Short and Long Essay on Deforestation in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Deforestation for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 & 400 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

To make the future generation aware of this problem, here we are providing many paragraphs, long and short essays in very simple language with different word limits. Essays given can be used by students at school facility and various competitions.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Deforestation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Deforestation is the removal of forests on a large scale by burning trees and forests to meet individual needs. Besides creating a natural balance in the environment, forests are very important for the whole human fraternity. However, without seeing and understanding its negative consequences on society and the environment, man is constantly cutting down trees. Since ancient times, wood has historically been of great importance and is used for many purposes such as fuel, for building houses, boats, paper production and in many works of mankind. The forest is essential for us and our future generations to live and enjoy a healthy and peaceful life in a pollution-free healthy environment.


150 Words – Essay on Deforestation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Deforestation is emerging as a major global problem for society and the environment. This is as a severe punishment for our planet as well as it is also pointing towards the end of life. Due to the continuous cutting of trees, climate, environment, biodiversity and the entire environment are having a very negative impact, as well as a threat to the cultural and physical living of mankind. There are many reasons for deforestation like collection of wood due to increasing human population and industrial needs of the people. Wood is considered the main product of the forest and the structural part of the physical needs of mankind.

Explosives require more land for human population to live and cultivate, so humans need to cut forests. In this way deforestation is happening more rapidly to meet human needs. However, deforestation by itself has a faster deforestation effect. It is affecting human life on a large scale by bringing negative changes to environment and environment.


200 Words – Essay on Deforestation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Deforestation is the cutting or removal of trees on a large scale to meet all the needs of a growing population. Human being is very selfish; They are deforestation by completely removing the forests without re-planting trees. However, humans do not know and do not know that inadvertently they are digging wells for themselves. People are turning forests into land to build more wood, fuel, farming, farms, houses and cities to live comfortably.

Deforestation has many effects such as loss of animal houses, dying animals, environmental changes, temperature rise, environmental heat rise, global warming, increased effect of greenhouse gas, melting of ice caps and glaciers, sea Increase in water level, decrease and hole in ozone layer, death of marine animals, greatly increases the risk of natural disasters like storms, cyclones, lightning Storm, change negative effects, such as floods, droughts, etc., which is enough to destroy the existence of life on earth.

The forest is very large in balancing human life and environmental cycle by providing water cycle, soil production, providing habitat for animals, providing oxygen, use of hazardous CO2, control of environmental temperature and soil erosion etc. Plays a role.


250 Words – Essay on Deforestation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Deforestation is the rapid loss of forests by continuously cutting trees without planting trees. This wildlife, human health and environment is very dangerous for the growing human population, increasing competition in the world is forcing mankind to establish a well developed city or cut forests for farming. In such a competitive world, all nations want to be more powerful than other developed and advanced nations. People need to cut down forests for houses, parks, multiplexes, industries, paper production, public infrastructure etc. In order to earn more money by selling wood, some greedy people are cutting down the forests and endangering wildlife and human life.

Wildlife is displaced and dying, real flora and fauna are dying, there is a positive change in the environment and messing up human life. Because of this, the natural habitats of very important animals are getting depleted and some are migrating elsewhere or entering human areas. In order to save life here in future, we have to preserve trees by stopping the cutting of forests or re-planting trees to preserve the natural cycle of the environment and save the animal sanctuary. In addition to reducing the amount of carbon dioxide, the conservation of forests is very important for fresh and healthy oxygen.

Deforestation leads to negative changes in air pollution, increased levels of toxic gases in the environment, increased soil and water pollution, increased environmental heat, etc. All the negative effects of deforestation increase the risk of many health disorders, especially lung and respiratory diseases.


300 Words – Essay on Deforestation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Deforestation is deforestation by mankind. Due to increasing population, the need of land is increasing for the fulfillment of other objectives like agriculture, industry, housing, business, city, etc., including removal of permanent forests. In the last decade, our earth was surrounded by forests from all sides whereas in the present days only a few numbered forests are left. Deforestation is a big problem for India as well as other countries. As a big environmental social issue, it is spreading all over the world.

Deforestation messes up human life due to ecological and environmental imbalances. To save the existence of life on earth, deforestation is constantly warning us of the need to stop the felling of trees. Some greedy people are deforestation to earn money from wood. People are cutting down trees for their agricultural works, paper, matches, furniture etc., urbanization (road construction, houses etc.), desertification of land, mining (oil and coal mining), fire (to get heat) etc. Huh.

Deforestation through climate imbalance, increase in global warming, soil erosion, floods, loss of wildlife, occurrence of pure oxygen level and increase in carbon dioxide gas, etc. is severely affecting mankind and the net environment. It is very important to stop deforestation in order to live life in a normal way. There should be some strict rules and regulations by the government of the country, which all citizens should follow. There should be some simple and easy ways to make the general public aware of the cause and effect of deforestation. Population should be controlled to reduce the need for deforestation. Whenever a tree is cut, there should be a rule to plant another tree in its place.


400 Words – Essay on Deforestation for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Permanent destruction of forests is deforestation to increase the use of sources of life and wood. Cutting down trees is not bad, but cutting down permanently is bad. If someone cuts a tree, he should re-plant the same or other place. Deforestation is done for many purposes such as farming, livelihood, home, furniture, roads, fuel and industrialization etc. Deforestation is leading to very bad and rapid destruction of the environment. In the last century, the earth had fallen from the forests, while at present about 80% of the forest has been cut and destroyed and even the rain forest has disappeared permanently.

The forest is needed for the good of wild animals, humans and the environment. Due to deforestation, many unique species of plants and animals have been permanently destroyed. The tree-cutting process is messing up the natural carbon cycle and increasing its levels in the environment day by day. In addition to removing pollutants from the atmosphere, the forest is a better medium to use CO2 gas from the environment and which maintains the purity of the environment. In any way, whenever the trees are destroyed or burned, they release carbon and methane which are harmful to human life. Both gases are called greenhouse gases which ultimately lead to global warming.

The forest is very important for complete rain, medicine, pure air, removal of air pollution, obtaining wood for many purposes. When we cut down trees, it messes up all the chakras and affects human life. Instead of cutting trees to meet the need of paper, we should make the habit of recycling old things as much as possible to avoid cutting down new trees. Imagine a planet without water, life is not possible. And in the same way, life without trees and forests is impossible because it is a means of rain, fresh air, animal habitat, shade, wood etc.

Without trees, it is possible to have rain, pure air, animals, shade, wood, nor medicine on the earth. Everywhere there will be only heat, drought, flood, storm, carbon dioxide gas, methane, other poisonous gases, and summer season, not winter. To prevent deforestation, we must take some steps together. We should not waste paper and avoid unnecessary use of things like paper kitchen towel, mouth cleaning tissue etc. To reduce the need to cut trees, we should think about reuse and recycling of paper items. Saving the forest and trees is in our hands and a small step taken from our side can prove to be a big step towards preventing deforestation.

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