What is Depression? Why does depression happen? – Remedy to avoid depression

What is Depression, Why does depression happen, Causes of Depression, Depression Types, Depression Symptoms, Depression Treatment, Yoga for Depression

In today’s post we are going to tell you what is depression. If you are also in depression and want to get out of it, then you are reading the right post. Along with this, you will also know how to remove depression?

In today’s hectic world, we do not have much time to take out time for ourselves and in such a situation, we get so upset that many things keep going on in our mind throughout the day, due to which we go into depression. . This depression turns into a very serious disease one day.

Due to increasing work in modern life, a person is not able to lead his life comfortably and because of this neither he is able to take time for himself nor for his people, due to which he remains engrossed only in his work and He walks away from happiness. This leaves him completely depressed. But if you do not get out of depression, then you can fall in the grip of some serious disease.

What is depression ?

Depression is a mental illness due to which happiness starts being removed from the life of a person and he does not feel like doing any work. He remains unhappy for a very long time and happiness starts running away from his life. Depression can occur at any age. No matter how hard you try in depression, you are not able to remain happy. It also has a great impact on a person’s everyday life and work. Many people always have the fear of something bad happening in their mind and because of this they also go into depression.

Why does Depression Happen ?

There are many reasons for having depression. This could be due to any reason. Next we will know about some such reasons, from which it will be known that due to which depression occurs. So do you know that the cause of depression

  • If a close person dies, then because of this also people go into depression.
  • Many people’s marriage breaks down, due to which they get surrounded by depression.
  • Many times people also fall into depression due to failure in the examination.
  • Even if the job is lost or not available, it leads to depression.
  • Many times people also become depressed due to being cheated in love.
  • People also get into depression due to financial problems.
  • Even if the health remains bad for a long time, the person goes into depression.

There are many such reasons due to which depression occurs.

Symptoms of Depression

What things show that we are in depression. It is very important to know these symptoms. Only then can we get out of depression. So know what are the symptoms of depression.

  • If you think negatively all the time, then this is also a symptom of going into depression.
  • Irritability in talk.
  • Bad thoughts come to mind.
  • Not getting enough sleep or waking up frequently at night.
  • Lack of focus or lack of interest in work.
  • If you get angry in talk, then it is also a symptom that you may be surrounded by depression.
  • Do not feel like eating
  • If you do not feel like talking to anyone, you prefer to be alone, then this is also a main symptom of going into depression.

Remedy To Avoid Depression

If you are in depression then you should come out of it soon or else you may be surrounded by terrible disease. So know what is the way to avoid depression.

  • You should talk to people whom you trust and whom you are closest to, tell them your problem and seek their help.
  • You should not be in a hurry for anything and should be patient.
  • Do the work that interests you.
  • Never allow yourself to be so free that you have time to think about bad things. Keep yourself busy. Participate in religious activities, participate in socio-cultural programs.
  • Exercise regularly and eat healthy food. If you eat healthy and balanced food, then it keeps your mind happy and by doing regular exercise you become healthy and positive energy comes in the body.
  • Stay connected with friends If you stay connected with good friends, then they boost your morale and along with connecting with your good friends, get away from such negative people who lower your morale.
  • Get plenty of sleep Symptoms of depression are seen less in people who sleep 7 to 8 hours daily.
  • Don’t think about the old things. Try to forget the old things and focus on your today.
  • Never distance yourself from people. In the state of depression, people often feel that distancing themselves is the only way to avoid it. But it is not so that you get closer to depression.
  • If you are bored with the same city and work then go on a long vacation. Going out for a walk also gives you a good mood and it also makes you feel like working.


Counseling or psychotherapy is talking with a mental health professional. Your counselor helps you develop your problem solving and coping skills. Sometimes all you need is brief therapy. Others continue therapy for a long time.


Prescription medicine called antidepressants can help change the brain chemistry that causes depression. It may take a few weeks for antidepressants to have an effect. Some antidepressants have side effects, which often improve over time. If they don’t, talk to your provider. A different medicine may work better for you.

Yoga is the best option to get rid of depression

  • Balasan– Balasan is named after the word child. Balasana is a resting pose, so can be done anytime. By doing this asana, there is relief in depression as well as getting rid of stress and fatigue.
  • Shavasana – Shavasana is named after the word Shava. Shavasana is a resting posture. By doing this asana, the mind remains calm and gets rid of problems like stress and depression.
  • Sukhasana – By doing Sukhasana, one gets happiness and peace. That’s why it is called Sukhasana. Sukhasana improves blood circulation. By regularizing this asana, the mind does not remain depressed and there is relief in depression.
  • Bhujangasana– As the name Bhujangasana suggests, it means snake. In this posture, there is a posture of spreading the hood like a snake. By doing this, it is beneficial to remove depression. Apart from this, it increases energy in the body and benefits in back pain.
  • Setubandhasana– Setubandhasana is made up of two words. In this, Setu means bridge and Bandha means to bind. In this posture, the body is tied or held in the posture of a bridge. This brings flexibility in the spine, which relieves the problem of back pain. Apart from this, it removes sadness.

By adopting all these things, you can get away from depression. This is also a way to treat depression. By which you can avoid going into depression.

Risk factors for Depression

Depression can affect anyone – even someone who lives in relatively ideal conditions.

Several factors can play a role in depression:

  • Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may contribute to symptoms of depression.
  • Genetics: Depression can run in families. For example, if one identical twin has depression, the other has a 70 percent chance of getting the disease sometime in life.
  • Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic, are more likely to experience depression.
  • Environmental factors: Persistent exposure to violence, neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to depression.

Depression in Teens

Many teens feel sad or moody. When sadness lasts for more than 2 weeks and a teen has other symptoms of depression, there may be a problem. Note withdrawal from friends and family, a decline in their performance in school, or alcohol or drug use. Talk to your doctor and find out if your teen may be depressed. There is effective treatment that can help teens move on from depression as they get older.

What are the types of depression?

Healthcare providers name types of depression according to symptoms and causes. These episodes often have no obvious cause. In some people, they can last longer than others for no apparent reason.

Types of depression include:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD): Major depression (clinical depression) consists of acute or extreme symptoms that last for more than two weeks. These symptoms interfere with everyday life.
  • Bipolar depression: People with bipolar disorder have alternating low moods and extremely high energy (manic) periods. During short periods, they may have symptoms of depression such as feeling sad or hopeless or lacking energy.
  • Perinatal and postpartum depression: “perinatal” means around birth. Many people refer to this type as postpartum depression. Perinatal depression can occur during pregnancy and up to a year after having a baby. Symptoms go beyond the “baby blues,” which cause slight sadness, anxiety, or stress.
  • Persistent depressive disorder (PDD): PDD is also known as dysthymia. The symptoms of PDD are less severe than those of major depression. But people experience symptoms of PDD for two years or more.
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe form of premenstrual disorder (PMS). It affects women in the days or weeks before their period.
  • Psychotic depression: People with psychotic depression have severe depressive symptoms and delusions or hallucinations. Delusions are beliefs in things that are not based on reality, whereas hallucinations involve seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not really there.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder, usually begins in late fall and early winter. It often goes away during the spring and summer.

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