[Online Apply] RTE Maharashtra Admission 2023-23 – School List & Details

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2020-21 Online registration / application form is available at rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in, see last date / school list / procedure

Maharashtra Government is inviting RTE Maharashtra Admission 2019-20 (RTE 25 Maharashtra admission 2019) students to apply online. Interested students can fill the online form on the rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in portal, check the last date and list of schools. Students can also apply online for RTE Maharashtra 2019-20 admission through student.maharashtra.gov.in for rte 25 admission maharashtra 2019-20.

The RTE Maharashtra admission process for school going students is available in this post to help them apply online against the seats reserved for them. All students can fill the RTE Admission 2020 Maharashtra application form after login rte25admission. According to the official statement, the online application process for students in RTE Maharashtra Admission 2020-21 FY 2020-21 is the same as the previous year.

Under the Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009, there is 25% reservation for school children getting admission in reputed schools located in different cities of Maharashtra. The RTE Maharashtra 2020-21 admission deadline will be notified on the official portal soon.

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2020-21 Online Application Process

  • Go to the official website rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in
  • On the homepage, click on the “Online Applications” tab in the main menu
  • Then in a new window, all new users will have to register first by clicking on the “New Registration” link, which will open the RTE Admission 2020-21 Registration Form
  • Here candidates can fill all the details correctly and click on the “Register” button to complete the registration process. Later, students can login RTE 25 login with their user ID and password.
  • Accordingly, RTE Maharashtra 2020-21 admission online application form will appear
  • All the candidates can fill the details correctly and submit the complete application form for 25% reservation for admission in the government. / Government Aided Schools of Maharashtra.

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2019-20 के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया in Hindi:-

  • आवेदक को सर्वप्रथम आधिकारिक वेबसाइट https://rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in/adm_portal/Users/rteindex पर जाना होगा |
  • Header में स्थित “Online Applicaton” tab पर क्लिक करना होगा |
  • उपरोक्त tab पर क्लिक करने पर एक नई window open होगी | इस नई window में, नए उपयोगकर्ताओं को सबसे पहले पंजीकरण करना होगा | वे “New Registration” लिंक पर क्लिक करके ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण कर सकते हैं |
  • उपरोक्त link पर क्लिक करने पर एक registration form open होगा | यहां उम्मीदवारों को DOB और Mobile Number सहित सभी विवरण सही ढंग से भरने के बाद “Register” बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा | इसके पश्चात्, उन्हें “User Id” और “Password” प्राप्त होगा |
  • आवेदक “User Id” और “Password” से rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in में login कर सकते हैं |
  • इसके पश्चात आपके सामने, “RTE Maharashtra Admission 2018-19 Online Application Form” दिखाई देगा |
  • सभी विवरणों को सही ढंग से भरें और पूरा आवेदन फॉर्म जमा करें ताकि विभिन्न सरकारी / महाराष्ट्र सरकार के अनुदानित विद्यालयों में प्रवेश में 25% तक आरक्षण प्राप्त हो सके |

Students for RTE admission for Nandurbar, Sindhudurg, Osmanabad, Sangli, Ratnagiri, Amravati, Hingoli, Parbhani, Solapur, Bhandara, Dhule, Jalgaon, Buldana, Raigad, Thane, Satara, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Palghar, Jalna The registration process will start soon in Chandrapur, Ahmednagar, Aurangabad, Boli, Gadchiroli, Wardha, Latur, Yavatmal, Nashik, Akola, Washim, Mumbai, Nanded, Gondia.

RTE Maharashtra 2020-21 Admission Online List of Documents

Candidates can see the list of documents required for RTE Maharashtra Admission 2020-21

RTE Maharashtra 2020-21 Admission Documents ListRTE Maharashtra Admission 2020-21 Documents List

RTE Maharashtra 2020-21 Admission School List

All the candidates can see the complete list of schools online for RTE Maharashtra Admission 2019-20 on the official portal. The complete procedure is given below: –

  • Visit the same official website at https://rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in/adm_portal/Users/attexex
  • Then click on the “List of Schools” tab under the R Notification RTE 25% Reservation ‘section to open the search window for the school.
  • Here candidates can enter the state, district and then select the block or school name and click on the “Search” option to open the complete list of schools.

All the candidates who are eagerly waiting for RTE Admission 2020-21 in Maharashtra can register online on the official website rte25admission.maharashtra.gov.in.

RTE Maharashtra Admission 2020 21 Online Process

All the candidates can see the RTE Maharashtra admission process for 25% reservation through online application in the image given below: –

RTE Maharashtra 2020-21 Admission Process

After successfully submitting the application for RTE Maharashtra Admission 2020-2021, the list of selected students is going to be published online. Candidates will be able to find their name in the list of selected students against the seats reserved for them.

Maharashtra RTE 25 Admission Online Date (Tentative Schedule)

The admission schedule for RTE 25 admissions in Maharashtra is shown below: –

District School Registration Online Application
From To Open Close
Ahmadnagar 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Akola 08/02/2020 04/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Amravati 08/02/2020 06/03/2020 06/03/2020 22/03/2020
Aurangabad 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Bhandara 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Bid 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Buldana 08/02/2020 03/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Chandrapur 08/02/2020 03/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Dhule 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Gadchiroli 18/02/2020 06/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Gondiya 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Hingoli 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 06/03/2020 22/03/2020
Jalgaon 08/02/2020 01/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Jalna 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Kolhapur 08/02/2020 02/03/2020 06/03/2020 22/03/2020
Latur 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Mumbai 08/02/2020 04/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Nagpur 08/02/2020 04/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Nanded 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Nandurbar 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Nashik 06/02/2020 02/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Osmanabad 08/02/2020 01/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Palghar 08/02/2020 05/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Parbhani 08/02/2020 06/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Pune 08/02/2020 06/03/2020 06/03/2020 22/03/2020
Raigarh 08/02/2020 06/03/2020 06/03/2020 22/03/2020
Ratnagiri 08/02/2020 01/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Sangli 08/02/2020 07/03/2020
Satara 08/02/2020 06/03/2020 07/03/2020 22/03/2020
Sindhudurg 08/02/2020 03/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Solapur 08/02/2020 04/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Thane 08/02/2020 04/03/2020 06/03/2020 22/03/2020
Wardha 08/02/2020 02/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020
Washim 08/02/2020 07/03/2020 07/03/2020 22/03/2020
Yavatmal 08/02/2020 01/03/2020 05/03/2020 22/03/2020



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