The R D Sethna Loan Scholarship 2023 is now available for students studying in 12th standard and above, who are willing to pursue technical, scientific, commercial or industrial studies in India and abroad. Eligible and interested candidates can fill the RD Sethna Loan Scholarship online form on or before the last date. Detailed information like eligibility criteria, selection process, and application process are given on this page.
Applications are invited from Class 12 passing students and above who wish to pursue technical, scientific, commercial or industrial studies in India and abroad. The scholarship aims to help outstanding and deserving students from all communities, thereby expanding their educational interests and in turn benefiting the nation.
RD Sethna Loan Scholarship 2023 Eligibility Criteria
- Conduct Authority Name: RD Sethna Scholarship Fund
- Also known as : RD Sethna Loan Scholarship 2023
- Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must have passed 12th standard, are eligible to apply for the above scholarship with at least 50% marks.
Selection criteria:
- The final selection of the aspirant will be based on the educational record of the candidate and the financial status of the parents.
- Candidates making the selection will be notified by the authority.
Documents required:
- A student must have all the copies of the certificate mentioned in the application form.
- Students should have an address proof photo ID along with Aadhaar card.
- Payment receipt of the amount paid by the student upon admission.
- Copy of admit card.
- Income certificate of parents and guarantors.
- A student must present a letter of recommendation.
- All documents of a student must be verified by the SEM or Gazetted Officer.
Steps to apply for RD Sethna loan scholarship 2023
- To apply for this scholarship, candidates can collect the application form from the trust office.
- Self-addressed envelope of size 23cmX10cm with 10rs. Stamp paste on it should be sent by all students.
- To receive an application in favor of the RD Sethna Scholarship Fund, candidates are also required to send a demand draft of Rs 50. In the event of no DD being attached to the request letter, the trust will not send the application form.
- The candidate should indicate that the application is for study in India or abroad.
- Students must attach a photocopy of all required certificates with the form. And all certificates must be attached by the head of the institution.
- Fill a form and send it to the address given on the official site.
Contact details:
Mr. Farrokh M. Rustomji – CEO
Esplanade House,
29 Hazarimal Somani Marg,
Fort, Mumbai- 400 001
Phone: +91 22 2207 7044
Email: [email protected]