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400 Words – Essay on Yoga for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Yoga is an extremely rich and highly complex spiritual tradition. It means joining different soul with universal soul. The basic purpose and function of yoga is to develop physical and mental strength, resistance to disease and strong mind. Yoga has become more popular nowadays as people are realizing its importance and the key to treating modern stress lies in yoga. Yoga is a form of inexpensive, free weapon combining breathing practice and profession. Yoga can be achieved systematically, scientifically and results from the improvement of both physical and mental health.

Yoga and Modernization:

As a result of modern life we ​​have to take a busy and dissatisfied lifestyle. It combines all irregular eating habits, lack or improper sleep, long working hours, etc. Certainly new generation children or adults are losing health, vitality, flexibility, energy and overall resistance to diseases. To find a way to cure all of this, there is a hope with yoga. A balanced life can be attained with yoga and a moderate body and soul along with “asana”, pranayama and meditation.

Importance of Yoga for Healthy Life:

To have a full and regular practice of Yoga, a healthy body is necessary to enjoy life in order to provide great health. Yoga is not those forms of vigorous practice. Instead, it is a form of systematic and rhythmic movements that must be performed one by one. Breathing pattern is important in “asana”. Proper yoga follower should follow a set of routines for exercise, rest and diet for maximum results. Yoga is done to achieve peace and is done peacefully. There is no extreme motion in yoga. Yoga can be done by people of all ages and even sick people, although sick people should consult a specialist so that Necessary exercises should be planned or avoided and intensified.

A holistic approach to the practice and combination of mantra and meditation during yoga produces many changes in our thoughts and mindset. It makes us free from addiction, enhances our memory power, keeps our mind calm and overall makes us more energetic, effective and creates self-control among us. Yoga is indeed an art of life. It is an ancient art of sage Patanjali. It is timeless because it is very relevant to the need of today, although it was created centuries ago. Yoga is very much accepted in the West and it has become increasingly popular through Baba Ramdev. So overall we can say that yoga is the key to unlock divinity in humans. The body is considered a temple and yoga is the way to worship it.

450 Words – Essay on Yoga for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Yoga has been practiced in our country since ancient times. In the old times, sages used to do saint yoga. By doing yoga, the body gets strength. Yoga calms our mind, there is no disease of any kind in our body. By doing yoga, the digestion of our body is done properly, our liver is healthy, blood circulation of our body is fine. Doing yoga makes our day happily and blissfully. By doing yoga, the anger inside us is destroyed. Doing yoga ends the negativity inside us.

People of old times used to focus their attention on their goal only through yoga. People of old times used to do yoga to keep their body healthy and healthy. Through yoga, the old people lived above 100 years of life and did not have any kind of disease. He used to walk thousands of kilometers on foot. The person who did yoga never felt tired while working. People of ancient times used to eat good fruits, fruits along with exercise to be healthy. The old man did not take any kind of intoxication. The environment around us has become polluted in the 21st century. Today, farmers are using various types of chemical to grow cereal crops. The chemical moves into the water through the ground and the grain, water is contaminated. When we consume that grain as food, then the chemical goes inside our body. That chemical blocks the veins inside our body, causing various diseases. Today, diseases like obesity, blood pressure, and health are beginning to occur. If we want to avoid these diseases, then all of us should do yoga. We have many benefits from doing yoga. Today everyone has started doing yoga.

Our body reduces obesity by doing yoga. By doing yoga, our liver is clean. By doing yoga, the veins inside our body are clean. By doing yoga, the anger inside us is destroyed. By doing yoga, we are able to concentrate on our work. By doing yoga, we get rid of many diseases. By doing yoga, our body becomes agile. By doing yoga, our day is spent in peace and happiness. Through yoga, we can give peace to our brain. Our body develops by doing yoga.

Doing yoga does not cause any disease in our body. By doing yoga, our body’s digestive system remains correct. Every person leads a life of happiness and peace through doing yoga. To promote Yoga, the Prime Minister of our country, Narendra Modi ji has also said to celebrate Yoga Day. On Yoga Day, the whole world does yoga together in the morning. On Yoga Day, the Prime Minister addresses everyone and asks them to do Yoga. Our mind gets used to doing yoga. Yoga gives us many benefits.

500 Words – Essay on Yoga for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

For best results, yoga should be done in a calm environment. Yoga is an art that connects our soul, mind and body together. It makes us strong, flexible, peaceful and healthy. In countries like India where people are very stressed and tired, yoga is very important. It makes us fit and healthy. A healthy mind can do everything. These days, people do not have time for yoga due to their daily tasks, work and stressful life. Maintaining good health is very important to grow financially because without health you cannot work and earn without working.

Inner peace: Yoga is known for increasing peace in our body and fights against all our stresses and problems. Adults have the most problems with age compared to children. Doing yoga increases the level of calmness and makes you more confident which leads to more confidence. Reducing stress means that you will be healthy because it is scientifically proven that stress makes us unhealthy, but doing yoga can prevent it.

Healthy: A healthy person can make the most of his life, which is unhealthy. Modern life is very stressful, and there are many pollution around us. People living in big cities have to face many problems, and one of them is laziness. Even 10-20 minutes of yoga can make you fully awake. Better health means better life.

Activism: Being active is a golden opportunity in itself. When you are lazy, tired or feeling sleepy, you are mostly joking and not able to complete the task correctly. Maintaining a good activism means that you are aware of the situation around you and at the same time you can complete your job and work with accuracy and minimal time.

Makes you flexible: Some people have a lot of difficulties bending or touching their toes. Once a person starts doing yoga on a regular basis, they will soon start feeling its effects. It also helps to remove joint pain, which is observed in most older people.

