Essay On Pollution in English – long & short essay

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100 Words – Essay On Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Things around us are called environment. It is a combination of land, water, air with the world of living beings and flora. There has been an amazing balance in the environment created by nature, and it sustains life on Earth. But man, who is the most intelligent creature, has tried to exploit nature for his benefit. He has applied inventive skills to use resources in his own way. It has distributed ecological balance due to pollution. Our so-called progress and our desire to use natural resources for prosperity have destroyed our environment causing considerable damage to our lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. We will definitely be in trouble in the future. Therefore, we must protect our environment at any cost.

250 Words – Essay On Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

It is rightly said that man is the biggest enemy of man, he has become so selfish that he is exploiting nature. Today, the most serious problem created by humans is environmental pollution. In the distant past, no one pays serious attention to the problem, but today it has become a terrible problem. Modern lifestyles can be attributed to the problem of pollution with rapid progress of industrialization. Everywhere we can see the dark clouds pressing our breath. Roads are crowded with vehicles that emit toxic gases. The situation has escalated due to the smoke coming out of the chimneys of factories and workshops.

It is difficult to walk even for a few minutes on a busy road. It is a common complaint of people that their eyes are blind, ears deaf and chemical dust and smoke from the nose has resulted in global warming and erratic monsoon as a result of careless deforestation. Oxygen is becoming rare these days. The days are not far when we have to carry oxygen cylinders to inhale. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and medicines has made our earth poisonous. Drinking water is full of dangerous chemicals.

Air pollution is also a very important subject to discuss. There is no doubt that science has found cure for many fatal diseases but pollution has included many diseases in the list of fatal diseases. Never heard of these diseases. Now the situation has come from such a place where every existence of man, animal and vegetation is in the state. We must wake up and stop pollution otherwise it will be too late.

500 Words – Essay On Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Pollution means contamination of the atmosphere or atmosphere. The problem of pollution is a product of the modern scientific era. Most of the countries of the world are suffering from this problem. Nature has provided pure air, water and vegetation and land to man to keep his life process healthy. But when all these are contaminated due to any reason, then they become harmful to human and other animals in various ways.

There are four types of pollution – air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and land pollution. In the name of economic progress in the modern scientific era, many types of small-scale factories and industries have been developed by humans to achieve their material comforts. Due to population growth, villages, cities and metros have started growing. The problem of housing is being solved by cutting the forest area. For production and safety, such devices are being manufactured which keep on blowing sound and smoke from day to day. There is talk about rivers. Due to the availability of transport facilities, the rural rajas continue to erupt. Constructing dams on rivers are coming in large numbers towards cities and metros. People from metros are coming. People from the metros are extending their industries towards the village. This is encouraging pollution.

factories have come out of the polluted and uncontrolled sewage and spread the gas. Smoke accidentally chimneys of factories contaminate the atmosphere to a great extent, thereby damaging the atmosphere. This causes sauce and lung diseases to develop, making the eyes worse. Noise pollution of vehicles and machines, shouting of the harmonies of the means of transport, screaming loudspeakers, loud sounding television, radio, tape recorder, etc. spread noise pollution. Hearing decreases, blood pressure increases. Physical and mental diseases develop. This is causing adverse effects on human health. Among the sources, water is also polluted by bathing, washing clothes, excreting urine, bathing of animals, shedding of ash of shiva, etc., causing diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis and dysentery. To increase the yield, various types of chemical fertilizers were added to the land.

Is going on which causes land pollution. Food grains, greens and vegetables produced in such polluted lands are also polluted. Their eating has harmful effects on human health. The problem of pollution is increasing uninterruptedly not only in our country but also in other countries of the world. It is true that with the progress of science, the development of industrialization has also become mandatory. This is the path on which a country can prosper financially. But still we have to curb the sound amplifier synonymous with modern civilization, dazzling lights of the eyes, food and textiles made of chemicals, medicines and cosmetics, the means of transportation.

In its extreme man-made artificial environment and the environment provided by nature, it has to be maintained. Indiscriminate felling of forests has to be stopped. Trees have to be planted to increase forest area. Population has to be controlled. Hazardous chemicals will have to be used sparingly. Development and testing of atoms will have to be stopped, only then a human living in modern civilization will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.

500 Words – Essay On Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 2

Pollution is one of the most serious problems for mankind. Pollution can be defined as the addition of toxic and unwanted substances into the environment in very large quantities. There are three types of pollution – air, water and soil. The emission of toxic gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere by various automobiles and industries causes imbalance of life-giving oxygen. Thus the air becomes polluted and is unfit to breathe. Wastewater and their fluids from industries are released into rivers and seas.

In addition to polluting water, they also kill marine life, damage coastal and river ecology and destroy drinking water resources. The flies that feed on these pollutants retain poisons on their bodies. When humans consume these fish they get poisoned. Environmental pollution is a very serious subject. Excessive and irresponsible use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture causes soil pollution. This is simply because the plant can only take a certain amount of fertilizer or pesticide. The excess goes into the soil, destroying the regeneration powers of the soil and making it infertile. During the rains, it often flows into the ponds and canals near additional fertilizer and pesticides, thus poisoning them.

The latest pollutant that is threatening air, water and soil is nuclear waste and emissions. Any accidents in nuclear power plants originate in soil, air, grain, water, etc., making them unfit for civilization. However, all is not lost. Recent technological advances have made it possible to control pollution and return ecology to its original quality. Electrostatic precipitators or industrial emissions, catalytic converters for automobile emissions, recycling plants for industrial wastewater and fluids and bio-fertilizers and pesticides for agricultural purposes, etc. are some of the measures that can help nature achieve its purity Huh. In the presence of these measures, what is necessary now is the public and political determination will be touched, so that we can once again live in a clean environment.

