Short and Long Essay on Acid Rain in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Acid Rain for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 700 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Both natural and man-made sources play an important role in the formation of acid rain. But it is mainly due to the combustion of fossil fuels, which causes sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) to spread to the atmosphere. Acid rain is an important subject on which students are often asked to write a paragraph or essay. We are providing essay on acid rain in various word limits here. Students can choose the essay related to the term limit as per their requirement.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Acid Rain for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Most of us consider rain to be fresh and beneficial for the environment, but not all types of rain are actually good. Acid rain (acid rain) is a type of rain that is very harmful to the environment.

Acid rain (acid rain) includes rain, snowfall, hail, fog or dew which are high in acid pollutants, especially sulfuric and nitric acids. Acid rain (acid rain) is caused by the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with water molecules present in the atmosphere to produce acids.

There are two main reasons for the presence of acid in natural and man-made air. Volcanic eruptions and erosive vegetation are examples of natural causes and road transport, chimney, industrialization, smoke generated from burning of fossil fuels are examples of man-made causes that are prone to acid rain (acid rain).

Acid rain has a poor effect on forests, water and soil. This leads to the loss of life of insects and marine organisms as well as damage to buildings and human health.

Acid rain also makes rivers, lakes and other water bodies poisonous. Acid rain is the main reason behind the damage to many buildings and monuments because acid cuts calcium carbonate stones.

Although not much can be done regarding the natural causes of acid rain (acid rain), we can take steps to reduce man-made factors. We must choose clean ways of energy, such as the use of solar energy, re-recycling of natural resources and planting more trees.


300 Words – Essay on Acid Rain for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hearing the name of acid rain, it seems that pure acid is falling from the sky but no, acid rain actually occurs when some gases combine with the moisture present in the atmosphere to form a mixture that normal rain. Is more acidic than Acid rain (acid rain) can be defined as rain, fog, hail with heavy rain or snow that has become acidic by the contaminants present in the air as a result of fossil fuels and industrial combustion, and mostly nitrogen oxides. (NOX) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).

Acid rain (acid rain) can be classified as follows: Dry acid precipitation or wet acid precipitation. Both forms of acid rain (acid rain), wet and dry, travel long distances by wind before it rains. Apart from these natural causes, pollution caused by chimney, industry, vehicles, etc. is included in the man-made causes of acid rain.

When acid rain (acid rain) falls, it dramatically alters the acidity level of the habitat causing a risk of destruction in the lifestyle of non-living as well as living things.

The effects of acid rain can be harmful for everyone, including all wildlife including forests, aquatic biodiversity, humans, buildings, infrastructure, soil, historical monuments.

Acid rain can only be prevented if we all use energy properly, such as maximizing the use of solar energy, recycling natural resources and encouraging plantation. If we are determined to stop all acid rain then this will definitely lead to better environmental conditions and a balanced level of pH in the air which will prove to be very beneficial for our environment.


400 Words – Essay on Acid Rain for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Acid rain (wet or dry) is primarily a mixture of a large amount of nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

Simply put, this means that the presence of some elements in the air increases due to pollution emanating from moving cars and industrial processes, causing acid rain (acid rain) on the earth. Acidity is determined by the pH balance of water droplets. However, normal rainwater is slightly acidic with a pH range of 5.3–6.0 because carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) react together to form the carbonic acid present in the air.

Due to acid rain 

Both natural and man-made causes play an important role in acid rain (acid rain). Poisonous gas comes out of volcanic and decaying vegetable gas, which produces acid rain (acid rain). However most gases originate from man-made sources, such as fossil fuel combustion.

Effect of acid rain

Acid rain has several negative effects, which are described as follows:

Acid rain eads to various respiratory problems which cause more difficulty in breathing.

