Long and Short Essay on Solution of Pollution in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Solution of Pollution for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

After going through the essays you will find out what are the solutions to pollution, how can we prevent environmental pollution by prioritizing public transport over private vehicles, using less electricity, saying no to plastic; You will also learn about more environmentally friendly ways of reducing pollution.

We are providing here Essay on Solution of Pollution, which are classified as small and big essays. You can choose any essay in the Essay on Solution of Pollution according to your need and requirement. All the essays written on Solution of Pollution have been written using simple and simple sentences. So you can choose any of these essays:

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Solution of Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Today pollution has become one of the most discussed topics around the world, but for all the bad reasons. As we know it refers to the contamination of the environment by unwanted compounds, which are mostly produced by human activities. As pollution is caused by human activities but naturally the solution is also in the hands of humans only.

Initiatives to use more environmentally friendly sources of energy – solar panels, windmills etc.; Strict vehicle emission norms; Regulation of industrial pollution; Efficient mechanisms for waste collection and disposal; Improved and efficient sewage management system; Drainage water can be recycled to reduce environmental pollution.

Even simple initiatives such as avoiding the use of plastics and plastic materials, turning off lights and machines when not in use; And taking public transport instead of a personal vehicle would go a long way in reducing environmental pollution, by ensuring that less hazardous gases are emitted into the atmosphere.

We need to take these steps in our capacity immediately, if we want our planet to be always green and healthy, the way it is now.


300 Words – Essay on Solution of Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Pollution is one of the main threats to the environment today. This actually compromises the quality of air, water and other components of the environment necessary for life. The increasing impact of pollution has emphasized the need to find new solutions to prevent this.

Ways to control pollution

There are several ways by which we can control environmental pollution. Some of them are as simple as using paper bags to modify emission standards. Below we will go through some simple methods to reduce the impact of pollution on the environment, which we can adopt in our daily lives.

1. Say no to plastic

Plastic is the most widely used material and is a hazard. It is the most commonly found contaminant in the environment. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and is found in our offices, schools and homes. When this plastic has served its shelf life, it is scattered in the environment and being non-biodegradable it remains there for decades. If we stop using plastic from now on, we will make a huge contribution to save the environment.

2. Turn off the light

Power generation units are one of the main contributors to air pollution. These power plants use coal and other fossil fuels, which release toxic fumes and gases. Also, higher demand for electricity will burn more fuel in the power plant and hence will emit more hazardous gases. What can we do to reduce electricity consumption, which can reduce demand and ultimately cause less harm to the environment.

The conclusion

Some solutions to pollution are simple and easy to follow. We need determination to prevent the damage and foresight to the environment to understand the devastating consequences of pollution over the next fifty to one hundred years.


400 Words – Essay on Solution of Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Environmental pollution is the most discussed topic in the world, due to the danger that it poses a threat to the environment as well as the life and health of flora and fauna present on the planet. In order to keep the environment safe and pure, solutions to pollution problem should be initiated.

Ways to reduce pollution

Given below are some methods that can be employed to reduce pollution and keep the environment clean.

1. Use of electric and hybrid vehicles

Pollution caused by vehicles is the main cause of environmental pollution. Everyday vehicles release tons of environmentally hazardous gases as exhaust emissions. These gases mainly contain carbon monoxide which is a toxic gas and is harmful to human health. There is an urgent need to switch to more environmentally friendly transport options such as electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles.

2. Eco friendly power production

The power generation industry is the main cause of environmental pollution today. The industry uses coal and other conventional fuels that emit toxic gases as byproducts, ultimately causing environmental pollution. Greener and more environmentally friendly alternatives such as windmills and solar panels should be employed to reduce environmental pollution.

3. Better emission monitoring system

Vehicles and industrial emissions need to be monitored strictly. For this purpose a proper emission criterion should be defined and it should be supervised with strict rules and regulation.

4. Proper collection and disposal of waste

Proper collection and proper disposal of waste from urban areas is also very important to reduce environmental pollution. In the absence of proper collection and disposal mechanisms, the waste released from urban settlements reaches the environment and pollutes it. There is a need to collect the waste properly, separate it according to its quality, and then recycle it or uproot it.

The conclusion

There are many solutions to the problem of environmental pollution, but all these require tremendous will to include environmental pollution as a precondition.


500 Words – Essay on Solution of Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Almost all environmental pollution is caused by human activities such as industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, improper waste disposal etc. The problem of pollution is also in the hands of humans. Below we have discussed some of the main solutions to pollution.

A brief description of some of the major solutions to air and water pollution is given below.

Solution to air pollution

Some of the most important solutions to air pollution are described below-

1. reduce industrial emissions

Industries contribute a good amount of pollution by emitting harmful and toxic gases as a by-product. Pollution from industrial emissions can be reduced by adopting new post combustion control methods. Efforts should be made to reduce the amount of harmful gases emitted such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides etc.

2. Improvement in road vehicle emission standard

The emission standards of road vehicles should be improved to ensure that they do not contribute to pollution by emitting large amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants. The emission standards of road vehicles should be revised from time to time and their implementation should also be ensured properly.

3. Ensuring proper maintenance of vehicles and machinery

Proper maintenance of vehicles and machinery is also very important to ensure that they do not contribute to environmental pollution. Vehicles that are not well maintained emit large amounts of toxic gases. This causes air pollution, which makes the air harmful to breathe. On the other hand, vehicles that are maintained tend to emit less smoke and harmful gases, which do not cause much harm to the environment.

4. Controlling construction dust

Dust is the main cause of environmental pollution in urban areas due to never having construction work. Very small particles of dust float in the air, sometimes making the air so thick, reducing its visibility to just a few meters. Some traditional methods of water spraying and time management can be employed to reduce dust due to construction.

Solutions to water pollution

  1. Waste Water Treatment

A major cause of water pollution is wastewater from industries and urban areas. Wastewater from urban sewage as well as industries is discharged into the bodies, polluting them and rendering the water useless. New technologies need to be employed for the treatment of this wastewater so that it can be recycled and reused instead of being dumped into water bodies.

2. Green farming

The use of chemicals in agricultural fertilizers is one of the major causes of soil as well as water pollution. Hazardous chemicals mix with the soil and flow into the water bodies with rain. When these chemicals enter the water bodies, they make the water toxic to use and pose a threat to aquatic species.

3. Plastic Waste Reduction

Plastic bags are also one of the major causes of water pollution. They are widely in use and are easily carried by air and water to our water bodies. Reducing the use of plastic bags and instead using paper bags will greatly reduce pollution of water bodies.

The conclusion

Pollution is widely affecting the environment, harming it every day. Damage to the environment is damage to every part of the environment which is air, water and other essential resources. The necessary steps described above should be taken to reduce air and water pollution and thus to keep the environment safe and pollution free.

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