The online portal launched by the Government of India for all state contractors, recruiters and other stakeholders named “Shram Suvidha Portal” will explain in detail about the benefits and process of applying. It has been specifically introduced for the EPF / ESI / CLRA / BOCW / ISMW Act. The Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Central Government has provided access to the official portal single window for registration or licensing related services of employers / establishments and other stakeholders.
The main purpose of issuing this portal is to provide government implemented services to all state establishments, contractors, employers or major employers if any contractor wants to do any kind of registration related to their work or for their licensing. If you want to apply, then you can easily apply online on this portal. In this article below, we are giving you information about what is Shram Suvidha Portal in Hindi. Please read the entire article carefully till the end.
Labor Facilitation Portal for Labor Act
Shram Suvidha Portal for Labor Act – Shram Suvidha Portal provides facility to businessmen to get all types of registrations and submit the returns required under labor laws on a single online window. It also provides them with inspection reports prepared online by enforcement agency inspectors. The processes are simplified; Returns and registration forms are integrated to provide a business environment that encourages compliance and promotes ease of business by reducing transaction costs.
The Central Government has started the online registration facility of Shram Suvidha Portal for the 5 Labor Act. 5 The Central Labor Act, for which registrations have been invited, are as follows:
- The Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act (EPF) Act – 1952
- Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act – 1948
- Contract Labor (Regulation and Abolition) Act – 1970
- The Building and Other Construction Workers (BOCW) Act – 1996
- Inter-State Migrant Workers (ISMW) Act – 1979
Objectives of SSP-Shram Suvidha Portal-
Objective of Shram Suvidha Portal – Following are the objectives of Shram Suvidha Portal.
- The portal aims to consolidate information on labor inspection and its enforcement. This will lead to transparency and accountability in inspections.
- Compliance will be reportable in a single harmonized form which will make it simple and easy for those filing such forms.
- Thus monitoring the performance will be done using key indicators, making the evaluation process objective.
- It promotes the use of a common labor identification number (LIN) by all implementing agencies.
Online registration in Shram Suvidha Portal-
Online Registration In Shram Suvidha Portal – To register online in Shram Suvidha Portal, you have to follow the steps given below.
- Visit the official website of Shram Suvidha Portal. Click on the link to go to the Shram Suvidha portal.

- By clicking here, you will reach its home page. Here you have to click on “Registration and License“. As shown in the figure below.
- Now a new page will open in front of you. Here you have to click on the button “Click Here to Register“.
- By clicking on it, another page will open in front of you. Here you can scroll on the “Registration” tab and click on the link “Registration Under EPF / ESI” or click on the link “Registration under CLRA-ISMW-BOCW”.
Shram Suvidha Portal Registration - Now a new page will open for registration and license under the Labor Act.

- Here all new users can create their account by “Sign Up“. While existing users can “login” on the Shram Suvidha Portal.