  •     Acid rain causes rapid damage to the building and building materials and the color of the painted paint also fades quickly.
  •     Acid rain also affects the stone idols, due to which they start to look old before time and their importance and their value is also reduced. For example, the bad effect of acid rain (acid rain) on the appearance of the Taj Mahal is not hidden from anyone.
  •     Acid rain increases the amount of aluminum in the soil around the tree, due to which the roots of the tree are difficult to absorb water. For example in Germany there is a place called “Black Forest”. It got its name because acid rain caused considerable damage to the trees due to which the trees turned into dry leaves and branches.
  •     It seems to us that acid rain (acid rain) is a common issue but it can give rise to major disasters which we cannot even imagine.

How to Stop Acid Rain 

Although there are many ways to stop acid rain but one way by which we can all stop it is by using clean ways of solar energy. Such as recycling of waste and introducing the use of electric cars are the main ones. Although many efforts are being made to clean the air but still man has a long way to go to clean the atmosphere. If humans are more careful about the environment, the incidence of damage from acid rain can be reduced. But if our efforts to reduce atmospheric pollution are not strong, then all our natural resources could be severely damaged, which would threaten the extinction of life on the planet Earth.


400 Words – Essay on Acid Rain for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Acid rain can be defined as rain or fog which is naturally acidic.

Basically, acid rain (acid rain) occurs when hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) react chemically with precipitation. Smoke emanating from factories and vehicles is behind the spread of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

When these gases enter the atmosphere, they react chemically with pure rain water to form wild chemicals and acids such as carbonic acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid, resulting in acid rain.

Due to acid rain

Acid rain is produced mainly as a result of increasing levels of pollution. Acid rain is quite common in big cities like Bengaluru, Mumbai and New Delhi etc. This is due to rapid industrialization and urbanization. Acid rain and its hazardous effects are not limited to a certain area. As the air moves, it carries the hazardous chemicals present in acid rain to distant places. Scientists also agree that the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas is a major cause of acid rain. Therefore, factories that use fossil fuels in automobile industries, paper industries and chemical industries should reduce the emission of harmful gases which will reduce the percentage of acid present in the rain.

Adverse effects of acid rain 

Acid rain has several adverse effects which are described as follows:

  •     There is no scope of aquatic life in the water of lakes and rivers when the rain water gets from the acid rain. Acid rain affects the aquatic habitat of the ecosystem. As lakes, rivers and other freshwater bodies become more acidic, the number of water animals and other aquatic plants living in their water decreases further.
  •     This also reduces crop yield.
  •     This causes heavy damage to forests and wildlife. When acid rain falls in forest areas, it releases toxic metals like lead and zinc, which leads to less growth of trees and plants. In this way acid rain leads to less growth of forests and forest cover.
  •     Being corrosive, it can cause extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure. One of its important is the Taj Mahal building on which acid rain (acid rain) can be seen to be clearly rusted.
  •     Acid rain (acid rain) also affects humans. Acid rain causes skin rash, itching, hair loss and breathing problems. Acid rain can cause heart and lung problems.
  •     Toxic metals due to acid rain, combined with underground drinking water sources, make the ground water unfit for human use.

Remedy for acid rain 

Most factories are now required to be equipped with scrubbers. Despite being expensive, coal is burnt, eliminating the maximum amount of sulfur dioxide present in it. In scrubbers, a mixture of water and lime is sprayed with toxic gases to form limewater, known as condensed sludge.

Lime is another solution to the acidity present in water. Lime is very alkaline, so when added to lakes, it clears acidity. The only problem of this process is that it is very expensive and only a temporary solution.

Another solution for acid rain is catalytic converter, which is required for all cars, buses, autos and other road transport. The converter is mounted on the exhaust pipe through which the smoke passes through the exhaust pipe. He converts gases such as catalytic converter, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, and unchanged hydrocarbons into pure air.


700 Words – Essay on Acid Rain for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Acid rain includes rain, snow, hail, fog or dew, etc. in which acid pollutants are especially sulfuric and nitric acid. Acid rain is caused by the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which reacts with water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acid.

