What is the reason for yellowing Urine – What Disease, Causes of burning in urine, symptoms and remedies

What is the reason for yellowing urine, remedies to remove Urine yellowness, causes of burning in urine, Urine Colour disease, Urine Colour symptoms and remedies, bladder pain uti, bladder symptoms, bladder urinary tract infection, bladder infection frequent urination

Urine Colour: Know what disease you are suffering from by the color of urine?

Normal urine is light-yellow in color and is free of particles. Sometimes the urine becomes dark yellow in color. Urine can appear in many colors that represent different health conditions.

Thick yellow urine indicates dehydration. In this article, we will tell you about the different types of changes in urine, as well as the different factors that affect the color of urine.

Yellow color Urine Symptoms

Urine color being dark yellow indicates high amount of B vitamins. The color of urine becomes thick yellow due to taking vitamin-B supplements. When urine concentration increases, the color of urine becomes yellow. It can also be caused by sweating from the body or anything that has fluid flowing through the body.

How is Urine yellow?

The yellow color in urine comes from Eurochrome, a kind of waste product. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. Millions of red blood cells are renewed, so the body has to break down old cells.

Different colors of urine:

In this section, we will tell about the reasons for different color of urine, but you need to consult a doctor in some circumstances.

(i) Orange urine- Orange urine can be caused by taking certain types of drugs or medicines. Diets that cause orange urine include consuming carrots in large amounts because they contain a substance called carotene.

(ii) Red Urine- Hematuria found in urine is the main reason for the reddening of urine. The inclusion of beetroot and blackberries in the diet is also a factor in the reddening of urine.

(iii) Purple urine- A type of condition called porphyria is the cause of the urine becoming purple. Porphyria is a type of metabolic disorder.

Why does urine smell bad? (Does normal urine have an odor?)

  • Eating rotten cauliflower in large quantities.
  • Having urinary tract infection.

What causes yellow urine?

It is important to know what is the reason for yellow urine because ignoring it can lead to many problems. For example, frequent yellowing of urine can be a sign of stones in the urinary tract. People often ignore in the early stages, but when the unbearable pain starts below the waist, then the disease is detected.

Drinking less water leads to the formation of stones in the urethra. Stones are made up of three things calcium, phosphate and magnesium. Urinary stones are easily removed with the medicine in the beginning, but after the delay, its side effects start happening. In case of delay, surgery has to be done. Always consult a doctor if you have stones. High protein diet increases the chances of stones.

Those who eat more greens, tomatoes, cabbage, brinjal have also started complaining of stones. Although the mineral elements should be dissolved in the body, but in the body of many people it is not able to dissolve and it becomes a stone.

This can lead to many problems such as tumors, urinary tract bleeding, etc.

Treatment of Yellow Urine

  • Drink apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it a healthy drink. It helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body as it contains natural minerals.
  • Irrigate with warm water: Irritating with warm water provides relief to nerves and muscles. It reduces the pain and prevents the problem of frequent urination. It also reduces yellowing of urine.
  • Eat curd: Yogurt contains good bacteria which helps in keeping the bladder healthy. It helps the bladder and kidney to function properly. Consume curd regularly. Do not eat flavored curd.
  • Eat Amla: To stay healthy and fit, consume Amla. It contains vitamin C, barley reduces bladder infection. Take some amla juice and add honey to it. Consume this mixture with banana everyday.
  • Do not stop drinking water: Many people think that reducing water intake or fluid intake will reduce the problem of frequent urination. But that is not true. Drink small cups and small amounts of water but drink throughout the day. However, do not drink water before sleeping.

Burning in Urine causes, symptoms and remedies

Dysuria and pain in urination is a common problem. Every person has to go through this problem at some point of time. Lack of water in the body can also be the main reason for burning in urine. Due to this problem there is less amount of urine, urine becomes thick and it starts smelling as well as burning sensation. It also affects the kidney. Let us know about the symptoms of burning in urine and its remedies.

Causes of Infection

Infection in the urethra occurs when bacteria collect in any part of the urethra. If these bacteria grow in the urinary tract, it can cause inflammation and irritation there. This condition is called urethritis, if this bacteria reaches the bladder then it can also cause inflammation and irritation.

Causes of prostate

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is found just below the bladder of men. This gland surrounds the ureter or urethra. Its special thing is that this gland keeps on increasing in a man’s life, but when it increases excessively then it starts putting pressure on the urinary tract, causing obstruction in urination.

Causes of kidney stone

Often, drinking less water than necessary or due to any other reason can lead to stone formation in the kidney. If it is not treated while in the kidney, it can enlarge and slip into the ureter or ureter. In this condition the stone blocks the ureter so that urine cannot reach the bladder from the kidney.

Causes of blood cancer

When abnormal cells begin to grow on the inner lining of the bladder, they form a tumor. If not treated early, these cancerous cells start spreading beyond the lining of the bladder. This makes cancer difficult to control.

Causes of burning in Urination in Women

Urethral Infection

Every woman may have to face urinary tract infection at some point in her life. The small urethra or urethra of women is the main reason for this. Having a small urethra, infection-causing bacteria very easily reach any part of the urethra from the anus or anus and cause damage.

Causes of yeast infection

Yeast is naturally present in a balanced amount in the vagina of women. Of which Candida and some bacteria are also there. But due to some reason this balance can also be disturbed due to which the amount of Candida fungus increases and a vaginal infection occurs. Yeast infections are often more likely to occur during pregnancy. This is also because during pregnancy, a woman’s body starts producing estrogen hormone in excess, which upsets the balance of bacteria and yeast in the vagina.


UTI i.e. urinary tract infection is the most common cause of burning urination. Urinary tract infection may cause burning, stinging, and pain. This infection can also happen due to simple reasons and it can also be due to any disease in the urinary tract. Usually the burning and pain caused by UTI is tolerable, but due to delay and neglect of treatment, this pain and burning can also become unbearable.

Symptoms of Dysuria

  • urinating more often than usual during the day
  • urinating more than four times a night
  • sudden stop while urinating
  • straining to urinate
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • thick urine and foul odor
  • Occasional blood in urine

Treatment of Dysuria


Consume water, due to lack of water in the body, the color of urine becomes yellow and problems of burning start, in such a way, you need to consume more amount of water regularly in your daily routine. If you want, you can also consume coconut water, due to which the problem of burning urination ends soon.


Cucumber and Cucumber Consume Cucumber and Cucumber have a wealth of properties, it retains the coolness in the body due to it being very soft and digestible. Due to which urine is open freely and there is no problem of burning.

Vitamin C

Consume fruits rich in vitamin C. Fruits rich in vitamin C i.e. citric fruit eliminates the bacteria that cause urinary infections. Due to which there is no burning in urination. So eat fruits rich in vitamin C.


Consuming lemon: Consuming lemon is very beneficial in the pain and water caused while urinating. A type of acid is found in lemon juice. Also, lemon is very beneficial for health due to the alkalizing effect present in it. Also, the citric acid present in it has antibacterial, and antiviral properties, which relieves pain during urination.


Consume Coriander Coriander has the power to reduce the effect of dysuria. Due to which the problem of pain while urinating is reduced. Apart from this, antibacterial properties are found in it which eliminates urinary infection.

Cold milk and Kalmi Shora

Big cardamom seeds, cold milk without cream helps to relieve burning sensation of urine. Make a fine powder by grinding the seeds of black salt and big cardamom. Take a spoonful of powder and mix one part milk and one part cold water on it and drink it. Take this remedy thrice a day. By using this remedy for just two days, the burning sensation of urine goes away.

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