Short and Long Paragraphs on Water Pollution in English

Essay, Paragraph, Article on Water Pollution: Water pollution comes into existence when concentrations of certain deadly chemicals exceed the safety limit and water is capable of causing acute damage to life and property.

Like all other types of natural element pollution, the term water pollution is associated with pollution. It can be defined as the presence of some unwanted and harmful elements in water that is harmful to living beings and property.

Here you can read short and long paragraphs on water pollution in simple language for kids and students.

(1) 100 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

Water pollution comes into existence when concentrations of certain deadly chemicals exceed the safety limit and water is capable of causing acute damage to life and property. Water pollution can occur when wastewater is discharged into clean water bodies without proper treatment to minimize the effects of deadly chemicals.

Many times people consume this water and it leads to various water borne diseases like typhoid and cholera. Apart from humans, contaminated water greatly affects aquatic life. We live in an era of science that is capable of eradicating this increasing pollution if it is proceeded in a proper and controlled manner.


150 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

Today, we live in a time of industrial revolution. This revolution comes with its own downfall, one of them being the generation of various types of waste which pollutes the basic elements of the environment which are important for our survival. They mainly lead to air, water and land pollution.

Water pollution can be classified by the nature of its source.

  • Point source
  • Nonpoint source

Point Source – A point source of pollution is one whose origin can be followed by the path it has taken. For instance, an industry discharging water pollutants can be detected by a pipeline that carries that waste. Thus, the pipe is a point source of pollution.

Nonpoint source – Nonpoint source refers to pollution that does not originate from a particular point. Surface runoff is a type of nonpoint source because water flows through different places such as roads, agricultural areas, etc. Therefore, in this case the source of pollution cannot be determined.

Therefore, these are ways in which the origin of water pollution can be classified. It helps in the development of technology to prevent water pollution to some extent.


200 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

Water pollution refers to contamination of water by mixing some harmful substances in certain quantities which is beyond safety standards. Contamination of water causes various problems for humans, for aquatic life and the flora and fauna of the affected area.

Due to water pollution

There are various reasons for increasing water pollution with industrialization and increasing population. With the increase in population worldwide, demand for various industrial products has been driven which has led to increase in industrial waste. Many such industries discharge waste water into nearby water bodies without proper treatment, which leads to the incorporation of harmful chemicals into the water body.

Modern methods of agriculture are also a major reason as the use of chemically used pesticides and disinfectants manipulates the soil and the water flowing through it combines with these chemicals and loses its purity. These agricultural pesticides are a major cause of eutrophication of freshwater lakes.

Other causes of water pollution include acid rain, improper sewage treatment, discharge of hot water without cooling by thermal power plants, religious rituals such as disposing of corpses in rivers and various urban and rural practices. Therefore, these are the root causes of increasing water pollution. These issues have to be tackled with the help of advanced technology and scientific principles to eradicate water pollution.


250 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

A dangerously large portion of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, meaning that if not controlled and taken care of properly, it has the potential to severely impact lives and property . As we know, water pollution involves certain chemical and biological substances in a concentration that is harmful to living beings and the overall environment. Water pollutants are classified based on their type.

Types of water pollutants

There are three types of water pollutants such as biological, radiological and chemical. Here’s a brief look at each of these:

Biological pollutants – This category includes pollutants such as micro-organisms, bacteria, fungi, and other bio-organisms that may prove fatal in high concentration. They are capable of spreading water borne diseases in humans and livestock.

Radioactive Pollutant – The presence of radioactive elements in water is called radioactive contaminant. This radioactive waste is capable of more harmful consequences such as genetic disorders in a person who accidentally consumes this water.

Chemical pollutants – These pollutants can be organic or inorganic and usually result in industrial discharge. These include lead from agricultural fields and heavy metals such as pesticides and herbicides.

Sources of water pollution

Water pollution usually results from wastes discharged by industries, residential areas and mining activities.

Biological wastes such as bacteria and fungi are mixed with water from domestic sewage discharge. A large proportion of water pollutants come from large industries that do not treat wastewater while a large part of nutrient waste comes from agricultural areas that use pesticides in large quantities.

The conclusion

Therefore, with the knowledge of the origin of water pollutants, we can develop methods to prevent this and ultimately prevent water borne diseases and save marine life.


300 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

Water is an integral part of our life. It is essential for the survival of all species on Earth. It helps in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. Everyone needs water in our daily activities such as bathing, cooking, drinking, etc. And so to ensure the smooth functioning of our daily lives, the availability of clean water is essential. When many biological, radioactive and chemical pollutants enter the water, it makes the water unfit for many purposes.

Consequences of water pollution

As pollutants enter the water, they enable it to produce diseases, damage aquatic and human life, spoil food chains, etc., all of which result in the disintegration of life on Earth collectively. Because all the components of the environment are there for us. Are dependent on each other.

The amount of damage from polluted water intake depends on the composition of that water and can have effects ranging from minor stomach ache to genetic diseases and other carcinogenic effects.

Nitrogen and phosphorus pumps are a fairly dangerous consequence of pesticide use in agricultural areas. This leads to algal blooms which further induces degradation of aquatic oxygen leading to death of aquatic animals and vegetation.

Other contaminants include heavy metals and chemicals that have grown rapidly over the last few decades due to increased industrialization and they increase the temperature and alkalinity of the water in which they are discharged and therefore that particular aquatic life. Water source damages.

The conclusion

So, water pollution mentioned above has different consequences. The extent and intensity of damage from these pollutants depends largely on their concentration in a particular sample. This issue needs attention from government officials, citizens and to some extent technical minds capable of erasing results.


400 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

Water pollution is the pollution of water in addition to harmful chemical, biological, and radioactive substances in concentrations beyond safety limits. This has become an important issue to be addressed so that humans can be protected from deadly diseases and maintain ecological balance in the environment with the existence of aquatic life.