The term “acid rain” was first introduced in 1872 by Robert Angus Smith. The problem of acid rain has not only increased with the increase in population and industrialization, but now it has become even more dangerous. In fact, the smokestex (long chimney on factory, ship, etc.) used to reduce local pollution has promoted the spread of acid rain by releasing gases into the regional atmospheric circulation.

Acid rain can often be seen in most parts of Europe, including Canada, the United States, and parts of Sweden, Norway, and Germany. In addition to this, acid rain has been observed in South Africa and areas of South Asia, especially in Sri Lanka and India, some southern parts like Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai.

Types of acid rain :

There are two types of acid rain which are classified as follows:

Wet Acid Rain: When acid rain falls on the ground in the form of rain, snow, fog or mist, it removes acids from the atmosphere and deposits them on the surface of the earth. After that this acid starts flowing through the land, affecting a large part of plants, animals and aquatic life. The dirty water coming out of the drain flows into the water sources like rivers and canals, which later mixes with the sea water and affects the aquatic life.

Dry acid rain: When acidic pollutants dust or smoke fall on the ground as dry particles, they stick to the ground and other surfaces such as buildings, cars, houses, trees and monuments. Most of the acidic pollutants in the atmosphere are spread by freezing.

Due to acid rain

The main causes of acid rain are natural and human-organized. However acid rain is basically caused by the combustion of fossil fuels which promotes the amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) in the atmosphere.

Natural Sources: Volcanic eruptions are the main sources of acid rain (acid rain). The volcano emits large amounts of lava which produces harmful gases causing acid rain to exceed normal amounts. Acid rain is also formed due to the gas produced by vegetation, forest fires and other biological processes. Dimethyl sulfide is a typical example of a major biological contributor containing sulfur present in the atmosphere. Lightning also produces nitric oxide which reacts with water molecules through electrical activity to produce nitric acid, creating acid rain (acid rain).

Human-organized sources: Human activities firstly include sulfur and nitrogen gases from factories, power generation complexes and automobile industries which are the form of chemical gas. These increase the amount of acid rain (acid rain). In addition, the use of coal for power generation is the major cause of gaseous emissions, which is directly linked to acid rain (acid rain). The water present in these gases reacts with oxygen and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds like sulfuric acid, nitric acid etc. As a result, acid rain is excessive in those areas.

Harmful effects of acid rain:

Acid rain affects the environment in the following broad categories:

  •     Marine biodiversity
  •     soil
  •     Architecture and Infrastructure
  •     Forest and Wildlife
  •     public health

Ways to avoid acid rain

Acid rain caused by natural causes cannot be stopped but there are ways in which we can avoid acid rain due to man-made reasons. The ways in which acid rain can be avoided are:

Using limestone is known as the liming process by which people can repair the damage caused by acid rain to lakes, rivers and other water sources. Under this, lime is added to the acidic surface which balances the acidity of the water. However, it only provides a short-term solution to the broader challenges of SO2 and NOX emissions and risks to human health. Nevertheless the liming process helps in restoring the existence of marine organisms and also shows improvement in acidified water for a long time.

Millions of people contribute directly or indirectly to the emission of SO2 and NOX. To overcome this challenge, people need to focus more on energy conservation such as shutting down lights or electrical appliances, using public transport more and more, using efficient electrical appliances and hybrids. Use of vehicles that emit least amount of SO2 and NOX.

Apart from fossil fuels, there is a wide range of other energy sources that can generate electric power. These include wind energy, solar power, geothermal energy, nuclear power and water energy. These sources of energy may provide an alternative to effective electric power rather than fossil fuels. Natural gas, fuel cells and batteries can also be used in place of fossil fuels.

The conclusion

As you can see there are many ways to clean our air but due to increase in population and rapid industrialization we need to try on the warfare to reduce the occurrence of acid rain (acid rain). The whole world needs to contribute together in this direction to avoid causing great harm to the environment.

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