Essay on Courage is Life in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Courage is Life for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 500 & 900 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

500 Words – Essay on Courage is Life for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Life is another name for struggle, there are hundreds of such tasks in life where we have to face many difficulties and troubles. Many people get annoyed at small problems in life and they even leave. We should face every problem with courage in life, because there is no work that does not have risks and troubles, so instead of giving up, we should face it firmly.

Courage is the amazing ability that changes the nature of both fortune and picture. A courageous person not only lives his life well but is also helpful to his friends. The amount of courage the inner strength gets watered, the more it increases. Everyone wants to do something big in life that no one can do, but it also requires enough courage.

There are many questions in mind before starting the big work, will I be able to do it, will I get success or failure. If you start the work with a positive attitude with courage, then surely you will not only get success in that work but your confidence will also increase which will always motivate you to take great risks.

If you want to do and get something in life, you have to bear the risk. Whatever may be the area of ​​life. In the world, we will find thousands of examples who set examples before the world, working with courage even in physical conditions, difficulties of life and adverse situations.

In today’s perspective, if the life of such a courageous person who can inspire us is Narendra Modi, even if we are going to follow one ideology but the life of Modi and the story of becoming the second head of the world’s largest democracy is less courageous. Are not. Could anyone have imagined that a child working on a tea bottle at the railway station would go ahead and lead the country and the world would consider it iron.

Though once upon a time no one would believe the courageous story of the life of an unknown human being Narendra Modi, but if he starts to understand the opposite circumstances of his life and layer by layer to become the Chief Minister of Gujarat for the first time and the subsequent Gujarat riots. So we will be able to know that instead of being synonymous with success, the statement emerges as a symbol of victory of hard work and courage over struggle.

Columbus, who hails from Spain, abandoned his ashes, life, job, etc. and left for adventure trips, among other such adventure travelers, Hieun Tsang and Fahyan left their kingdom and came to India via the Himalayas and mountainous routes, many times at risk of life. Even after coming, he remained on his target.

The period between 10th and 15th century was equivalent to the era of investigative visits. Once out of the house, there was little chance of him returning back home. It was almost impossible to avoid the fear of dangerous sea voyages, postmen and robbers. If they return home, then it is considered a new birth for them. Nevertheless, the courage of the people can be gauged who used to go for such trips.

900 Words – Essay on Courage is Life for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Courage is a power inside the human being that can change the world, which can make us the most different, most special in the world because courage is power and courage is life, if you have not worked with courage in your life or Then you have not worked with courage, so there may not be much left in your life and you can not get what you want because courage is life.

I feel that a life of courage is possible, not only friends, but you believe that you want to do some great work but think of success or failure in that work, you think that you will not know whether you will get success in life or No, that is, you show courage to do that work, so think what will be your future, your future will not be good.

Apart from this, we will also see that there is little risk to work in life, if we do not work with courage there, then think what we will do? That is, I want to tell you that life is courage, apart from this, life is not possible.

Today people do something, they lose courage when they fail in it, in modern times, this step of people forces them to lose in jeevan, today there are some people in the world who study and have good results in it. Because of not getting, they take some wrong steps or leave it on the same, some even commit suicide, I would like to say for the people thinking that only one step of you and your entire parivar Indgi is can Twah is, people should think of how many Mushiwate his family from their just one step.

Some people even think of taking some wrong steps due to failure in the business that they do, or they give up in business, that is, they lose courage, I would like to say to all those people that if there is darkness in the jeevan There will definitely be light, once we get a failure in any work, we should never think that now we will get failure.

We should constantly try with courage because sahas hi jeevan hai and if you work with courage then it is sure that you will surely get success, but what God has given us is to be seen, it is both good and bad. , Because when we are about to work with courage, then thousands of questions come to our mind, thousands of things come that stop us from trying to stop or try to stop us.

We should think well in our mind and do not let too many negative thoughts come to your mind because negative thoughts will stop you from getting success, so adopt positive thoughts and work with a courage in your life and become successful.

It is a matter of thinking that some children of today also end their lives, after all, why is this happening in today’s era, we should all teach our children to work with courage, in such a situation we have jeevan Whatever we have done, whatever we have found good, we need to remember, we need to think that whatever we have, maybe we need it too.

About adventurers

There are many people in the world who did not lose courage even under their adverse circumstances, they could have given up the courage to give up that work or could stop studying, there is absolutely nothing in their life that they currently have, I have often seen that whenever people lose courage, they take the help of sisters, and in life they remain the same.

Today, if we look at any successful person, we can understand the difficult situation that people face, yet they do not lose courage and work with courage, whether they work on petrol pump, Dhirubhai Ambani ji Ho who has achieved this due to his courage, which is very difficult for anyone, you don’t think that they have got success like this, they have success on the strength of their courage Is empty

Or be it Narendra Modi ji, who in spite of not saying anything in his life, did not give up and did not lose courage even after the failures and worked courageously and has achieved that status in life, which is very difficult to achieve. Apart from this, talk about Dasharatha Manjhi who showed her courage by doing what many people can not do together and Neerja, a girl who has many people with her courage. Dare to be saved, that’s why courage is a great power in the world.

barack Obama, who used to sell ice cream, fought on his own courage and changed his luck or it was Sanjay Diman, the king of network marketing business, who did not give up even though he was defeated and He showed the world that every person in the world knows them today.

He never gave up to move forward in life and never took the help of his sisters. So never let your courage waver, remember such great people, if they wanted to, they could take some wrong step and stay behind in life. But, by not doing so, he gave us an education that a human can do everything.

So always work with courage and think that you are a great creation of God, there is nothing greater than you, you can do everything with your courage.


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