Donald Trump on Health Care – Trump Care vs Obama Care

Trump Care Act, Donald Trump on Health Care, Trump care plan, Trump care cost, Trump Care Vs. Obama Care

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American Health Care Act of 2017

The ACA (colloquially “Obamacare”), a major reform of health care in the United States, was passed by the 111th Congress in 2010 and signed in 2010 by President Barack Obama, almost a year after the bipartisan debate. [4] The ACA draws from several conservative ideas proposed by the Heritage Foundation in the 1980s and 1990s, including a mandate that covers coverage to all (to prevent “free riders”), subsidy tax credits, and Medicaid reforms . [5] Heritage spends the cost of the proposed funding program on health insurance premiums paid by employers on behalf of workers (currently exempt from income), [5] which affects all workers covered by employers, while The ACA mainly depends on the tax rate which increases to about 5 apex. % Of households [6]

The American Health Care Act 2017 (often shortened to AHCA or abbreviated Trumpcare) was a bill in the 115th United States Congress. The bill, which was passed by the United States House of Representatives, but not by the United States Senate, would partially repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Republican party leaders campaigned on the repeal of the ACA since its passage in 2010, and the 2016 election gave Republicans unified control of Congress and the presidency after the ACA first came into effect. At the start of the 115th Congress, congressional Republicans sought to pass a partial repeal of the ACA, using a reconciliation process that allows Senate filibusters to bypass and pass by a simple majority in the Senate. With the support of President Donald Trump, House Republicans introduced the AHCA in early 2017, and the bill passed the House on May 4, 2017, in a close vote. All House Democrats, as well as several members of the centrist Tuesday group and some other House Republicans, voted against the AHCA. The bill would have repealed individual mandates and employer mandates, dramatically cut Medicaid spending and eligibility, abolish tax credits for health costs, abolish some taxes on high-income people, and pre- Changed rules relating to existing conditions and necessary financial benefits.

What is Trumpcare?

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I, Vermont) is intimately associated with “Medicare for All”, which will provide everyone with automatic and almost private insurance. As he stated in a recent debate, “I wrote the damn bill.”

Sen. Kamala Harris (D, California) has proposed her version of Medicare for All, which will create a 10-year transition and protect private insurance as an option as part of Medicare through Medicare Advantage plans (Which covers one-third) medical beneficiaries today).

Former Vice President Joe Biden has a plan that would create the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by expanding subsidies to help people pay their premiums and give everyone the option to join a plan like Medicare.

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Batgig’s plan would also expand the ACA subsidy and make Medicare “available to all who want it.”

Interestingly, Senator Elizabeth Warren — who has detailed plans for many issues — does not actually have a specific health reform plan of her own at this time. She supports Medicare for All and is a co-sponsor of the Sanders Bill. She is a co-sponsor of public option bills, and has her own bill to strengthen the ACA.

The debate among Democrats largely boils down to whether to build on the ACA and the option for people to enroll in Medicare or create a Medicare-for-all scheme that covers everyone.

On the other side of the partisan divide, President Trump has promised health care plans several times, but not one has yet been delivered. On ABC News in June, he said that “we already have the concept of the plan,” and “we’ll announce in about 2 months.” He also said that it would be “much less expensive than Obamacare” and that it would “produce unprecedented health care.”

On Twitter, the president has stated in recent months that “the Republican Party will become the party of Great Healthcare!” And that Republicans are “developing a very good healthcare plan with lower premiums (costs) and cuts on Obamacare.”

The president has vowed to repeal the ACA if he is re-elected and Republicans control the House in addition to the Senate.

Perhaps more immediately, the Trump administration is arguing in court that the ACA should be overturned, including its permanent status protection, premium subsidies to host more affordable coverage, Medicaid expansion, and other provisions. The case is currently before the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and it is possible that the next verdict may come from the Supreme Court, right in the middle of the campaign. The court’s decision to overturn the ACA will create immediate chaos in the health care system.

Meanwhile, data from the most recent census shows that the number of Americans has increased by 1.9 million in 2018 after the ACA reached a historic low following. Still, 91.5% people were covered by health insurance last year.

We may or may not see a health care plan from President Trump soon, but meanwhile Trumpcare represents based on past actions and statements. for example,

The administration has given states considerable flexibility in Medicaid, including allowing them to implement work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries. President Trump’s budget requires all states to impose work requirements on “able-bodied, working-age individuals.”

Short-term health plans – which may deny coverage to people with retrospective status and often exclude or limit ACA-required benefits such as medications, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse treatment – are now 364 Can be sold for days. The president has said, “We will always protect patients under very important circumstances,” but has not pushed forward plans to do so.

The Congress and the Speaker rescinded the separate mandate of the ACA, the most unpopular element of the ACA. This has led to higher premiums in the personal insurance market, with insurers expecting coverage from some healthy people.