Blood flow in the body increases: There can be no better way to increase blood flow in the body than yoga. Yoga helps you keep your body oxygen-rich. It makes your heart very healthy and makes it work more efficiently.

Helps you focus: Yoga makes you and your body feel relaxed and calm. This means that you are under less stress and can focus on your work immediately. This is why children and adolescents are also encouraged to do yoga as it helps them to focus better on their studies.

Sleeps you better: With inner peace and a relaxed body, you can easily sleep that waking up in the middle of the night and changing the body posture. A good sleep is necessary for a better day. If you are sleepy, you may not be able to do better and may lose opportunities.

Builds strength: Yoga helps you become more muscular and strong, it increases your grip and motivates you to do more. Yoga is a miracle, once after, it will guide you all your life. The sum of 20 to 30 minutes a day can change your life for a long time.

1000 Words – Essay on Yoga for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The word ‘yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means unity. This can be explained as the union of mind and body to achieve true harmony at the deepest level. It helps us reach higher levels of consciousness, through the transformation of the mental organism. Yoga has no specific religious connotation ‘its appeal is universal and it is practiced by many. Upanishads, including the Mahabharata, Bhagavad-gītā, accept Buddhism and Buddhism yoga practices in Jainism. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the oldest text book on Yoga. It was written during the second century and became very popular. It is developed as one of the six schools of classical Indian philosophy, often associated with the Sankhya school.

Yoga is a strategic effort to achieve complete harmony of mind, body and soul through the control of various elements of human nature — spiritual, physical and mental. Yoga has two firm chairs. They are physical and emotional. Apart from the postures on the physical side, there are asanas, kriyas, bandhas and pranayama. A proper practice of these exercises prepares the body and mind of yoga and yoga to make spiritual progress.

The spiritual aspect is basically control over the mind and self-realization. Yoga is not only concerned with mental and physical techniques of self-development as well as direct control of internal energy, that is, pranayama. Pranayama is one of the most important features of yoga. This is mainly the regulation of breath. When someone enters the air from one part of the nose and blows it from the other. Famous yogi Swami Ramdev claims that a regular practice of pranayama can prevent and cure fatal diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, blood congestion, liver disorders and severe ganococcal problems. Today, yoga has developed as an alternative system of medicine. More and more people are learning and doing it regularly. By systematically practicing yoga, they have achieved a lot.

Furthermore, it involves minimal expense and has no side effects.On the contrary, many allopathic medicines such as strong antibiotics and pain killers are very expensive and have numerous side effects. The best time for yoga program and pranayama is in the morning. During this period, you can enjoy fresh air, full of oxygen. The surroundings are favorable for yoga and meditation, as it is usually calm and peaceful in the morning. Furthermore, it is the time when the mind and body feel refreshed after a sound of good sleep. Even doctors suggest that morning is the best time for any exercise, be it yoga, or brisk walking, or any other. Yoga realizes that our body has its own dignity, as our mind is the basis in preparing the body for posture or posture concentration. Before we start meditating, we have to close ourselves in a comfortable posture. Patanjali mentions that the posture should be steady, pleasant and easy.

There are a large number of postures in yoga, all of them require dedication and discipline from the doctor. The advice of a yoga teacher or guru should always be taken to practice different asanas. Even food should be controlled according to the age and illness of the doctor, in yoga, one has to give up one’s bad habits like alcohol, drugs, smoking etc. before starting. It requires discipline in life to practice yoga. Each asana has to cure a particular disease. Some popular yoga asanas include Padmashana, Triloksana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana, Sarvasangana, Chakrasthana, Vajrasana, Shavasana etc. Meditation, when practiced with yoga, increases our concentration and relaxes our mind. Yoga and meditation practices have enabled people to lift themselves to higher levels of consciousness.

One of the most effective aids to spiritual progress is to meditate calmly at the point between the eyebrows.Modern neuroscience has revealed that when one’s energy and attention is firmly focused in the forebrain, it is impossible to overcome negative emotions. . By controlling and relaxing the breath, we can influence the mind to calm down. Meditation can be practiced anywhere. Keeping in mind, one should sit upright or in a yoga posture. One should keep one’s eyes closed, so that the eyes as well as the body and mind get some rest. All the great philosophers like Buddha, Mahavira and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa have emphasized the practice of meditation for purification of mind and soul. Various forms of yogas have been described. For example, Vatha Yoga leads to the ‘reunification of our soul through the control of the soul’, the body and vital energy, specifically, the breath. This ‘Rafiya Yoga’ is also used in traditional dance and music.

“Ramban” for irregular diseases, it can strengthen our body, boost our immune system and provide immense mental strength and stability. It can actually awaken a new consciousness in a person and mold his entire personality. There is no barrier of age, caste, religion or gender in yoga. Anyone can practice yoga. However, one should always ensure that all yoga postures and breathing exercises are done correctly.

After regular practice over a period of time a person will experience a positive and positive change in mindset and lifestyle. A team of scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles said that meditation can slow down AIDS deterioration in just a few weeks, perhaps by affecting the immune system. He tested a stress-reducing program defined as mindset ‘meditation, as an open and receptive awareness practice of the present moment, to avoid thinking about past or anxiety. for. CD4 counts were measured before and after the two-month program. This study first indicated that careful attention and stress-management training may have a direct effect on slowing HIV disease progression.

This brain program is a group-based and low-cost treatment, and if this initial finding is replicated in larger samples, it is possible that such training could be used as a powerful complementary treatment to HIV disease. With medicines. In the end, yoga is universal. Yoga may be the birthplace of India, but it is for humanity, irrespective of religion, gender, nationality and language. It means ‘to improve health and spread happiness’.

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June.

150 Words – Essay on Yoga for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

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