Long and Short Essay on Christianity in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Christianity for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

After going through these Christian essays, you will get to know who founded this religion, what are the rites and rituals, how do those people worship, where do they go for prayer in India and the prevalence of this religion.


100 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christianity is a monotheistic religion derived from ancient Jewish tradition. This religion is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. There are mainly three communities among Christian Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, and their scripture is the Bible. The religious place of Christians is called a church. Most people in the world follow Christianity.

Christians are monotheists, but they consider God as a trinity – God the Father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that the Supreme Father is the creator of this world and its ruler. The Holy Spirit is the third personality of the God of trinity, under whose influence a person realizes God within himself. He directs the church and followers of Jesus.


150 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christianity is one of the major religions of the world, whose followers are called Christians. The disciples of Christianity follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. The founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, was born in Bethlehem. According to the followers of Christianity, Jesus Christ is the son of God.

Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ. The main scripture of Christianity is the ‘Bible’, which is divided into two sections Old Testament and New Testament.

There are many communities among Christians such as Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox etc. Christmas is celebrated on 25 December every year to commemorate the birthday of Jesus Christ. The most sacred symbol of Christianity is the cross. Christians believe in monotheism. But the father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit also consider him as a trinity.

Christianity was propagated in India in the first century by Thomas Thomas, one of the leading disciples of Jesus Christ in Chennai. Christian people gather in churches every Sunday for group prayer.


200 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christianity is a religion like other religions of the world. Followers of Christianity are known as Christians. This religion is spread all over the world. Christians pray to Jesus Christ and follow the faults and teachings of Jesus Christ.

The holy book of Christians is the Bible and people worship in churches. Christmas, Good Friday, Easter etc. are their major festivals celebrated by followers in almost all countries of the world.

Christians have good faith in Jesus Christ and consider him a true idol of God. This is why people consider Jesus the Messiah. People have to be baptized to accept Christianity. They have to bathe in holy water.

The great thing about Christians is that they serve poor and helpless people without any selfishness. Christian people have spread to countries like Asia Minor, Syria, Macedonia, Greece, Rome, Egypt etc.

Christian people go to church every Sunday. There they participate in group prayers. Some of them also fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Christmas day every Christian wears new clothes and celebrates the festivals with great joy and enthusiasm as per ritual. The Pope is the largest religious leader of Christians who live in Vatican City.


250 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

It is said that St. Tomas preached Christianity in India in Chennai in the first century. According to legends, St. Thomas, one of the twelve major disciples of Christ, arrived in 52 CE. It is said that he first Christianized some Brahmins during that period. He then converted the tribals.

Subsequently, Christianity spread widely in India when Mother Teresa came to India and offered her services. Apart from this, British rule was also responsible for the widespread spread of Christianity in India.

By 100 CE, Christian communities were present in all adjacent countries and cities in the Mediterranean Sea, particularly in Asia Minor and North Africa. By the end of the third century Christianity had spread to all the cities of the vast Roman Empire; At the same time many people in Persia and South Russia also became Christians.

There are many reasons for this success. One, there were strong religious practices among the people at that time, second, Christianity taught the importance of every human being, whether a slave or a woman. Furthermore, people could not live without being influenced by the spirit of Christianity at that time.

After the Second World War, the movement for unity of the Church in the Christian world began to be given more importance. As a result, in an attempt to determine the actual form of the Church based on the elements present in the Bible, the emphasis was placed on the fact that the Church is the spiritual body of Jesus, except for the rebuttal. Jesus is its chief and true Christians are part of that body.


300 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christianity is one of the world famous religions. This religion comes after Judaism. The originator of this religion is Jesus Christ. Followers of Christianity follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ established this religion to show the right path to the wandering people for peace and salvation. Jesus Christ has given many teachings to the people.

Jesus Christ and His Sermons

Addressing the people, Jesus Christ said that one should understand the feelings of others, understand the sufferings of others and have a sense of compassion in the heart. That person can achieve God. Jesus Christ has revealed certain values ​​that reflect humanity.

Jesus has said that there should be stability, concentration in humans because they are part of God. In Christianity, charity is given special importance and the Bible also mentions that charity is not an object.

According to the Bible, prayer should also be performed in secret. Prayer should not reach the people but to God. According to the Bible, fasting should be kept with a clean heart and there should be no sadness on the face. The fast should be done with full devotion.

Jesus said that God sent me. People who hate the people of this world also hate me. Do not hate anyone in the world. Hating that person will never bring peace. Apart from all these people should have a sense of service, be happy in the progress of others and should also have the quality of patience.

The holy book of this religion is the Bible. Its first part is the Jewish Scripture and the second part is the New Testament.

The conclusion

Jesus Christ was born on this earth to benefit the people. The purpose of this religion is to love human beings, that is, all. In fact, this religion gives the message of humanity.


350 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The founding father of ‘Ity Christianity’ was Jesus Christ, born in 6 BC in a place called Nazareth in the province of Galilee in the Roman Empire. His father Joseph was a carpenter and mother was Mary. They were both Jews. According to Christian beliefs, Mary was a virgin at the time of Christ’s arrival in Mary’s womb.

At the time of Jesus’ birth, the Jewish people were under the Roman Empire and eager for salvation from it. At the same time a saint named John the Baptist predicted in the Jordan Valley that God would soon send a Messiah for the salvation of the Jews.