Recently released regulations have modified the “public charge” rules, making it harder for immigrants with health conditions or who seek admission to the United States or green cards to receive a variety of public benefits (Now including Medicaid). There will likely be widespread enrollment changes in coverage among immigrant families because of fear and confusion.

How will Trump’s health care policies increase the premium price for you

Reduce drug prices

In May 2018, Trump revealed the “American Patients First” plan. He attributed the high drug prices to everything from companies to consumers. He wants discounted pharmaceutical companies to pay pharmacy benefit managers. They negotiate prices between pharmaceutical manufacturers, leading and health insurance companies. The exemption creates incentives for suggesting high-cost drugs to PBMs. PBMs are allowed more than what insurers are allowed to charge. As a result, everyone pays different prices for drugs.

Trump partially fulfilled a campaign pledge to require health care providers to post prices for their services. He suggested that drug makers disclose their prices in advertisements. This will allow people to shop for the best price. And competition should drive prices down. 1 PBM exemption regime has evolved because there is no regulation.

Another campaign promise was to allow consumers to buy drugs abroad. Competition reduces drug prices. So far, this is not in Trump’s plan. But he wants to reduce the prices of American drugs internationally and reduce them.

In March 2017, Trump announced that he wanted to allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. It never happened, either. To do so.21 To do this, the US Congress had to amend the act that established Medicare Part D. It banned Medicare from negotiating. Pharmaceutical companies said they needed protection to provide funding for research and development of new treatments. The Congressional Budget Office found that Medicare would not save much by negotiating. Health insurance companies already do a lot of negotiations. 3

Revoke the ACA mandate

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Deductions and Jobs Act 4. It repeals the Obamacare tax on people who do not receive health insurance in 2019. This removes the incentive for healthy people to get insurance. The CBO estimates that 13 million people will leave coverage. Health care costs will increase as a result as healthy people paying premiums will be less. Health insurance companies will be left with only sick people.

Mandate removal means fewer people will get preventive care or treatment for chronic illnesses. This will worsen health care inequality. People without insurance use expensive emergency rooms as an alternative to primary care. Cost increases for everyone. One study estimated that premiums would increase between 36% and 94% over three years. There will be a price hike in parts of the South and Midwest.

How does trump actions affect you

If you are healthy, Trump’s actions can reduce your costs. First, you will no longer have to pay a penalty under the new tax scheme. Second, you can buy a short term or association plan that costs less but not all 10 ACAs provide benefits. If you become ill, you can exceed the plan’s annual or lifetime limit. Then you have to buy Obamacare insurance for a higher price.

If you have a chronic disease, your cost will increase. You have to depend on ACA schemes on the exchanges. As healthy customers abandon those plans, companies will raise prices to remain profitable.

The cost of national health care will increase at a faster rate than Obamacare. With the ACA, costs rose by about 5% per year. for comparison:

  •     They rose 5.8% in 2015 under the Obama administration
  •     In 2014, these costs increased by 5.3%.
  •     In 2007, under President Bush, they rose 6.1%.

Trumpcare (AHCA) vs. Obamacare (ACA)

Primary difference between Obamacare and Trumpcare and how they affect your health insurance options.

Key Policy Differences

Affordable Care Act


The American Health Care Act


Is there a federal tax penalty for not having health insurance?
Does the federal government provide subsidies or tax credits to pay for health insurance premiums?
Are there income limits on those tax credits?
For 2016 returns, the limits for the continental US were (approx.):
$47,080 for an individual
$97,000 for a family of 4
They begin to phase out at $75,000 for an individual
They begin to phase out at $150,000 for a family
What is the maximum tax credit or subsidy amount that the government will pay?
There is no fixed dollar limit.
The credit ranges from $2,000 per year (for a young, single adult) up to $14,000 per year (for a family that includes older adults.)
Can I buy a plan that doesn’t cover benefits I don’t want (like mental health and substance use disorder services)?
All qualified health plans must cover Obamacare’s “10 essential health benefits”
Yes, if your state receives a  special waiver from the federal government
Can parents keep their adult children on their health insurance plan until age 26?
Can my application for health insurance be declined if I have a pre-existing condition?
If I have health insurance without a recent break in coverage, can I generally change my plan during the normal enrollment periods without paying a penalty just for having a pre-existing condition?
If I have a newborn baby, can I add my baby to my health insurance plan, or buy a new plan that covers the baby, without penalties or higher costs just because the baby has a pre-existing condition?
If I’ve been uninsured for several months, could I be charged more for my health insurance I have a pre-existing condition?
Possibly (see extended answer below*)
Are there specific open enrollment periods when I can sign up for insurance or change my plan?
Are their special enrollment periods when I can change my insurance if I have certain life events that require me to do so?
Who defines the mandatory benefits that will be covered by my health insurance plan?
Federal agencies
Federal agencies, or states when they are granted a special waiver
Does it place any caps on profit-taking by health insurance companies (through “medical loss ratio” rules)?
Does it generally give states the authority to manage their Medicaid funds without federal mandates? 
Does it have a Federal Invisible Risk Sharing Program? (see definition below)

