How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website – Two Efficient Ways

How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website : For this, only two effective methods will be told in this post, and we will not advise you to install too many plugins because there are many such plugins in the name of increasing the speed, which generate unused css and the loading speed of our blog reached in pathetic condition. let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

How to Increase WordPress Website Loading Speed?

We all need our blog or website fast because a fast-loading website is not only valuable for the user but also in the eyes of Google, and if the content is good on a fast website, then it can be searched by the search engine. There is no difficulty in ranking.

A fast website is also very important for SEO, here we will tell you only two ways and apart from this you will be told some tips, we hope that by adopting these two methods and keeping in mind the given suggestions, your website will be faster. Will start loading.

The two methods that we are going to tell you may be a bit expensive but it will be much better than adopting the free method. You should know that in today’s time nothing is available for free. First of all, what is the loading speed, we will know a little about it.

let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

What is Loading Speed?

Blog or Website Loading Speed ​​means the time taken to open your blog or website, that is, when someone opens your blog or any page in the browser, then how long does that browser load that page.

For example, you type the address of your website in a browser and then as soon as you click on the search button, the time of loading speed of your site starts, now for example your website is opened in a second, then your website The loading speed will be one second.

If your site is opening in one to three seconds then it is very good and 3 to 5 seconds is good and 5 to 8 seconds is bad. So in such a situation, we have to adopt some methods to speed up the loading speed of our website.

let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

Why is Website Loading Speed ​​Slow?

When our website is gradually old and the content, features, many types of tools, and facilities increase, then accordingly the code and scripts and images in that website also increase and all these content are coming to our site. It takes more time to load in the user’s device than before.

And accordingly we are not able to optimize our website, due to which the loading speed of our website slows down, and your site’s speed score goes down.

Many times we install many types of random plugins to speed up the loading speed of our site, but do you know that these plugins only worsen the loading speed of our site because the more and more you put in your site. The more and more you use the plugin, the more and more unused css and JavaScript increase in your site.

let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

Why Increase Website Loading Speed?

On November 10, 2020, Google officially announced a new update page experience and in this page experience update, the first part of the website’s loading speed is said to be less than 2:30 seconds.

That is, if the loading speed of your website is coming more than 2:30 seconds, then the ranking of your website will be down, so you should mold your blog or website according to this update i.e. the loading speed of your site is 2:30 seconds. Have to keep less than

If the loading speed of your site is fast, then it is beneficial not only for Google but also for the user. In today’s time, everyone wants to visit a fast website only. When the website is slow, well written content is also there. Can’t reach as many people as possible.

To check whether your site currently meets the first page of this Google Update Page Experience, click on this option and check the core web vitals in the Google search console account.

If in core web vitals most of the url is showing in the list of “poor url”, then by following both the methods mentioned here, speed up the loading speed of your site then go back to search console and click on core web vitals and click on open report and then ask Google to check these URLs again.

let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

Two effective ways to increase the loading speed of WordPress website

For how to increase website loading speed, you need to spend a little money, we are talking about WP Rocket Plugin here, you just have to install this one plugin, set up and then no matter how slow the loading speed of your site is. Yes, it will start opening within one to two seconds.

You can use this plugin in any type of WordPress website, whether your blog is small or big, it has been designed for every type of website. We are using this plugin on our old site for the last two years and are writing this post after seeing its performance.

Currently, buying this plugin will cost you about $ 49 i.e. about 3550 rupees in Indian rupees and this plugin will be available for one year for one website, new updates and full support. By installing and activating this plugin, the loading speed of your site becomes fast in its default setting.

But if you set it up a little better, then the time for your site to open comes between one to two seconds. Here we will know the process of buying and installing this plugin as well as its full setup, how to increase website loading speed, for this you have to follow 3 steps.

  1. Buy WP Rocket Plugin
  2. Download the Plugin and Install it in WordPress
  3. Complete Setup of WP Rocket Plugin
    Complete Set Up by Buying and Installing WP Rocket
    To buy WP Rocket, search for wp rocket in any of your browsers and then click on Buy WP Rocket

Buy WP Rocket Plugin

As soon as you click on Buy WP Rocket, you will be shown 3 plans, first “Single” in this plan, you will get the support of this plugin and new updates for one year and you will be able to use it in one of your websites.

The second plan is “Plus” and in this plan you will be able to install this plugin in your three websites, the period of support and new updates will be one year. And in the third plan “Infinite”, you will be able to use this plugin for unlimited websites, in this also you will get support and new updates for one year.

According to you, you will click on the button of Buy WP Rocket to choose any one of these three plans and on clicking, you will come to their order page, now here you have to create an account for this email, first name After entering the last name, choose your country and then enter the name of your website below.

After entering the name of the website, you will choose the option to pay by credit card or paypal at the bottom and then click on the palace order at the bottom to make the payment, and once the payment is done, you will get the button to download this plugin.

You will download and keep this plugin in a zip file and now have to install it in your WordPress, just like you will install and activate the zip file of this plugin by WordPress, in the same way this plugin will start working with its default setting and your The loading speed of the website will be fast.

If you do not like this plugin, then you can return it within 14 days from the day of its purchase and you get all your money back but if you use it once then you will not want to return it yourself because This plugin makes your website superfast.

Now we will learn to complete the extra settings of this plugin, which will improve the performance of your website, for this you watch the video below, in this video the full setup of WP Rocket Plugin has been told as well as in this video your website Connecting to CDN cloudflare and its benefits have also been explained.

let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

Connect to Cloudflare to increase the loading speed of the website

We have done full setup of WP Rocket Plugin in the first way to speed up the loading speed of the website, now we will adopt the second method, for this we should use CDN Service, the best way is cloudflare’s Free CDN Plan.

CDN i.e. content delivery network is a service through which a copy of your site is made available at different locations, for example, your hosting server is in India, but if someone wants to open your site in another country, then CDN that Your website will be made available to the user on the server of that country, due to which your site loads faster.

Although many companies provide CDN, but Cloudflare’s free CDN plan is the best. If you have completed the setup of WP Rocket Plugin by watching the video above, then you must connect your website to the CDN of Cloudflare by watching the same video.

let’s learn more about How to Increase Loading Speed of WordPress Website

Some other things related to the loading speed of the website

We have told you two ways above to improve the loading speed and performance of the site, but at the same time you also have to pay attention to your hosting, many times we take random hosting for cheap, but our website The root of ie foundation is hosting, we should choose a good hosting company.

We would advise you to take hosting of Bluehost or Digital Ocean, if you had initially chosen a hosting company whose performance is not good, then you can switch to Bluehost.

Do not use too many plugins in your WordPress website, install the plugin only when absolutely necessary and choose a good lightweight theme. We would recommend generatepress theme to you. You can also use this theme for free but if you take its premium version then you get a lot of features in it.

Many people provide premium themes or plugins for free, but the files of such themes or plugins may contain malware that can harm your site.

Think yourself, if someone is providing a theme or plugin that is paid for free, then what can be the intention behind it, so if you do not have the budget, use only the free version of that theme or plugin, but the paid theme or plugin is free. Never use its crack file to use it.

Don’t upload the feature image designed for your blog post directly in the post, rather compress it in a good image compressor and reduce its file size and then upload it.

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If you adopt these two methods mentioned above, then the quality of your site’s loading speed and performance will remain high and you will get rid of the problem of loading speed.

We hope that by reading this post how to increase website loading speed, your problems would have been solved, you must write your suggestion or question in the comment box below.

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