How To Get Insurance Leads For Free To Grow Your Business

If you’re an insurance professional, you know how important it is to have a steady stream of leads coming in. No matter what type of insurance you offer and who your target market is. There are always people who need to know what is health insurance and how it will help their finances and protection for themselves or their families. Even if you’re starting in the life insurance industry. There are ways to get more leads without breaking the bank.

How To Get Insurance Leads For Free

1. Establish Yourself as an Insurance Expert

To build your insurance lead pipeline, you’ll need to establish yourself as an expert in the industry.

  • Write content on your website about insurance. And make sure it’s well-researched and up-to-date. This will help potential customers learn more about their options when it comes time for them to purchase coverage.
  • Interact with people on social media interested in learning more about insurance. Be friendly, helpful, and informative when engaging with followers—this could lead to new clients!
  • Attend industry events where you can meet like-minded professionals. Who may be looking for coverage options or someone they can trust with their insurance needs.

2. Use Your Keywords

Keywords are words and phrases potential customers use to search for products or services online. Keywords help you find the right people for your business by matching what people want with your offering. You can use keywords such as business process outsourcing to find potential customers. And get free insurance leads that are interested in your services.

3. Leverage Your Existing Relationships

One of the best ways to get insurance leads for free is to leverage your existing relationships. There are a few different people you can ask for help, such as:

  • Your friends and family
  • Your company’s partners, vendors, and suppliers
  • Anyone in the industry that you have a relationship with (even if it’s not a close one)

4. Comment on a Blog

Commenting on blogs is a great way to get your name out there. And make yourself look like an expert in your field since you’re already familiar with the insurance industry. You can easily make some valuable contributions to these bloggers’ posts. Here are some tips for getting started:

Comment on high-profile blogs. The more popular a blog is, the more eyes it will have viewing comments daily. This will give you a better chance of getting noticed by someone who might be able to refer business your way later on down the line!

Keep posts relevant to insurance or other areas of expertise that pertain to what you do as an agent (i.e., auto policy quotes)

5. Join Local Business Groups and Events

The key to joining a group is finding the right one for you. Which means looking at their website and seeing if the people are doing what you want or need to do in your industry.

You can also find out more about the group by talking with members. Who already belong, asking questions and getting referrals from them. If they’re not doing something you’re interested in, join another. Don’t be afraid of being rejected because plenty of groups are out there!

6. Post on Social Media

Posting on social media is one of the best ways to get insurance leads for free. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that we’re going to talk about it. Social media is also one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience and build trust.

It’s also important that you learn when each platform is busiest. So that you can schedule posts accordingly. You want your posts to be noticed in all the other noise so try to be different!

7. Start Working on Your Search Engine Optimization

Try to be successful in your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts so you can easily get new leads. First, create content that is relevant and useful for your target audience. This can be done by using keywords that are important to your business. Also, include links back to your site from other sites.

8. Offer Value Through Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to build relationships with your customers. It’s also a good way to offer discounts or free information. Use email marketing to show your audience they get more benefits than they pay for. This will help the readers to buy insurance from you! That’s why sending relevant emails is important, even if there is no immediate benefit for you.

It can take time before people start seeing the value in what they’re getting through email marketing. So don’t give up! Your goal should be to get them excited about buying things from you. Rather than just trying to sell something right away. Successful relationships with our customers today will lead us toward future business opportunities. (which means more leads!)

9. Contribute Content to High-Profile Sites

  • Create a blog.
  • Submit content to a website.
  • Write an article for a magazine or newspaper.
  • Write a guest post on another site (the more popular, the better). This is called link baiting, and it’s all about drawing in readers by giving them something they want! In this case, you might link to your site with a call-to-action that encourages people to buy insurance from you directly. Bonus points if they sign up for your newsletter while they’re there!
  • Please write an article for an industry newsletter where others can see it. And get interested in what you have to offer as well!

10. Publish a Podcast

A podcast is an audio or video file that can be downloaded and listened to on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It’s a great way to increase your online presence and get new clients!

Create a podcast that talks about the benefits of insurance. And how to find the right plan for you and your family. Why it’s important to have life insurance (or disability insurance), include a link in the description. So people can subscribe if they want more information about what you’re talking about. You could mention it in any ads on Facebook or Instagram too!


There you have it. That’s how to get insurance leads for free. Now, If you do all of the above, you’ll have a steady flow of quality leads that aren’t costing you a dime! You can then work on converting those leads into clients by offering them your services and selling yourself to them.

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