Essay on Benefits of Reading Books in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph & Article on Benefits of Reading Books for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 400 & 900 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

400 Words – Essay on Benefits of Reading Books in Very Easy Words for Students & Kids

Reading is a good habit but it must be developed from childhood, because later on we cannot find time for its acquisition. Reading has a good number of benefits. It is enjoyable. It enhances our knowledge, it sharpens our intellect. Francis Bacon, the English writer has said: “Reading makes a perfect man; A ready man is writing conventions and an exact man. ”A good reader develops a good personality. He gathers knowledge and knowledge and picks up suitable habits. Reading is a source of happiness, it gives us a sense of well being and peace of mind.

Books can inspire us to achieve something and achieve success in life. The desire of a well-read person will not be found. Reading can be of books, magazines, newspapers. In the books, the narrative head ensured that we develop good vocabulary for speaking and writing. The more we read, the larger is our word bank. Therefore, reading novels cannot be said to be a waste of time. After this we have periodical, fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly periodicals of different periodicals. They are different. Some of the topics covered are politics, economics, international relations, social aspects and family magazines.

If one goes to these regularly then is well read and well informed. We have newspapers published from the country’s capital city; Some of these are also in accordance with the state capitals and their typography and format match international standards for clean production. One who goes through these is very knowledgeable and is on a par with the latest news and development. Some build their own private libraries. They buy books on a regular basis. But if you don’t have space, take advantage of a lending library for books in different languages ​​and newspaper reading rooms. The first time spent in the morning is very meaningful.

What our body has to eat, our mind has to read, Bacon said: “Some books have to be tasted, others have to be swallowed and some are chewed and cooked.” Good books should be our companions’ books to others. Briefly describes the experience – we take advantage of it and become smarter Biographies and autobiographies — national and international — have much to know us. Reading holy books and texts makes us pervasive psychological and tolerant and patient. Reading for pleasure is different from reading academically or professionally. The former is informal and voluntary, the latter mandatory and qualifying. Our senior political leaders have read a lot — they have new arrivals on their bookshelves that they read before bedtime — which is why they are so knowledgeable and spear and write so well. Their personalities diverge and their spiritual quotient is high, they become fit for the following model.

900 Words – Essay on Benefits of Reading Books in Very Easy Words for Students & Kids

Reading is considered to be one of the most enriching hobbies, reading books gives us such joy as we do not get from any other activity. It enhances our knowledge and sharpens our intellect Francis Bacon, English writer has said: “Reading makes a perfect man. A ready man is writing conferences and a perfect man. ”A good reader develops a good personality. Books contain a wealth of knowledge. They give us good moral advice. By reading good books, we learn to love and teach virtue. By reading good books, our personality is developed and our character is elevated.

Reading is possible only when there is a script, it is something in writing only the educated can enjoy reading books. There was a time when the blind could not use this bliss, but still they can read with the help of Braille. The reading of books is indeed a great source of happiness. Our sense senses express our feelings in our mind. When such feelings agree with the mind, they give us pleasure. Reading books provides intellectual food for our mind. As our bodies require food, so do we for our brains too. Reading good books provides food necessary for thought processes to make our mental faculties work and create different kinds of enjoyments.

Reading provides happiness to people of all tastes, temperaments and age groups. There are books for children, books for older people and books for older people. Books contain experiences and thoughts of great writers. By reading their books, we come into contact with their minds. If Kalidasa treats us with the sweetness and beauty of nature, Rabindranath Tagore enlightens us with the real truth of our lives and Cates offers a feast for our hearts, minds and senses. Every age and country has seen its great writers. Literature is a mirror of a society. When we read the work of great writers like Shakespeare, Tagore, Tolstoy or Prem Chand, we forget ourselves and our familiar surroundings. We identify the characters depicted in it. We feel, think, act and suffer with them. It makes us live other people’s lives. Reading is a unique joyous activity that reduces all the thrills of life, the dangers in real life that Are mandatory The pleasure of reading is the only pleasure through which we improve ourselves.

We gain knowledge about the world by reading books. Books give us information about new things, new places and new people. One can learn many things within a limited time from reading. The more we have acquired, the more knowledge we read. Once, during an interview with a foreign journalist, Lokmanya Tilak said that he was ready to live in hell too, if he could give him enough reading material and reading time. Reading is considered an important source of knowledge and information. Good magazines, newspapers, books on general knowledge, etc., provide us with valuable and up-to-date information. Having knowledge boosts one’s self-esteem. We get great satisfaction when we feel that we are able to move to well-known and educated circles.

But in today’s fast-paced life, it is not possible for everyone to read. Lack of time, expansion of IT and growing TV culture have changed people’s interests and hobbies. But for a cultured human being, books are always a source of immense bliss. We must make a wise choice of books, Francis Bacon said, “Some books must be tasted, others must be swallowed, and some are chewed and digested”. Some books can also be harmful for readers. Such books should be avoided. The biographies and autobiographies of great men give us much to learn. Reading texts and holy books makes us broad-minded, tolerant and patient. It alone teaches good books which gives us maximum benefit.

Books are our best friends. When we are alone, they give us company and entertain us. Good books give us great enjoyment. Loneliness can never be a problem for a lover of books to read someone’s favorite books. Through, we can spend time most satisfactorily if we are in a cheerful mood, our pleasure increases by reading. When we are in a sad and depressed mood, books comfort and soothe our troubled minds. They can give us the best advice and guidance in our difficulties, as the great English poet Milton has rightly said.

“A good book, precious life – the blood of the masterpiece, the wealth and the wealth intended for a life beyond life.” When we read the writings of great writers, we are engrossed in the world of our creation, our sorrows. And gain temporary shelter from worries. Reading for pleasure is quite different from reading under compulsion. “When we study under compulsion, we are unable to enjoy any of it. Reading for pleasure is very different from academic or professional reading. While the former is informal and voluntary, compulsory and forced and, therefore, often joyless.

We should not be allowed to reduce our happiness to anything every man should have a taste for reading, as it is the least expensive and the most exciting and thrilling means of entertainment. The habit of reading should be developed from childhood. It brings us a feeling of unmitigated joy, peace, health and well-being and keeps us well informed and up to date. There is no end to learning and enjoying books.

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