In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph, Article on Indian Farmers for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 100, 200 & 500 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.
100 Words – Essay on Indian Farmers for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words
The life of an Indian farmer is very difficult and he has to work hard in his fields. They have to work in sun and rain, they have to plow their fields, they have to give water, then they have to sow seeds in their fields. He follows his crops day and night. Harvesting is also not an easy task. It is very difficult and tedious. Even after so much labor, the Indian farmer remains poor. He has to live from hand to mouth. He is very pathetic but he is poor, however, he lives happily. He is simple in his habits. He is pure in his thoughts. He stays away from the evils of city life.
200 Words – Essay on Indian Farmers for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words
The farmer is one of the most useful people, the farmer grows the crop for us. He lives in a village. He is a field. He has a plow and an ox. He wakes up early in the morning. He works very hard on the field. He plows the field and sows the seeds. That crop of crops. He regularly burns the fields. He has to take care of the crop. He needs to protect them against hail and frost. The farmer earns money by selling his crops. Rainfall is very important for a farmer. Rain is necessary for the development of good crops. If there is good rainfall, a farmer is happy. He is happy if the crops are good but, if the crop fails, then his life is unhappy. it happens. Farmers are honest and hardworking people, they are the most important members of society.
Despite being independent for the last fifty years, we have not been able to improve so much for Indian farmers. Most of them still live below the poverty line. They do not make full return of their produce and they continue to be poor and neglected. India’s largest industry is not attracted to the profession because it does not guarantee to live a prosperous life from them. Developments in science and technology have not been able to make agriculture an efficient profession. This is the cause of the biggest problem of this land, ie unemployment. If modernization on a large scale can employ all the unemployed youth and the country will be more prosperous than we dreamed about it.
500 Words – Essay on Indian Farmers for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words
The condition of Indian farmers is very bad. He has to work in his farm all day, and yet he is able to manage only the barest of stages of life. He lives a life of poverty, and grows up in an unhealthy environment. The house in which he lives is one or a house with a pitched roof – which may have leaked during the rainy season. The village can be without any drainage water and can become a mosquito. The mayor cannot have water and electricity there. Members of his family and cattle live under the same roof. Generally, the standard of living is low. Farmer’s day, unlike the city’s inhabitants, begins with the harvesting of cock.
The first thing she does is to feed her animals, wet her cows and buffaloes and take a glass of tea, which her wife prepares for her wood. Then he gathers his oxen for a plow and goes to the fields to save time. Farming begins before sunrise. He can sing songs with joy. The sun rises as the sun rises to the farmer, hail or storm. He is used to working in the morning. He keeps him busy in the morning hours. He may regret it but he does not bother.
She is engaged in growing grains, vegetables and fruits or some other cash crops. In the afternoon his wife cooks him buttermilk with his bread and lentils. So he can rest under a shady tree. Sometimes he sees snoring. After some time he sets to work again. If he is not busy in the field, he has many other things. At times, he is leveling the fields or adding manure. At other times, he may sow seeds, or water the fields. It does this by cutting a portion of the main part and letting the water flow to its areas. He also depends on the monsoon. During the harvesting season he leans over the corn bite and the tied lumbar. At this time his wife is also giving a helping hand.
In the evening he makes homework, his body dries up with sweat. He is tired of the hard work of the day. So he lies to the rest. He can smoke his hookah and relax. The village women are beautiful, simple, honest, dutiful and very hardworking – which keeps them in good health and enthusiasm. Late in the evening, he can go to the chaupal to meet fellow farmers. He is busier than ever during the harvesting season. He is happy with his lot, he has worked hard and the harvest is good.
He is in the fields most of the time. He keeps a watch on the night-attentive crows, they are also kept. The crop is its valuable treasure and they should be protected from harm. During the day, he spends most of his time eating and growing. Grain is collected and stored. They are put in jute bags for the comfort of the family to keep food grains and are piled up for marketing in bullock carts. Government agencies are available to give him a fair price. This is the difficult life of Indian farmers.