Long and Short Essay on Hinduism in English

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After going through these Hinduism essays you will know why it is called ancient religion, Vedas related to Hinduism, what are the established rules, how and where followers worship about the belief and tradition of this religion.


100 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is the main religion of India. Hinduism is believed to be more than 4000 years old. Hinduism is believed to have developed according to the Vedas of the ancient Arya Samaj. It is not created by any person or individual, but time has established and spread this religion.

The Vedas have been considered the world’s first written book. The existence of Vedas is recognized all over the world. The Rigveda is considered the oldest of the four Vedas. Many experts believe that Hinduism has established its own rules and norms, only by following the rules and statements written in the Vedas.


150 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The history of Hinduism is very ancient. This religion is believed to precede the pre-Vedic period because the Vedic period and the period of the creation of the Vedas are considered different. The oral tradition continued here for centuries, through which its history and texts proceeded.

The word Hindu was not in vogue a thousand years ago. Sapta Sindhu is mentioned many times in the Rigveda. According to linguists, the “S” sound of Sanskrit is converted to the “H” sound of Iranian languages. People living in the west of Hindustan called the Indus River a Hindu because of this pronunciation difference.

On the other hand other historians believe that the word Hindu originated from Indu during the time of the Chinese traveler Xuanzig. According to another view, the first letter of the Himalayas, “Hi” and Indu’s last letter, “Naddu”, combined these two letters to form the word “Hindu” and the land was called Hindustan.


200 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hinduism is also known as Sanatana Dharma. It is called the oldest religion in the world. This religion originated even before the origin of humans, it is believed that it is also called Vedic Sanatana Varnashrama Dharma.

Who is the founder of this religion is still controversial because scholars consider it to be a mixture of cultures and traditions of India. This religion has many followers and on this basis it is considered the third major religion in the world.

Its followers are in India and Nepal and also in Mauritius. It is based on the Vedas and hence is also called Vedic religion. In Indonesia, it is also called Hindu Agam. The Hindu is not only a religion, but asks to live life on a pattern of humanity and unity.

Evidences of Hinduism are found in the Indus Valley Civilization, from which idols of many deities have been obtained. According to the ancient sages, Bharatvarsha was named Hindustan, which was later called Hindustan. The origin of the word Hindu is believed to be from the words Indus and Himalaya. The first two letters of the word Himalaya and the last three letters of Indu when combined form Hindu words.


250 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The history of Hinduism is very ancient. Vedas are the most sacred texts of Hinduism. Hinduism had its origins in the concept of the early Aryans who lived in 6500 BC. It is believed that it was composed gradually and finally the first Veda was compiled into three parts – the Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda.

It is also believed that the Vedas were divided in the time of Pururava Rajarshi before the birth of Rama. The Atharvaveda was later compiled by the sage Atharva. At the same time, according to another belief, Ved Vyasa wrote the Vedas during the time of Krishna. It is also believed that in Dwapara Yuga, the sage Vyasa divided the Vedas into four parts.

However, according to historians, the beginning of Hinduism is said to parallel / post Indus Valley Civilization (5000 years ago), while documents written in texts speak to much more than this. For example, a 6000-year-old mural of Sri Rama was found in Iraq in 2019, as well as a Shiva statue named Kalpa Vigraha, which had a carbon dating age of 28,450 (in 2019). This evidence makes Hinduism far more ancient.

Some Hindutva advocates believe that Hinduism came to the sages 12,000 years ago by the end of the Ice Age. In recent times, Hinduism has been described as an open-source religion, unique in that it has no defined founder or doctrine, and its ideas evolve continuously in response to historical and geographical realities. It is described as a river with many tributaries and branches such as Jainism and Buddhism etc.


300 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. It has millions of followers in the world, especially in India, Mauritius and Nepal. People believe in the worship of gods and deities. Hindus believe that if a creature dies, it has to be born again after death. They follow the ‘principle of karma’.

