is Web Mention, Using Webmention, Work of Webmention, webmention.io

According to a research, only 12 websites in India are currently using Webmention.io to show the web name of their website. This means that you can take advantage of this opportunity.

Do you want to know what is Web Mention, why it is important, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of Web Mention? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

You must be well aware that most of the websites are available on Google and most searches are also done on Google’s search engine. This happens because Google understands the search intent of its searchers and provides them with very relevant results. Because of which it is most popular in all search engines.

To make your website on Google, it is very important for you to first learn how to start a blog and domain and hosting are very important for any blog. For all these you can take idea from my articles:

If we talk about Webmention, then it enables communication on the Internet. If you want to understand Webmention well, then you must read this article till the last, only then you will be able to benefit from it. So let’s first know what is Webmention.

What is Webmention?

Webmention is called W3C recommendation or standard. Websites that are linked to Webmention, at that time Webmention works like an information, it links one URL to another URL and for this it describes a simple protocol.

In other words, Webmention is a type of Backlink, but in this a link to the homepage of another website owner or any other web page is not given.

In this, about the other author/publisher/website owner, his name, things related to his post etc. are described in the form of a paragraph or a sentence. One of its special features is that even Google’s crawlers are unable to track Webmention.

For example, suppose Sachin wrote an article, in which Sachin wrote some information about your article or about you but did not give any link. Similarly, you also commented about Sachin or his articles in your article and you also did not give any link.

Through this kind of webmention, the visitors of your website will visit Sachin’s website after searching on Google and those who will be the visitors of Sachin’s website will visit your website. This will also help in SEO. This shows that it works like a backlink but it is not a complete backlink.

Webmention is not limited to just communicating in blog posts. In content, it is used for many other types of reactions, for example, a website owner liking any other websites, commenting on them, responding to them etc.

Webmention was published as a W3C working draft on 12 January 2016 but was originally developed within the IndieWebCamp community. Then exactly a year later on 12 January 2017 the W3C working draft was converted into a W3C recommendation.

Why is Webmention Important?

As you now know what is Webmention, now I will tell you why it is important. Due to being a type of backlink, Webmention is very useful. Webmention works like other backlinks but it is used in a slightly different way.

Webmention is important because it cannot be crawled by Google’s crawlers and when a big / famous website tells some things in another website owner / author, gives positive response related to his article, then that website gets the attention of the users. It starts and the chances of increasing traffic on its web pages also increase.

To increase traffic to your website through Webmention, you will have to meet big website owners, collaborate with them, if possible, do some work for their website that too without taking any money. If they like your work, then they will definitely write something about you in their article related to your post.

If monthly traffic of 50,000 to 70,000 comes to their website and 20,000 of them users search you on Google, then you and your website will start coming in the eyes of Google. The result of which will be that Google will help in ranking your articles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Webmention

Now you know why Webmention is important, but it is also very important for you to know about its advantages and disadvantages. Below I have told about the advantages and disadvantages of Webmention through some points. Let us know which are those points:

Webmention Benefits

  • Webmention is a free backlink which is counted in High Quality backlinks.
  • Through webmention, readers get converted into followers, as when visitors of a big website read about another website owner in a post, a curiosity about that new person grows in their mind. To know what they search for that person on Google’s search engine. When they come to know about that person, about his articles, then they start reading his articles. If they like the articles of that website owner, then they gradually convert from readers to followers.
  • Through Webmention, you build good relationships with other bloggers. Which increases the chances of getting good conversions and sponsored advertisements in the future.
  • If you are a new blogger then you need to get your articles fast indexed. If you will have a high quality backlink then you will be able to do fast indexing.
  • Webmention will also help you to make your website a branded website.
  • Guest post is considered one of the best free ways to bring visitors to your website and get backlinks, but Webmention is a better way than that.
  • Webmention also proves to be very effective in reducing the bounce rate and increasing the CTR.
  • It is not so important to have bloggers or website owners of the same niche in Webmention.


  • As you know that only information about bloggers is given in this, no link is given. When visitors search about that blogger on Google, then if they find another person of similar name, then they get distracted and instead of going to the right place, they reach another place.
  • Sometimes due to some similarity proper conversions are not available.


My purpose of writing in Webmention is that you get all the details about Webmention. Through webmention, authors are able to track who is linking, referring or commenting on their articles. It also helps a lot in SEO. I hope that this article of mine will be useful to you. If you liked this article, then share it with the needy.

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