Long & Short Essay on Education In English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Education for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 250, 400 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

It actually contains both man-made and natural components. In general terms, it refers to natural elements like air, water, soil, rivers, lakes etc. In the essays below we will go through many aspects of the environment and damage it.


250 Words – Essay on Education for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Education is the most important requirement for a person’s development and progress. It is also very important that education should be provided from an early age to take advantage of it.


Education is very important for the overall development of a person. It never bothers to be educated and at whatever stage of life you are going, it always helps to educate yourself. However, it is also true that the more elementary education is provided to an individual, the better. Therefore, governments around the world give more importance to child education.

Children are the future of a nation and play an important role in tracing their path to success and development. Today’s children are ready to be the pillars of society tomorrow, making productive contributions to the development of the nation.

Realizing the importance of early education in a child’s life, and also in the future development prospects of a nation, many countries around the world have mandated primary education for their children.

Going a step ahead of others, India has made compulsory and free education a fundamental right under the Fundamental Rights (RTE) Act 2009. The Act makes primary education compulsory for children between 6 and 14 years of age.

The conclusion

It is very important that quality education is provided to all without any discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, financial background or other divisions. A person who missed an opportunity to attend a school during childhood has all the rights to re-educate and educate himself. However, the fact that an early start to education is better than a later start cannot be denied.


400 Words – Essay on Education for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Education refers to the learning process, acquiring skills and values. Education is essential for the overall development of the child. Not only children, but quality education also benefits individuals of all age groups. Education is a powerful weapon that can transform an unproductive person into a productive member of society.

Education and development

Education brings holistic development on many parameters to the individual, society as well as the nation. On a personal level, it prepares a child to educate and distrust him on the challenges of the world. An educated child or adult has a clear chart out plan for growth and courage to walk that path.

In addition, an educated person obtains employment or is involved in any form of self-employment, leading to financial development in his family. Majority, educated and well-to-do families lay the foundation of a progressive society, which grows with each passing day.

Educated and productive citizens are valuable assets of any country and contribute significantly to its social and economic development. A quality and compulsory education helps in the development of a nation by creating illiteracy, poverty and overall harmony.

Education and society

To a large extent the well-being of the society also depends on the availability and quality of education opportunities. A society that gives due importance to education and takes no effort in making it accessible to its children and adults, without gender-based or other forms of discrimination, is sure to be a healthy, happy and productive society. Such a society is like a gem in the crown of the nation.

Furthermore, it would not be wrong to say that the real progress of a nation begins with its societies; On the other hand, the progress of a society depends on the level of its education and its accessibility. Therefore, education is an integral part of a civilized society and the latter cannot progress without giving proper credibility to the former.

The conclusion

Education is most important for the development of society and the nation as a whole. Without education, there would be only widespread illiteracy, poverty and a broken, fragile and turbulent society. A nation cannot progress in the backdrop of such a society. Therefore, education is the light that transforms a dark and unproductive society into a bright and productive one. The same happens in the case of the nation.


600 Words – Essay on Education for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

‘Education’ is the process of acquiring knowledge on various topics of human concern. In common belief, education refers to school education. The mental growth of any child depends to a large extent on the quality of education that he or she receives.

importance of education

Education is very important for the development of mental abilities of the child. Not only education but the whole process of education, which goes through a child, is necessary for his mental, physical and social development.

Schools and colleges are an integral part of education. They provide education to all without discrimination and treat everyone equally. It is only during early schooling that a child acquires very basic knowledge of essential subjects such as – language, mathematics, science etc. Although small, however, the curriculum lays the foundation for the future development of the child.

Education provides a vision of the future and puts wings to achieve it. It is a lifelong process that develops a person mentally and makes him a more intelligent human being.

Education has the potential to raise the standard of living of society by helping to fight poverty, unemployment and general unrest. An educated society often lives in peace and contributes beneficially to the development of the nation.

Education – A Fundamental Right

Realizing the importance of education in the development of an individual, society and nation, the Government of India had passed an Act called “Right to Education”. The Act came into effect on 1 April 2010 and free and compulsory education was implemented as a fundamental right for all children between the ages of six and fourteen.

The Act made education both free and compulsory. “Free education” means that no child will have to pay any fee for continuing education in government-supported schools. However, this does not apply to private schools, where a child is enrolled by his parents.

The term ‘compulsory education’ places an obligation on the state and related agencies to ensure that no child in the defined age group is left with education. Its purpose is to deal with school dropout rate and illiteracy.

Education – A Global Concern

The world community also recognizes the right to education as a human right. World powers have come together to make primary and secondary education accessible to all.

International law of the right to education applies not only to children in particular, but to all persons of all age groups; However, children can be the main beneficiaries.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4 is related to education. SDG-4 implements seven intended objectives as given in the bullet list below-

  • To ensure by 2030, that all children get free and quality education (primary and secondary).
  • To ensure primary education to every boy and girl by 2030.
  • Eliminate and facilitate any existing gender inequality in high-level university education.
  • To increase the number of individuals with business skills and entrepreneurship capabilities by 2030.
  • Eliminating gender inequality in education at all levels by 2030.
  • By 2030, to ensure that every youth and adult, regardless of men and women, is educated.
  • Providing skills to all individuals by 2030 so that they can promote sustainable development goals.

The conclusion

Education is a tool to tackle many fundamental problems like poverty, unemployment, crime rate, gender inequality. An educated person is like a pillar who strongly supports his family as well as society and nation. Education has been made a fundamental right in India and it is undeniably the most important of all the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.

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