What is Adsense Ad Serving Limit and How to Fix it

What is Adsense Ad Serving Limit, How to Fix Ad Serving Limit Adsense, Fix Adsense Ad Serving Limit, Adsense ad limit solution

If you are a blogger or a YouTuber, then what is the adsense ad serving limit, how to fix this question must have come to you at some point or the other and if you have not faced this problem yet, then it may happen in the coming time. problem may be faced.

If you want that the problem of Adsense Ad Limit does not come to you, then it is important for you to know about this problem because knowing fully about any kind of problem, we can prevent the loss due to it in future.

What is Adsense Ad Serving Limit?

Many times we get the approval of Adsense for our blog or YouTube channel, but after a few days we get a message from Adsense about Adsense Ad Serving Limit and suddenly on our blog or website the ad has been placed by Adsense. It is not visible in front of the visitor or is seen in very few numbers.

And in this situation, despite having a lot of traffic on our blog, the earnings fall manifold because when the traffic coming to our site will not see the Adsense ad in front of it or it will be seen in a very limited number, then it is obvious. Earnings will also decrease.

What is Adsense Ad Limit?

There can be many reasons for putting Adsense ad unit limit in our Adsense, in which the main reason has been told to be invalid traffic. Invalid traffic means either you are bringing paid traffic from any social media platform to your site or more and more sharing or referral traffic is coming in the traffic coming to your site.

Many times we run campaigns to bring traffic to our site on Facebook or Instagram or other social platforms like this or from any other website, we buy traffic by spending money, this is called paid traffic, this traffic is harmful when their number More than organic traffic.

60 percent of the traffic coming to your blog, website or YouTube channel should be organic traffic, if you bring the remaining 40 percent from anywhere, there is no problem with Adsense ad unit limit.

On the contrary, when the maximum part of the traffic coming from outside on your blog or YouTube channel is social sharing or paid traffic and the amount of organic traffic is very less, then there is a problem of Ad Limit in your Adsense and then our earnings are negligible. remains.

Many times it also happens that there is organic traffic on our site but still the ad limit is imposed and the main reason for this is that our adsense account is new but in such a situation the ad limit automatically within 10 to 15 days. It just goes away.

In fact, when we link to any of our old blogs by creating a new Adsense account, then obviously the organic traffic on your old blog will be very good, but still, due to the new Adsense account being new, Google checks it by imposing an ad limit. Whether the traffic coming to your site is invalid somewhere, if everything goes well, the adsense ad serving limit is automatically removed in a few days.

How to Avoid Adsense Ad Unit Limit?

If I tell my experience, then we should share as much as we want with publishing a post or video on our blog, website or YouTube channel, but only once on one platform, and then the work of sharing that post is stopped. Should be done, now your next task should be to create backlinks for that post.

Many times we keep sharing the same post on different social platforms for many days, but by doing this the amount of traffic on our site starts increasing and the traffic coming on the forced shared post is in a way invalid. Happens because they don’t spend time on your site but come and go back.

If you continue working on your site and share your post with a limit, then gradually organic traffic starts coming to your site but whatever traffic comes to your site, spend time here from one post to another. To go to the post, you have to write quality content.

And your post will answer people’s questions well, then only organic traffic will come to your site in the coming time, the importance of your side will increase in the eyes of Google.

We should avoid buying traffic. If there is a post or article, then you will not need to buy traffic or share again and again, over time, organic traffic will automatically come to your site.

Adsense ad limit solution

When you get the message of Adsense Ad Limit, you feel that your Adsense account has got Ad Limit, then first of all you remove all the Ad units from your blog or website and if you have turned on auto ad then then it turn it off.

If you have bought traffic from any platform and are running a campaign for traffic, then stop it immediately, do not share your blog post again and again and now you keep working on your site for a few days without adding ads, publishing quality content. Stay tuned and keep checking the traffic in Google analytics report.

After a few days, you will feel that more and more part of the traffic coming to your site is showing organic traffic, then again start applying AdSense ad code on your blog or website and then you will find that Adsense Ad Limit from your Adsense.

In how many days the Adsense Ad Limit gets removed?

Although the problem of Adsense Ad Limit ends within 30 days but in some cases it may take longer. If you follow the above-mentioned things, then within a month you get rid of this problem.

After the Adsense Ad Serving Limit is imposed, the Adsense team constantly checks the traffic coming to your site, meanwhile you have time to control the traffic coming to your site and you have to follow the Adsense program policies When they feel that the quality of traffic coming to your site is fine, then they automatically remove Adsense Ad Serving Limit.

Adsense Ad Placement Tips

We have to take care of the adsense ad limit per page in the post of our blog or website, that is, according to the word, Adsense Ad should be applied, if you have written one of your posts in 1000 words, then put only 3 ads inside your post, short length articles. The problem of Adsense Ad Limit also comes due to putting more ads in it.

Similarly, if you have written an article in 1500 to 2000 words, then you can put four to five ads inside your article, it is not written officially by Google, but we are telling on the basis of our experience. If you put too many ads inside your post, then it also makes it difficult for the user to read your post and Google also considers it bad.

While putting the AdSense ad code on your site, you also have to keep in mind that there is no third party advertisement around the Adsense ad or there is no such clickable link on which the user wants to click, then accidentally click on the Adsense ad. Lets do it.

If you have placed many external links or internal linking around the Adsense ad, which is being clicked on the ad, then Google considers it a conspiracy, Google feels that you have done this intentionally so that If you get more and more clicks on your ad and you earn more and more, then your Adsense account can be disabled or even suspended.

If you want to put ads of any other ad network on your site with Adsense, then keep in mind the distance of both the ad, put the ad of Adsense and the ad of other ad network at a proper distance separately, or you can use Adsense’s auto You can choose the ad, in which case Google itself will show the ad at the appropriate place.


The biggest thing – when organic traffic starts coming to our site, then only we should put Adsense ad on our site, without adding traffic there is no benefit because when there is organic traffic then you will earn a lot and your adsense is safe. Will be there too.

Our Adsense account is surrounded by many dangers when Adsense ads are placed in low traffic, sometimes Adsense Ad Serving Limit is imposed and sometimes due to high CTR, our Adsense account remains in danger of being disabled or suspended.

When 60 to 70 percent of organic traffic starts coming to our site, then AdSense ignores our minor mistake, but without traffic, we make mistakes again and again, then our account is more likely to be suspended.

So we learned here, what is Adsense Ad Serving Limit, how to fix it, as well as discussed the quality of traffic coming to your site, we hope your problem is solved by reading this post.

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