Short and Long Essay on Poverty in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Poverty for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 150, 250, 350, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

From these given essays, you can choose any essay according to your requirement. Through these essays we have covered various topics of poverty such as what is poverty ?, the effect of poverty on human life, causes and prevention of poverty, measures to control poverty, why poverty is called tragedy? Etc. has done the work of highlighting.

150 Words – Essay on Poverty for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Poverty is a condition of extreme poverty for any person or human being. This is a situation when a person starts to find important things in his life such as roofing, essential food, clothes, medicines etc. to continue life.

The causes of poverty are excessive population, fatal and contagious diseases, natural disasters, low agricultural yields, unemployment, casteism, illiteracy, gender inequality, environmental problems, changing trends in the economy of the country, untouchability, little or limited access to people’s rights, Problems like political violence, sponsored crime, corruption, lack of encouragement, inaction, ancient social beliefs etc. Experiencing issues have to. Poverty in India can be reduced by the following government solutions, although achieving this goal requires the individual efforts of all citizens of the country.

250 Words – Essay on Poverty for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Poverty is an obstacle in a person’s life, which prevents him from achieving success and happiness. In fact, to live a good life, it is very important that there is no problem like poverty in our life because poverty not only hurts the person but also takes him to wrong paths.

What is poverty ?

We can define poverty or poverty as lack of food, proper homes, clothes, medicines, education and equal human rights. Poverty forces a person to live a life without constant hunger, without home, without clothes, education and proper rights. There are many reasons for poverty in the country, although there is also a solution for this, but due to lack of proper unity among Indian citizens for these conditions, poverty is increasing day by day. The spread of infectious diseases in any country is a reason for poverty because poor people cannot take care of their health and hygienic condition due to lack of funds.

People in poverty like medical, to go to school, to speak properly, to eat three meals a day, to wear necessary clothes, to buy one’s own house, to get money for work, etc. Disables Poverty forces a person to go towards illness because they drink dirty water, live in dirty places and eat inadequate food. Along with this, problems like powerlessness and lack of independence also arise due to poverty.

The conclusion

Poverty in life is one such obstacle which causes many problems in our life. Due to poverty, the child becomes a victim of problems like illiteracy and malnutrition. If we really want to establish an ideal society, then we must first get rid of the problem of poverty.

350 Words – Essay on Poverty for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Poverty is one of the most pressing problems in the world, in today’s time, many efforts are being made around the world to remove poverty, then this dreadful problem is not taking the name of ending. This problem of poverty affects our lives both economically and socially.

Poverty – a dreaded life problem

Poverty is similar to that of a slave who is unable to do anything he wishes. It has many faces which vary according to person, place and time. It can be defined in many ways that a person lives and feels in his life. Poverty is a situation that no one would want to experience, however, it has to be carried out due to practice, nature, natural calamity or lack of proper education. Although a person lives it under compulsion, but usually wants to avoid it. Poverty is like a curse for earning enough money for food, for access to education, for getting enough living space, for necessary clothes and for poor people for protection from social and political violence.

It is an invisible problem which affects a person and his social life badly. In fact, poverty is a very frightening problem, although there are many reasons which have persisted with carrying it for a long time. Because of this, freedom, mental and physical fitness and lack of security in a person remains. It is very important that in order to live a normal life, the country and the whole world will have to work together to bring proper physical and mental health, complete education, home for everyone, and other important things.

The conclusion

Poverty is a problem that affects our whole life. Poverty is a disease that troubles humans in every way. Due to this, all things like a person’s good life, physical health, education level, etc., go bad. This is why poverty is considered a terrible problem in today’s times.

400 Words – Essay on Poverty for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In today’s time, poverty is considered one of the biggest problems in the world. Poverty is such a human condition, which gives rise to various problems in our life, such as grief and pain. People living in poverty neither get good education nor they get good health.

Poverty a tragedy

Poverty is a human condition that brings despair, sorrow and pain in our lives. Poverty is the lack of money and shows the lack of everything to live life properly. Poverty makes a child unable to enroll in school as a child and is forced to spend his or her childhood in an unhappy family. Due to poverty and lack of money, people suffer from problems like not getting two days’ bread, books for children and not being able to raise children properly.

We can define poverty in many ways. Poverty has become very common in India because most people cannot even meet the basic needs of their lives. Here a large section of the population is illiterate, hungry and forced to live without clothes and home. This is the main reason for the weak Indian economy. Almost half of the population in India is living a painful life due to poverty.

Poverty creates a situation in which people fail to get sufficient income, so they are unable to buy the necessary things. A poor person lives in his life without possession of basic things like two time meals, clean water, house, clothes, proper education etc. These people fail to maintain even the minimum standard of living such as consumption and nutrition necessary for survival.

There are many reasons for poverty in India although mis-distribution of national income is also a reason. People from low income group group are much poorer than people belonging to high income group group. Children of poor families never get proper education, nutrition and a happy childhood environment. The main cause of poverty is illiteracy, corruption, growing population, weak agriculture, growing gap between rich and poverty etc.