After many years of solitude, he was impressed with and with some special powers; The blind begin to restore their vision, speechless and the dead find life. As a result, Jesus began to gain fame all around. He preached love and service to the victims.

Because of his arrival in Jerusalem and growing popularity, the aristocratic priest and ruling class became suspicious and tried to implicate him on false charges. The synagogue accused him of claiming himself to be the son of God and the Messiah, and was eventually hanged to death on the cross.

Even on the cross, they prayed to God to forgive the conspirators against them, because they do not know what they are doing. Christians believe that Christ rose again on the third day of death.

The disciples of Jesus Christ first preached their stated path, namely Christianity in Palestine, from where it spread to Rome and then to all parts of Europe. Currently, it is the most followed religion in the world.

The Holy Book of Christianity is the Bible, which has two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. Christians believe that the Bible was composed 2000-2500 years ago by various individuals.

Indeed, the book is a compilation of 73 series of writings written between the 9th century and the first century AD, of which 46 are compiled in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. While the Old Testament describes the history and beliefs of the Jews, the New Testament describes the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.


400 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The founder of Christianity is Jesus, born in Bethlehem. This religion also spread its influence in India over time. Currently, there are approximately 27.7 million Christians in India.

The arrival of St. Thomas the evangelist

Christianity in India is thought to have originated in the coastal city of Kranagore in Kerala, where, according to legends, St. Thomas, one of the twelve major disciples of Christ, arrived in 52 CE. It is said that he first Christianized some Brahmins during that period. He then converted the tribals. The Syrian Christian Church in South India signals the arrival of St. Thomas.

Evangelist St. Francis Xavier

Subsequently, Roman Catholicism was established in India with the arrival of St. Francis Xavier in 1542. He started Christianity by visiting poor Hindu and tribal areas of India to teach Christianity to the people. Some are accusing them of converting innocent people to Christianity under the guise of service.

Christian preaching in the Muslim period

In the 16th century, St. Francis Xavier came into contact with the Pope’s Catholic Church, who had come with the Portuguese through Roman Catholic missionaries. But some Christians in India rejected the power of the pope and founded the ‘Jacobite’ church.

In North India, the Jesuit father was present for discussion in the Sarva Dharma Sabha at Akbar’s court. He also established a church in Agra. Protestant religion arrived in India in 1706. B. Jegenbalg founded the Lutheran Church at Trunkbar in Tamil Nadu and William Carrey at Serampore near Calcutta.

British propaganda

When British rule began in India, Christianity was widely publicized. During the British period, millions of evangelical preachers separated this religion from South India, West Bengal and the Northeast. During that time, people would get many concessions from the rule of Christianity.

Christian preacher Mother Teresa

It is widely publicized that after India’s independence, ‘Mother Teresa’ Christianized poor people under the guise of service. In 1948, she volunteered to take Indian citizenship and was widely engaged in the service of Christianity.

The conclusion

India currently has a large number of evangelists in each state, which are basically active in rural and tribal areas. It is possible to estimate how Christian evangelists are active in Indian states. Christianity is spreading rapidly in India with the help of medicine and money. They convince the poor and needy to convert their religion to Christianity and provide them with wealth and other benefits.


500 Words – Essay on Christianity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Christianity is a major religion in the world. Followers of Christianity are found all over the world. Jesus Christ is believed to have been the founder of Christianity. People of this religion always wear a cross which symbolizes this religion. They go to church to offer prayers and follow the Pope’s instructions. The priest of the church is known as the father who performs religious rituals for the people. Followers of Christianity are divided into three major denominations – Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.


Various sects of Christians have some religious rites or rituals with slight differences, which are considered visible symbols for the grace of the Lord by the invisible symbol. There are seven such religious rites –

Thank You, Giving (Eucharist) – Eating bread and wine during church prayer that aims to be part of the body of Christ. It is believed that Jesus broke a piece of bread and a little wine with each of his disciples at a feast given by the Jews the night before his arrest, saying that it was part of my body and blood. By their use, all the disciples have become one mind, one soul, one body form and are sympathizers.

Baptism – Entering a person as a person on the church by sprinkling water or immersing the child in holy water.

Confirmation – Rubbing oil and balm in the hands of a person who has accepted Christianity, the purpose of which is to reaffirm his Christianity.

Atone (confess) sins. It is believed that the lord forgave him through the clergy.

Poop – In the eyes, ears, nose, lips, arms, legs, and thighs of a person lying on the bed of death, the pastor climbs the street or rubs oil and prays to the Lord to forgive his sins.

Marriage – Marriage is a sacred rite among Christians, performed in the church with the blessings and proclamations of the clergy.

Priests and Ordnance – In Roman Catholicism, a very well organized system of priests appears, which they call ‘holy’. Other communities also have a system of priests. There are two classes of priests – the eldest and the junior. The junior class consists of learner clergy, scripture storytellers etc. At the same time, elders include bishops, clergy, deaf, archers etc. The Pope is the supreme religious leader of the Roman Catholic denomination. In Roman Catholic, the ordinance for a junior priest to enter the largest class is called ‘ordination’.

The conclusion

Christianity is a major religion in the world. There are also many Christians in India who live in peace and brotherhood with other communities. Many prominent personalities of this religion have contributed greatly to the well being of the nation and people living in India.

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