This Chart Compare Obamacare to the House’s AHCA Proposal

This Chart Compare Obamacare to the House’s AHCA Proposal
This Chart Compare Obamacare to the House’s AHCA Proposal
ACA vs AHCA 2017
The individual mandate is gone under Trumpcare. Continuous coverage is the new requirement. Fail to keep coverage and you’ll pay 30% more a month.Individual MandateUnder Obamacare, the individual mandate requires all eligible citizens to have health insurance, which makes coverage affordable nationwide.
The AHCA allows the states to decide whether they will require insurance carriers to cover the 10 essential health benefits.Essential Health BenefitsUnder Obamacare, every policy offered in the marketplace had to cover the 10 essential health benefits so even bronze plans had some base level of coverage.
The AHCA allows the states to decides to whether insurance carriers can charge people with pre-existing conditions more for their healthcare.Pre-Existing ConditionsPeople with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage or charged higher insurance rates under the ACA.
Trumpcare provides tax credits to people who need help paying for their insurance. This assistance is based off of the person’s age and not their income.Cost AssistancePeople who earn up to 4x the federal poverty line can get cost assistance to buy insurance on the marketplace — 85% of people who sign up qualify.
Trump has rolled back the Medicaid expansion offered by Obamacare, which means that fewer people will qualify for Medicaid assistance.Medicaid fundingCurrent Medicaid funding is based on an open-ended matching system whereby the federal government guarantees at least $1 for every $1 spent by the state.
Under the AHCA, the age rating ratio may be 5:1, meaning that carriers can charge older demos 5x more for insurance than a person of a younger demo.Age Rating RatioUnder Obamacare, carriers were not permitted to charge people of an older demographic more than 3x as much as a younger demo, meaning the ratio was 3:1.
Trump has discussed the idea of allowing people to purchase prescription drugs from foreign countries, which he believes will lower costs.Prescription DrugsThere has been bipartisan support for overseas drug importation in the past. As it stands, there are no provisions in the ACA that specifically address this.
Health Savings Accounts, which are tax-advantaged medical savings accounts, would be bolstered under Trumpcare.Health Savings AccountsIndividuals have the option to use HSAs under Obamacare, but most people don’t because they require high-deductible health plans and significant funding.
Under Trumpcare, people may be able to deduct the full cost of their health insurance premiums from their federal tax returns each year.Tax DeductionsRight now, people can only deduct medical expenses if these costs exceed 10 percent of the household’s adjusted gross income.
The List:The ACA (Obamacare)The BCRA (Senate Bill)
INDIVIDUAL MANDATEUnder the ACA, there’s a penalty fee for not having health insurance, assessed with your taxes each year.The BCRA eliminates the individual mandate. There is a penalty of a 30% increase in premiums for one year for not maintaining continuous coverage.
EMPLOYER MANDATEObamacare requires employers with more than 50 full-time workers to offer health insurance.The employer mandate is eliminated under the Senate bill.
PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONSThe ACA prohibits insurers from denying coverage or charging higher rates to people with pre-existing conditionsPre-existing conditions are still protected under the BCRA, but states may be able to redefine essential benefits. In effect consumers are not nearly as protected as under the ACA.
ESSENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITSAll major medical policies sold today must cover 10 categories of essential health benefits.Under the BCRA, states could apply for a waiver that allows them to define essential health benefits.
COST ASSISTANCEThe ACA grants subsidies to people who earn up to 400% of the federal poverty line and extra help to people earning up to 250% of the FPL.The Senate bill grants tax credits to people earning up to 350% of the FPL, and cost assistance isn’t as generous.
YOUNG ADULT COVERAGECurrent law allows young adults up to age 26 to stay on their parents’ health plan.Young adults will still be able to stay on a family plan until age 26 under the BCRA.
LIFETIME LIMITSThe ACA eliminated annual and lifetime payout limits for insurers.The BCRA doesn’t reinstate lifetime or annual limits, but states may be able to apply for waivers that allow insurers to reinstate limits.
HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTSCurrent laws regarding HSAs allow individuals to contribute up to $3,400 a year ($6,750 for families).HSA contributions would expand under the BCRA. Individuals could contribute up to the out-of-pocket maximum per year, and spouses could add extra funds as well.
AGE RATINGObamacare capped the age rating to 3:1, meaning insurers can’t charge older enrollees more than 3x what they charge younger enrollees.The age rating goes to 5:1 under the Senate bill.
MEDICAIDMedicaid was expanded under the ACA in many states. Current state spending is matched dollar for dollar by the federal government.Medicaid expansion will end by 2023 under the BCRA. Also, states can choose from different funding options going forward: per- capita caps or block grants.

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