The conclusion

Poverty is the problem of human life, due to which a person suffering from it does not get basic facilities in his life. This is the reason that at present, many measures are being taken to prevent poverty, so that the standard of living of the people around the world can be improved.

500 Words – Essay on Poverty for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Poverty has become a challenge in our lives, in today’s time many countries around the world are in the grip of it. Looking at the data released in this subject, it shows that in spite of so many measures being taken for the eradication of poverty at the global level, this problem remains a symbol of light.

Measures to control poverty

Poverty shows poor quality of life, illiteracy, malnutrition, lack of basic needs, low human resource development etc. Poverty is a major problem in developing countries like India. This is a fact in which a section of people in society cannot even fulfill the basic needs of their life.

Poverty levels have shown some decrease in the last five years (from 35.97% in 1993–94 to 26.1% in 1999–2000). It has also come down at the state level like 47.15% to 48.56% in Orissa, 37.43% to 43.52% in Madhya Pradesh, 31.15% to 40.85% in Uttar Pradesh and 27.02% to 35.66% in West Bengal. However, in spite of this no special happiness or pride can be felt because still 26 million people in India are forced to live below the poverty line.

Poverty in India can be eradicated through the use of some effective programs, although the coordinated efforts of everyone are needed not only by the government but also for achieving this objective. The Government of India will have to devise some effective strategies for developing poor social areas, especially in rural areas through primary components like primary education, population control, family welfare, employment generation etc.

What is the effect of poverty?

These are some of the following effects of poverty such as:

  • Illiteracy: Poverty makes people incompetent to get proper education due to lack of money.
  • Nutrition and balanced diet: Due to poverty, inadequate availability of balanced diet and adequate nutrition brings a lot of catastrophic and infectious diseases.
  • Child labor: This gives rise to illiteracy on a large scale because the future of the country gets involved in child labor at a very low cost at a very young age.
  • Unemployment: Unemployment also arises due to poverty, which acts to affect the normal life of people. It forces people to live life against their will.
  • Social Anxiety: This creates social anxiety due to the acute income gap between rich and poor.
  • Housing problem: Pavement, roadside, other open spaces, living with many people in one room at the same time, it creates bad conditions for living.
  • Diseases: It increases various infectious diseases because people without money cannot maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness. For proper treatment of any disease, the doctor’s expenses cannot be borne.
  • Poverty in female prosperity: Due to gender inequality affects the lives of women on a large scale and they are deprived of proper diet, nutrition and medicine and treatment facilities.

The conclusion

There are such problems in the society as corruption, illiteracy and discrimination, which are affecting the world today. In view of this, we have to identify these reasons and make a strategy to deal with them and ensure the development of the society because the eradication of poverty is possible only through the overall development.

600 Words – Essay on Poverty for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Poverty is a situation in which people are unable to get even the basic necessities of life such as inadequate food, clothes and roof etc. Most people in India cannot get bread for two times properly, they sleep on the roadside and wear dirty clothes. They do not get proper healthy nutrition, medicine and other essential things. Poverty has increased in urban India due to increase in urban population as people are migrating from rural areas to cities and cities for jobs and money related activities. The income of about 8 crore people is below the poverty line and 4.5 crore urban people are on the border. Most people living in slums are illiterate. Despite some steps taken, there is no satisfactory result in terms of reducing poverty.

Causes and prevention of poverty

The main cause of poverty in India is increasing population, weak agriculture, corruption, old practices, huge gap between rich and poor, unemployment, illiteracy, infectious diseases etc. A large part of the population in India depends on agriculture, which is poor and causes poverty. Generally people suffer from shortage of food due to poor agriculture and unemployment. Increasing population in India is also a cause of poverty. More population means more food, money and household needs. In the lack of basic amenities, poverty has spread rapidly. The rich and the poor have greatly widened the gap between rich and poor.

Effects of poverty

Poverty affects people in many ways. Poverty has many effects such as illiteracy, unsafe diet and nutrition, child labor, poor household, qualityless lifestyle, unemployment, poor sanitation, higher poverty among women than men, etc. Due to lack of money, the gap between rich and poor is increasing. This difference leads a country to the category of underdeveloped. Due to poverty, a small child is forced to work at a low wage instead of going to school to help his family financially.

The solution to rooting out poverty

It is very important to solve the problem of poverty on an urgent basis for the good of humanity on this planet. Some solutions which can play a big role in solving the problem of poverty are as follows:

  • Besides making it beneficial, farmers should get proper and necessary facilities for good farming.
  • Adult people who are illiterate should be given necessary training for the betterment of life.
  • Family planning should be followed by the people to check the ever-increasing population and in the same way poverty.
  • To eradicate poverty, corruption should be eradicated from all over the world.
  • Every child should go to school and get complete education.
  • There should be avenues of employment where people of all classes can work together.

The conclusion

Poverty is not just a human problem but it is a national problem. It should be solved by implementing some effective methods on a quick basis. Various steps have been taken by the government to remove poverty, although no clear results are seen. Eradication of poverty is very important for the sustainable and inclusive growth of the people, economy, society and country. It is very important for every person to be united to eradicate poverty from the root.

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