Arya Samaj and Sanatan Dharma

Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj, has called Hinduism a ‘Vedic religion’. He told that Vedic religion is related to Sanatana Dharma and that is true Hinduism. Scholars also say that the word ‘Sanatan’ means eternal, permanent and ancient. For this reason, Hinduism is also called Sanatana Dharma.

Vedas and Vedic Religion

It is true that the oldest religion in the history of world religions is ‘Vedic Religion’. Vedic religion begins from where the Vedas begin. All the old religions were abolished, but the Vedic religion still survives. Vedic religion depends on metaphysics. There are many metaphysics, which science also accepts.

Hindu god and goddess

The great scholars of Hinduism, with their knowledge, ended the crises on their religion. From time to time, these scholars presented their arguments to the people with full arguments in favor of Hinduism. Hinduism is such a banyan tree, which has as many deities as its branches. The number of Hindus who believe in all those deities is very large.

Not only this, every person has complete freedom to worship his deity. The main deities of Hindus are Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Apart from this, Hindus also worship Shakti in the form of goddesses like Durga, Kali, and Saraswati.

The conclusion

A great feature of Hinduism is that there is equal participation of nature and man, ie woman and man, within the method of worship. Hindu literature is considered a rich source of conduct and behavior of a great life which leads to salvation.


350 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The Rigveda is considered to be the oldest and first book in the world. Hinduism is based on this book. The philosophy described in this book will be found in every religious book in the world. It is believed that on the basis of this book, later Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda were composed. In fact it was the division and expansion of various subjects of the Rigveda.

Origin of the word Hindu and Arya

The words ‘Hindu’ and ‘Arya’ are found in Avesta, the religious book of Zoroastrians of the Iranian country. On the other hand, other historians believe that the word Hindu originated from Indu during the time of the Chinese traveler Xuanzig. The word Indu is synonymous with Moon. The lunar month is the basis of Indian astrological calculations. Therefore, the people of China started calling Indians ‘Indu’ or ‘Hindu’.

History of Hinduism

When we talk about history, the Vedas were not composed in any one period. Scholars began the construction of the Vedas in 4500 BCE and acknowledged that it was composed gradually and finally in the time of Krishna, the Vedas were divided into four parts by Veda Vyasa. The Vedas are 6508 years old in writing. The fact that Krishna’s facts were discovered 5500 years ago cannot be denied.

Other concepts

But according to religious literature there are some other concepts of Hinduism. It is also believed that it originated in ancient times. In fact, Hindus kept their history alive based on singing, rutting and sources. This is why history gradually became poetic and beautiful. The era was such that there was no paper and pen. History was written on rocks, stones and brains.

The conclusion

When we read the texts of the history of Hinduism, there is a reference to the tradition of Manas before the tradition of sages and saints who have been called Kulkars in Jainism. There are 14 Manu respectively who worked tirelessly to make the society civilized and technologically prosperous. The name of the first human being on earth was Swayambhuva Manu and the first woman was Shatrupa.


400 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma is one of the oldest religions on earth. However, many scholars have many opinions about its history. Modern historians consider the history of this religion to be a few thousand years old, based on archaeological investigations such as Harappa and Mehrgarh, where many signs of Hinduism are found in the Indus Valley Civilization of India.

Among these, statues of Goddesses, postures of deities like Lord Shiva, idols of many other deities, worship of Peepal, etc. are prominent. According to historian facts, people in the Indus Valley Civilization were Aryans and their original place was India.

Brahma and Word Oum

According to the Upanishads, Brahma is the ultimate element. He is the essence, soul and foundation of the world. The word originates from it and the world dissolves in it. Brahma is one and only one. He is the ultimate truth, omnipotent and omniscient. He is the source of ultimate knowledge.

Oum is called the ultimate holy word. Hindus believe that the sound of Aum is echoing throughout the universe. It is heard when a person goes deep into meditation. The vision of Brahma is the central pillar of Vedanta philosophy and Hinduism has a unique contribution to the world.

