What is Term Insurance Plan – Benefits, Eligibility

Hi Friends, How are you today, if you want to know about term insurance plan, term insurance policy, term insurance plan benefits, term insurance plan eligibility then you are at right place, we have given here all information of term insurance plan . read till last

In today’s article, we will give you complete information about term insurance plan. All of you are requested to read carefully everything mentioned in this article so that you can buy the best term insurance plan for yourself.

If you do not understand anything, then you will definitely tell us later by commenting below. We will definitely answer your questions, this will also help other people in buying the best term insurance plan for themselves and understanding the insurance policy.

Lets learn about What is Term Insurance Plan

What is Term Insurance Plan

Term insurance plan comes in the security category, it only provides security to you. This policy covers the risk of dying, under which the insured person dies. So the amount of insurance is given to the nominee entered in the policy document.

Apart from this, if you live till the policy period, then you will not get a single rupee. Or the maximum premium is returned which differs from insurer to insurer. If you want to buy only life risk cover then term insurance policy is the best option for you.

To increase the coverage in the term insurance plan, there is an option to add riders. After death, there is an option to get the policy income either in lump sum, or monthly.

Friends, you should remember that in term insurance, the insurer does not make any payment to you or your family in any way on your survival. However, nowadays there are many companies that offer you return of premium plan.

Under which the full premium amount is returned to the insured after the completion of the policy period. But this type of policy is very expensive compared to the basic insurance plan. We suggest that you take this policy only if you are able to purchase such a policy. Otherwise you should take only such term insurance plans which will benefit your family members after your death.

  • To increase the coverage, there is an option to add riders to it.
  • Death benefit can be given as one time, monthly or a combination of both.
  • In term insurance plan, you should keep in mind that the insurer ie the insurance company. The person taking the insurance policy does not make any payment on his survival. However, nowadays there are many such insurance companies in the market which are providing term plan with return of premium. Under which all premium returns are received on the completion of the term plan. But such plans are very expensive in comparison to basic plans, buy such plans only if you are capable.

Features of Term Insurance

(1) Most economical: Term insurance is the cheapest form of life insurance plan in comparison to other insurance plans. Which covers almost all your risks when needed.

(2) Pure Protection Plan: It mainly gives the necessary cover protection to the insured’s family to deal with unforeseen situations.

(3) No investment option: Term insurance cover plan provides cover to the people dependent on the person taking insurance. Therefore, the amount received by insurance cannot be re-invested in the same policy.

(4) More coverage at low premium: Friends term insurance policy provides you more coverage at a lower premium. Which can be considered very good for you and your family. Because it does not put much extra burden on your pocket and you and your family become secure.

(5) Flexible Premium Payment: On taking a term insurance policy, the customer can choose from a wide range of premium payment options.

(6) Cover for Specific Period: In term insurance policy, cover is given only for a specific period.

(7) Risk Management: On taking a term insurance policy, it pays all your debts and liabilities. Due to which the family of the insured person does not have to go through any kind of financial trouble.

(8) Riders: You can purchase additional riders in the term insurance policy. Such as critical benefits riders, accidental death benefits rider and disability benefits rider are available in this.

(9) Variant: Many insurers provide term insurance plans in many different variants. Such as – Level benefits, increasing benefits, decreasing benefits.

(10) No Any Maturity Benefits: In most insurance policies, the policy holder is not given any maturity amount while he is alive. But some insurance companies have now started providing maturity benefits.

Benefits of Term Insurance Plan

What is Term Insurance Plan: The benefits of friends term insurance plan are many, about which we are telling you below in this article –

  • After your death, it provides financial security to your family.
  • It provides you high insurance amount policy at minimum premium.
  • It provides you the facility to purchase online term insurance plan.
  • Under Section 80C and 10D of Income Tax Act 1961, the insured gets tax benefits on his premium and payout.

Why should you invest in Term Insurance?

We believe that every person in the world should invest in term insurance plan. That too especially when you are such a person in your family who is going to earn a lot.

A person who takes care of his family and fulfills all their needs. A person on whom his entire family depends. So in such a situation, it is wise that we should take a life insurance policy not for ourselves but to secure the future of our family members.

It will not only help your family but also protects your family from many unwanted dangers. We are telling you some reasons why we should take an insurance policy –

  • For the security of your family, you should buy an insurance policy.
  • If you are the only person in your family who earns and whose income covers the household expenses. So you must take an insurance policy.
  • If your mother / father, husband / wife etc. depend on you.
  • Even if you are going to start your family, you should take an insurance policy.
  • If you have children and even after your absence, you want to secure their future.

Those who do not want that after their departure from this world, their family should not spread their hands in front of anyone. If they do not have to wander here and there for their daily needs, they do not have to suffer for their needs, then you should definitely give a great gift like term insurance plan to your family.

Income Difference

What is Term Insurance Plan: If you are such a person in your family who is the only earner, then imagine if something happens to you tomorrow. Then who will take care of your family? Who will be the one who will compensate your income which you were earning every month.

Who will replace your monthly earnings? How will your family’s needs be met? When any kind of accident happens to you, your monthly income gets reduced or it becomes completely zero?

Therefore it is very important that whenever you take an insurance plan, you should not blindly take insurance from any insurance company. Rather, you compare the same type of insurance policy of many insurance companies with each other.

By doing this you try to know which insurance company’s policy will be able to meet the needs of your family members after you. You can know all this by comparing the insurance policies of different insurance companies online.

Many companies are selling online term insurance plans today, you just have to buy one of them for your family members. So that after you this policy continues to help your family members in maintaining their current lifestyle.

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Hope friends, you have liked this article “What is Term Insurance Plan” of ours and whatever information we have given to you in this article. All that information will be important for you as well as help you choose the best term insurance plan for you and your family.

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