Water quality standard

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has established certain standards to determine drinking water quality. Some of these are just guidelines, which are advised to follow and many others have a legal basis, so people are bound to follow them. These standards ensure that the water we are drinking is free from harmful chemicals, biological entities and other wastes. These laws or guidelines determine how harmful the elements in water are, such as chlorides, fluorides, total dissolved solids, e. Coli bacteria etc. Different parameters are applied to water for different purposes like drinking, irrigation, recreation etc.

The main purpose of the formation of these laws is to maintain the biological, chemical and physical integrity of water. The enactment monitors institutions that refuse to follow certain criteria to increase water quality.

Water treatment methods

Water treatment is the process of eliminating radiological, chemical and biological pollution from water and making it suitable for human use.

The various methods used for purification of water for domestic uses are desalination, reverse-osmosis, zeolite method, ion-exchange method and de-chlorination. Most water treatment methods use the principles of chemistry in working.

The treatment of industrial wastewater involves a different technique than that employed for domestic. Methods used are saline treatment, API separators (used in oil and water separation), trickling, filter processes, and more.

The conclusion

Therefore, due to increasing water pollution and damage to life and property, standards were established to ensure purity and many methods of treatment were devised using advanced scientific principles to deal with the increasing problem of pollution Have proved useful for As citizens we have to be careful and contribute to the evaluation of this natural resource before it is too late.


500 Words – Water Pollution Paragraph in English for Students

Since the last decade, the issue of water pollution and pollution has been increasing. Government bodies have taken the matter into their own hands and formulated laws and acts in favor of the issue. Leading environmentalists are discussing this issue and offering solutions for conservation of this resource. Even enlightened people are working at their level to contribute to this noble cause.

Water Prevention and Pollution Control Act, 1974

The Water Prevention and Pollution Control Act was established in 1974 to ensure the prevention of water pollution. This act ensures punishment to the owner of point water pollution sources and also ensures that the person concerned is facing legal inquiries. It is specifically designed to monitor wastewater in water bodies and to prepare safety water standards to be used for various purposes.

Movement against water pollution in India

At various times in the history of India, large numbers of concerned individuals have gathered and demonstrated against various environmental issues. One such effort was the Narmada Bachao Andolan started in 1985. This movement was started to protest the displacement of people living in the place where the dam was to be constructed. This project was then accompanied by protests against authorities for major ecological damage. The major leaders of this movement were Megha Patkar and Baba Amte.

Arguments were made in favor of construction of the dam which included providing water for irrigation and generating electricity in many areas of Gujarat.

Finally, the court approved the construction of the dam with a lower height than the proposed one and the dam was inaugurated by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The conclusion

We have come a long way to identify and classify the origin and types of water pollutants and to develop techniques for the treatment of wastewater and eradication of water borne diseases. With the help of environmentalists and more importantly enlightened citizens of the country, people are now more aware and alert about the environmental elements and the effects and causes of various anthropologists and natural activities on humans.

This enlightenment among the citizens has led the government to take strong steps to curb these harmful activities. The laws and enactments passed have a promising aura of change in the coming years. Finally, as individuals we must ensure that these values ​​and knowledge are passed on to generations to come to protect themselves and their own environment.

Long Paragraph on Water Pollution in English for Students – 200 words

Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems. It occurs when water is contaminated by substances such as human and animal waste, toxic industrial chemicals, agricultural residues, oil and heat. Most of our water bodies – rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, estuaries and underground water sources (ie, tubewells, borewells) are slowly getting polluted. “In the syllabus covered so far, you have seen that deforestation, urbanization, intensive agriculture and industrialization have caused pollution of water bodies. You are familiar with various aspects of air pollution, including the harmful effects of acid rain. In this unit we will summarize the different types of water pollutants due to various pollution sources, and explain some important concepts such as point and nonpoint sources, biological oxygen demand (BOD), self water solubility of natural water, infiltration . Pollutants of ground water, thermal pollution and pollution due to accidents in oil tanker ships. In the next unit you will read about erosion of land resources and terrestrial features of the Earth. Polluted water may look clean or dirty, but it always contains germs, chemicals, or other substances that can cause discomfort, illness, or death.

Short Paragraph on Water Pollution in English for Students – 150 words

Water is an important element of human environment which is essential for human and plant life. It is next to the wind. Water can be polluted in many ways. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and pesticides in their fields to grow more food. Rain and floods wash away some chemicals. They mix with river water, canal water and pond water. The mills and factories pollute the water by throwing waste materials and sell the products in rivers and canals. Steamers, motor launches and even sailboats can pollute water by throwing oil and food wastes into rivers and canals. Unilateral toilets in rural areas standing on the banks of rivers and canals also pollute the water. Water draining into rivers and canals causes water pollution. Clean water is safe for use and polluted water is harmful to humans. Therefore, all of us should drink clean water for a healthy life.

Short Paragraph on Water Pollution in English for Students – 150 words

Water pollution is as dangerous to health as air pollution. This happens when wastes from factories are allowed into rivers. When there is no river, the waste from the factories settles on the land. These wastes then slowly seep into the ground and pollute the ground water. Disposal of urban sewage into rivers pollutes river water, for example, the Ganges and Yamuna rivers are continuously polluted. Since the water of these rivers is also used for domestic purposes, it causes the spread of water borne diseases such as jaundice, dysentery, typhoid, etc. Efforts by a large number of tanneries in North Arcot district of Tamil Nadu have led to shortage of water in polluted wells. Number of villages. The use of pesticides and pesticides in agricultural areas also pollutes water. They flow into the rivers with rain. Sea water is polluted by oil spills from tankers and sewage discharges from factories located along the sea.

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