Noise pollution also has a negative impact on the environment and people. Research suggests that many diseases are associated with noise pollution, such as hearing loss, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and speech interference. Industrial noise also affects the lives of animals. For example, the sound of ships breaks down the whale navigation system. In addition, industrial noise communicates with greater emphasis on wild species requiring additional efforts and shortening their life span. The development of population and technological progress is based on the ecological state of the Earth.

Extraction of natural sources, factories and plant work, and other products of human activity result in various environmental problems. Pollution of water, air and noise has a very negative impact on our environment. The effects of pollution include acid rain, harmful diseases and diseases of people and animals, and global warming. Environmental pollution is a global problem that calls for radical actions for environmental protection and rehabilitation. In addition, this problem should be resolved globally by united efforts of the global community.

900 Words – Essay On Pollution for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The word ‘pollution’ is derived from the Latin word ‘pollution’, meaning ‘dirty making’ pollution is the process of creating the environment, that is, dirty by adding harmful substances to land, water and air. Pollution in the environment causes imbalance. This imbalance has threatened the very existence of all forms of life, it is a threat to the whole world. India ranks at least 125 out of 132 countries in the Environmental Performance Index 2012. This report is produced by researchers from Yale and Columbia Universities in association with the World Economic Forum. Environmental pollution is a serious problem of industrial society. Industrial development and green revolution have adversely affected the environment.

People have transformed the entire life-style of their resources and disturbed the natural ecological balance. Overuse, misuse and mismanagement of resources to satisfy human greed has been the cause of severe degradation and scarcity. Environmental pollution is defined as adverse changes to our environment. It is a by-product of human activities that are directly or indirectly responsible for changes in the environment. These changes can occur in physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of land, air, or water that harm human life and other living things. Population explosion, rapid industrialization, deforestation, unplanned urbanization, scientific and technological advancements are the major causes of environmental pollution.

About 35 percent of India’s total land area is subject to severe environmental pollution. Three-fourths of the Earth consists of water, yet pitbulls are deficient in India. In India, all sources of water like rivers, lakes, ponds and wells are polluted and ineligible to drink. As a result of increased use of fertilizers, rivers, seas and oceans have become contaminated with harmful pollutants. It is estimated that over 500 tonnes of mercury enters the ocean every year. Oil cleanliness, industrial waste materials, sewage and fertilizers have also threatened water life. Industrialization has led to urbanization.

The upliftment of rural population in cities in search of work creates an unhealthy environment. This has led to congestion and establishment of slum areas. The towns and cities are full of smoke, dirt, dust, rubbish, gases, smells and noise. Air pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution. It emits gas emissions from industries, thermal power stations, domestic combustion, etc. Due to air pollution, the structure of air is changing all over the world. Most of the gas and air pollution is caused by the burning of fuel. Burning of coal produces carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc., which are responsible for acid rain.

Chlorofluorocarbons, widely used as propellants and refrigerants, are caused by ozone depletion. Nuclear explosions and nuclear tests, which are increasing by the day, spread radioactive material into the air. This radioactive pollution can cause cancer, abnormal births and mutations in humans. The Taj Mahal in Agra is affected by the smoke emitted from the Mathura refinery. Reports predict that the monument will merge within a span of twenty years due to harmful emissions from the refinery.

Water pollution has a huge impact on water quality. It disturbs the balance of the ecosystem and causes health hazards. Water is polluted by the presence or addition of inorganic and organic or organic substances. Industrial wastes dumped in rivers add water pollution levels. Noise is also one of the major pollutants. Normal noise levels in Mega cities are increasing alarmingly, noise is mainly due to loudspeakers, aircraft and other motor vehicles, processions and rallies.

Soil pollution usually originates from the disposal of solid and semi-solid wastes from agricultural practices and from inhumane habits. Soil is highly polluted by hazardous materials and micro-organisms, which enter the food chain or water and pose many health hazards. Climate change has occurred in the emission of greenhouse gases.

Global warming has increased due to the increase of pollution. Global warming is the average increase in Earth’s temperature due to the greenhouse effect as a result of both natural and human activity. The term climate change is often used interchangeably with the term global warming. The ice cap has begun to melt rapidly in the polar regions, leading to an increase in sea level and ocean level rise. ‘Grass germination’ in Antarctica and snowfall in the UAE desert are all warning signs of global warming. They are caused by the greenhouse effect.

India is a tropical country, but climate change has changed due to the destruction of forests. This has also led to the extinction of many rare species of wildlife. Pollution causes a variety of diseases Air pollution causes allergies, asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis.

Radioactive pollution is the cause of respiratory problems, paralysis, cancer and other diseases. Excessive noise pollution can lead to increased deafness, anxiety, stress, heart rate, and other health problems. Skin diseases can also occur due to lack of ozone layer. To fight this danger of pollution, vigorous efforts must be made. Anti-pollution legislation should be strictly enforced. To prevent water pollution, sewage and factory waste must be treated and cleaned before being properly treated. Everywhere and vehicles should be made environmentally friendly.

Awareness of the direct relationship between climate change and human health is important to deal with these problems effectively and protect them from destruction. All countries of the world must behave responsibly to control the environment. One step in this direction is the United Nations Climate Conference, which brings all member states of the world to a table to brainstorm, and adopt ways to deal with climate change.

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