How To Setup Adsense Auto Ads – Best Guide

How To Setup Adsense Auto Ads, Guide of Adsense Auto Ads Setting, Adsense Auto Ads Setup, adsense auto ads not showing, adsense auto ads vs manual.

If you also have the same question that how to setup Adsense Auto ads, then in this post we will learn to put Adsense auto ad code in your Blogger or WordPress Blog.

What is Adsense Auto ads?

When we create a blog whether it is on Blogger or on WordPress or on any other platform and when that blog gets the approval of Adsense, then we add the ad code taken from Adsense to show ad in our blog. and then ad shows start happening on our blog.

There are two ways for Adsense’s ad to be visible in our blog post, one is, you can put the ad code taken from Adsense in your blog and second you can also put the auto ad code of Adsense in your blog.

When you place Adsense ads on all the pages of your site by yourself, then you can decide which part of the post to see the ad and how many ads appear in a post, it depends on you.

But if you choose Adsense’s Auto ads, then you do not need to put ads in different locations on your site, you just put the auto ad code taken from Adsense on your site and then Google It decides how many ads will appear on your page and at which locations the ads will be shown.

I think it is better to manually enter the ad code at different locations on your site than to enter the auto ads code of Adsense once and then let Google decide how many ads should appear on your site, so let’s start. Let’s do how to setup adsense auto ads.

How to Setup Adsense Auto Ads

For how to setup adsense auto ads, first you login to your Adsense account and then click on this option Adsense in the left side.

On clicking on the option of Ads, Overview will appear in the right side and your site name will appear below and then it will be found written off under auto ads and then a pen icon will appear next to it, click on the icon of this pen.

Adsense Auto Ads Setting

On clicking the pen icon, the home page of your site linked in Adsense will appear and the URL of your site will appear above and Auto ads off will be written in front of it and Get Code will be written in front of it.

You click on Get Code and copy the code and then start by clicking on the button in front of Auto Add in the right side and then click on Apply to Site at the bottom, and then click on Save button

Now enter the Adsense Auto ads code that you just copied in the head section of your Blogger or WordPress and then save it and within an hour after the code is saved, Adsense auto ads will appear on your site.

How to Setup Adsense Auto Ads on Blogger/WordPress

If your blog is on Blogger, then to put Adsense Auto ads code in Blogger’s head section, first you login to your blogger’s dashboard, and then click on Theme at the bottom left side.

On clicking on the theme, a red button of Customize will appear in the right side and a small drop down arrow will appear in front of it, click on this arrow and then click on Edit HTML.

If you click on Edit HTML, the Blogger theme’s court will open, now in this court, you will find the fifth or sixth number written below <head> and after placing your mouse in front of it, press the enter button once in the keyboard.

And your mouse will come under this head, now paste the auto ads code taken from Adsense here and then save it by clicking on the Save icon in the top right side.

After doing this, wait for an hour and then Adsense auto ads will start appearing on all the pages in your Blogger Blog.

Adding Adsense Auto ads Code to WordPress

If your blog is on WordPress, then the same process as Blogger is to put Adsense Auto ads code in WordPress, for this you login to your WordPress admin panel.

After logging in to the WordPress Admin Panel, after moving the mouse on the Appearance in the left side, click on this option in the right side Theme Editor.

If you don’t see the Theme Editor option, here’s a guide. Read this guide and enable theme editor option in your WordPress blog.

By clicking on the Theme Editor, the code of your WordPress theme will open, now click on this option header.php in the section of Theme Files on the right side.

Now the code of header.php will open in front of you, now after the sixth or seventh line in this code, <head> will be written, after placing your mouse in front of it, press the enter button in your computer’s keyboard.

On pressing the enter button, your mouse will come under the cursor head, now paste the Auto ads code of Adsense here and then save it by clicking above the Update File below.

insert auto ads code on wordpress website

Within an hour of doing this, auto ads will start appearing on all your pages through Adsense on your WordPress site.

Auto Ads Not Showing WordPress

When you put the Auto ads code taken from Adsense in the head section of your WordPress or Blogger site correctly, within an hour Adsense starts showing ads on all the pages of your site.

But if you are not able to put the Adsense auto ad code in the head section of your site properly, then only auto ad is not shown on your site, in such a situation, you can open your site and go to the header section and check the ad code again. Do it.

Adsense Auto ads VS Manual

There are two ways to put Adsense ads on your site, first auto ads and secondly by creating Ad Units by yourself and placing them at different locations of the site.

If you know how to put in a better way by creating an ad unit on your site manually, then you should choose manual ads, and if you are new then it is better to choose auto ads, in such a situation, Google will automatically choose your site. Shows ads at different locations.


You place auto ads on your site or manually add ads by creating Ad Units yourself, you will earn good from Adsense only when you have at least 70% organic traffic on your site and will rank in the top keywords with high CPC of your post.

We should write high quality content on our site so that if users come to our site, spend time and give their feedback, then in such a situation, the graph of organic traffic on our site increases and only then we can earn well from Adsense.

So we learned here how to setup Adsense Auto ads, we hope that by reading this post, you have got answers to all your questions. If you still have any query related to this post, then do let us know by writing in the comment box below.

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