Essay on The Person I Admire Most – The Mother Teresa

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Essay on The Person I Admire Most – The Mother Teresa in 350 words

Great men and women of the past have set examples before us and it is us to learn form their lives.

The person I admire most is Mother Teresa. She was one of the greatest missionaries of our time. She dedicated her entire life ot the service of the poorest of the poor. She was an apostle of the unwanted. Though a foreigner, Mother Teresa settled in Calcutta (now Kolkata) and made it her home. She visited the slums in and around Calcutta and nursed those who suffered from leprosy and cancer. She cared for the fillings of those who were unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everybody. The sick and the suffering found in Mother Teresa the love and affection of a real mother. Even the handicapped children were not neglected by her. Therefore, she was accepted and loved by Indians of all castes and creeds. She believed that the service to mankind is the service to God.

Mother Teresa’s ancestors were hardworking peasants and this showed itself both in her stamina and in her common sense. She was the founder of an organisation called ‘Missionaries of Charity’. This oranisation has many institutions not only in India but also in other parts of the world. Money to run these institutions was no problem for her. She felt that whenever she was in need of money, God gave it to her through His people. Her spirit of sacrifice was shown b the fact that when she was given a car used by the Pope during his visit to India, she sold it and used the money for the betterment of her organisation.

For her selfless service of humanity were conferred on her numerous honours, both national and international. All the money she got from the awards went into her work.

Mother Teresa passed away in 1997. Her passing away was deeply mourned by people the world over. The process of declaring her a saint has already been initiated. It is only a matter of time before she will be formally declared a saint, a title which she fully deserves.

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