Essay on Save Girl Child in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph & Article on Save Girl Child for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, first class essay, second class essay and more. Essay of 100, 200 & 400 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

100 Words – Essay on Save Girl Child in Very Easy Words for Kids & Students

Daughter is very important for this society. The daughter is equally important as a son is necessary for the society. But due to imperfection and narrow thinking, people kill the daughter in the womb itself, due to which the sex ratio has declined. Daughters bring happiness in the home and in today’s time, they are ahead of sons in every field. If she has a daughter then only she will be able to get married in someone’s house and the offspring can move forward. People should understand that there is no difference between sons and daughters, she can also illuminate the name of the house by reading and writing. To save daughters, the government has also started the campaign of Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao.

200 Words – Essay on Save Girl Child in Very Easy Words for Kids & Students

The daughter plays as much of a role in society as a boy. In ancient times, daughters were worshiped as goddesses. In today’s time, people fear their narrow thinking, dowry and misdeeds with girls and kill them in the womb itself, due to which the sex ratio has come down drastically. People have been limited to thinking that the girl can only do household work and will have to give dowry in their marriage. Poor people are unable to give dowry due to which they kill girls in the womb itself.

We should not make any difference between boy and girl. Life on earth cannot be imagined without girls. He is helpful in running both home and society. If there are no girls, the offspring will not be able to grow and one day life will end. We all should make people aware of girls and inspire them to be daughters. The government has also run Beti Bachao Muheem to save the girls.

400 Words – Essay on Save Girl Child in Very Easy Words for Kids & Students

Both men and women are members of our society, so equal rights are necessary to maintain harmony. India attained independence in 1947 and went from milestone to milestone in all aspects of life. However, women who participated equally in the freedom struggle were left behind. Discrimination against abortion is still prevalent in India. Crimes such as rape, illiteracy, gender discrimination, female feticide and dowry deaths have increased against women. Save the Girl is a program taken up by the government as an awareness campaign to stop girl feticide and maintain gender equality.

In some parts of India, a girl is killed at birth. Some families do not send their girls to school, although the boys at home are educated. Some girls are married at a young age while some married women are harassed and killed, as their parents are unable to give the excessive dowry demanded by the husband’s family.

In this case the small campaign to save the girl is a small step. Most Indians prefer the birth of a boy, as he lives in the family’s name, against a girl, who is the property of another family. Some believe that their status in society is a girl in their family. Decreases at birth.

Here are some reasons some Indian girls do not want to:


When a girl gets married, her parents have to pay money, materials and / or jewelry, as demanded by the groom’s family. Most of the time, parents are unable to give this amount; Even if they give up all their savings, dowry is also demanded by educated people, so it will happen – fear will be born to the parents of a girl.

Wedding expenses

In India, weddings are grand affairs. All relatives are called expenses incurred by the bride’s parents for food, flowers, room rent, music and other events. The parents of a bride take to Earth and heaven to earn such money to pay these expenses. The poorest people believe that it is better to get rid of a girl at birth because they Can not pay such a large amount.


Some people are concerned about the safety of a girl. This is also a global issue, as women are being attacked by the world. People believe that this will cause insult to the family.

Measures to save the girl by parents

Modern parents are giving their daughters freedom to read and follow the path they want to follow. Indira Gandhi – First Woman Prime Minister, Sixth Rajawat – India’s first sarpanch, PTYush – Spirter, Chanda Kochar, etc. are some of the women who raised the highest mountains of success with their patience and parental support.

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