Varna system

Varna system and caste had special importance in ancient Hindu system. There were four major varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. Earlier this system was karma predominant. If someone works in the army, he will become a Kshatriya irrespective of his caste. But today it is not so.

The soul

According to Hinduism, every conscious creature has an essence soul, which is disorganized, latent, irrational and devoid of disorder. According to Hinduism, not only in humans but every animal and plant, i.e. every living being has a soul. In the Bhagavad Gita, the characteristics of the soul are described by Lord Krishna: “This soul is neither born nor dies in any period, nor is it born again and again; Because it is unborn and eternal. It is not killed even after the body. ”

Place of worship

The places of worship of Hindus are called temples. The temples are the best symbols of ancient and medieval Indian art. Millions of devotees visit the temple every year.

The conclusion

Many great men have paid attention and contributed a lot to this religion. Adiguru Shankaracharya did very important work for this. He established four peeths (monasteries) in four directions in India, which are – Jyotipeeth near Badrinath in the north, Sringeri Peeth near Rameswaram in the south, Govardhan Peeth in Jagannathpuri in the east and Dwarikapith in Gujarat in the west.


500 Words – Essay on Hinduism for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Hinduism is a religion or way of life, whose followers are mostly in India, Nepal and Mauritius. It is called the oldest religion in the world. It is also called the ‘Vedic Sanatan Varnashrama Dharma’, which means that its origin is even before the origin of human. Scholars consider Hinduism to be a mixture of different cultures and traditions of India, which has no founder.

There are many different ways of worship, religion, sect and philosophy in this religion. It is the third largest religion in the world by number of followers. Most of its worshipers are in India and Nepal by percentage. Although many deities are worshiped in it, it is actually a monotheistic religion. It is also called Sanatana Dharma or Vedic Religion.


The sacred texts of Hinduism are divided into two parts – Shruti and Smriti.

Shruti (in Sanskrit it means “that which is heard”).

Shruti is the supreme text of Hinduism, which is completely immutable, meaning it cannot be changed in any era. The Vedas which are Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda, and Brahma Sutras and Upanishads come under Shruti. The Vedas are called Shruti because Hindus believe that these Vedas were recited by divine sages when they were in deep meditation.

Smriti (in Sanskrit it means “that which is remembered”).

Except Shruti, all other Hindu scriptures are called Smriti, because they contain stories that people have memorized and written from generation to generation. All the Smriti texts praise the Vedas. They are easy to read and are read by most Hindus (very few Hindus read the Vedas). The major memorial texts are: History- Ramayana and Mahabharata, Bhagavad-Gita, Puranas (18 in total), Manuscripts, Dharmashastras and Dharmasutras, Agam Shastra.

There are also 6 major parts of Indian philosophy – Samkhya Darshan, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta.

Goddess and god

There are many Goddesses and Gods in Hinduism. There can be three opinions about these deities:

  • According to Advaita Vedanta, Bhagavad-Gita, Vedas, Upanishads, etc., all deities are different forms of the same God (God himself is the form of Brahma). To do devotion to the formless God, the devotee sees God in his heart as a beloved. According to the Rigveda.
  • According to Yoga, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, most Shaivites and Vaishnavites believe that the gods are supernatural forces that rule the minds of humans. According to Yoga philosophy, God is father and guru-like Prajapati and sages like Indra and Angira.
  • According to Mimamsa, all gods have independent power and no god is above them. To perform the desired deeds, it is necessary to please one or several of these deities through rituals and worship.

Whatever be the thinking, these deities are integral to the colorful Hindu culture. The main deities of the Vedic period were Indra, Agni, Soma, Varuna, Rudra, Vishnu, Prajapati and Devi – Saraswati, Usha, Prithvi, etc.

The conclusion

All these deities are mentioned in the Puranas. Apart from all this, the cow is also worshiped as a mother in Hinduism. It is believed that in the cow, the entire deity dwells.

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