Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion in English

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200 Words – Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Ozone is a gas composed of three atoms of oxygen and is present in the stratosphere as a thin sheet around the Earth’s atmosphere. It usually acts as a protective shield for the earth and the environment and protects it from the dangerous ultra-violet rays of the sun.

Without the ozone layer, life forms cannot survive because the ozone layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun. These rays can cause cancer, damage to crops and threat to marine organisms.

The chlorine and bromine molecules are responsible for the degradation of the ozone layer. When the gases containing these molecules are released into the environment, they cause erosion of the ozone layer over time. The most common halogen gas that damages ozone is chloro-fluoro carbon, also known as CFC.

Talking about the efforts being made to save it, first of all it is necessary that people are aware about the ozone layer and its conservation. All people should be aware of the substances and their damage that cause damage to this layer. There are several easy methods that can protect the ozone layer such as using environmentally friendly products, avoiding the use of aerosols and other CFC containing things, promoting tree planting, etc.

It is notable that the ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet rays by about 97 to 99 percent. To promote its preservation, September 16 is observed as Ozone Day according to the Montreal Protocol.

300 Words – Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The ozone molecule is temporary, it absorbs ultraviolet rays and then regenerates one oxygen molecule and one free oxygen atom, this free oxygen atom combines with another oxygen molecule to form an ozone molecule.

Who is responsible for precipitation of ozone layer?

Protecting the ozone layer present in the atmosphere is very important for human life. Over the past few decades, studies related to the ozone layer have found that the ozone layer is slowly decaying.

Human activities and industries are mainly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer, which is present in almost all major countries including the US, China, India and Europe. Pollution released into the air mainly by chemical pollutants damages the ozone layer. The governments of many countries have banned the use of chemicals that damage the ozone layer, but it is not possible to completely stop their use.

Why is the Ozone Layer Important for Us?

Although the ozone layer is a thin layer in the atmosphere, it is still very important to us, as it absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and does not allow it to reach the Earth’s surface. Ultraviolet radiation is very harmful not only to humans, but also to tree plants and animals, it can cause cancer and many dangerous diseases in organisms.

When is Ozone Day celebrated?

Given the importance of the ozone layer, the General Assembly of the United Nations has decided to celebrate the day of 16 September as International Ozone Day.

The conclusion

To protect the ozone layer from damage, people should be educated about it and taught to keep an eye on the industries that are causing pollution. They should be closely concerned with this issue and make personal efforts to protect the environment. The 25th Ozone Day will be held on 16 September 2019.

400 Words – Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The characteristic of the Earth’s atmosphere is that it is found in different layers, a layer of ozone gas is found at an altitude of 20 to 30 kilometers above the surface of the Earth, it has been named the ozone layer. Despite the layer being very thin, it is very important because it absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun. If ultraviolet radiation reaches the Earth, it damages all forms of life. Ultraviolet radiation is very harmful not only to humans, but also to trees, plants and animals, it can cause cancer and many dangerous diseases in organisms. This is why the ozone layer is so important for life on Earth.

Who invented the ozone layer?

The ozone layer was discovered in 1913 by French physicists Charles Fabri and Henri Bussian. When these scientists looked at the spectrum of light coming from the Sun, they found that it had some dark areas. These regions of the spectrum are called the ultraviolet part. The scientists concluded from this that some elements are absorbing the necessary ultraviolet rays, creating a black area in the spectrum and no radiation is visible in the ultraviolet part.

Part of the spectrum of light reflected from the Sun was completely matched to an element called ozone, which scientists have found that the Earth’s atmosphere contains an ozone element that is absorbing ultraviolet rays.

What is the deficiency of the ozone layer?

Many types of chemicals can damage the ozone layer, it can dilute or completely destroy the ozone layer, and these are called free radical catalysts. The main catalysts include nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, hydroxyl chlorine, and bromine. Large amounts of chlorine and bromine have been produced by human industrial activities. The ozone layer has been heavily damaged by chlorofluorocarbons and bromofluorocarbons, these chemicals being able to reach the stratosphere in gaseous form.

After reaching the ozone layer, the atoms of chlorine and bromine dissociate from their compounds by the effect of ultraviolet rays, and become free radicals; Ozone, one atom of chlorine and bromine, can destroy one million atoms of nitrous oxide. Also, the main reason for the thinning of the ozone layer is that there is so much damage to the ozone layer at the southern and north pole of the Earth that it gets holes. These are called ozone holes.

The conclusion

Although the ozone layer is a thin layer in the atmosphere, it is still very important to us, as it absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and does not allow it to reach the Earth’s surface.

500 Words – Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

On 16 December 1987, under the auspices of the United Nations, 33 countries signed an agreement called the Montreal Protocol in Montreal, Canada to address concerns arising from the ozone hole. The conference decided to limit the production and use of chloro-fluoro carbon (CFC), an ozone-depleting substance. India also signed this protocol. Its cause and solution is a very complex and serious matter. This topic remains a topic of debate and discussion among international scientists, policy makers and the international community. A search is going on on this subject.

What is ozone?

Ozone is an atmospheric gas or a type of oxygen. Oxygen gas (O2) is formed by the joining of two atoms of oxygen (O), which we use during respiration. A molecule of ozone (O3) is formed by the joining of three oxygen atoms. It is light blue in color and has a strong smell.

Ozone gases in the stratosphere above form a very thin and transparent layer. A total of 90 percent of all ozone circulating in the atmosphere is found in the stratosphere. The total percentage of ozone in the atmosphere is very low compared to other gases. Each million air molecules contain less than ten ozone molecules.

Some amount of ozone is also found in the lower atmosphere (troposphere). Despite being chemically similar, the role of ozone in both locations is important. In the stratosphere, it works to protect the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Ozone acts as a harmful contaminant in the troposphere and sometimes produces photochemical splashes. This gas in the troposphere can cause very small amounts of damage to human lungs, fibers and plants. Human-caused industrial pollution has resulted in increasing amounts of ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere where it is needed; The amount of ozone is decreasing.

Importance of ozone layer

The ozone layer in the stratosphere acts as a protective shield for the entire planet. It blocks the sun’s harmful ultra-violet rays in the upper atmosphere, not allowing them to reach the Earth’s surface. Ultraviolet radiation is extremely harmful to humans, animals and flora.

Ultraviolet rays side effects

  • Skin cancer is likely to occur due to ultraviolet rays.
  • U-V rays cause cataracts in the eyes and if left untreated in time, a person may become blind.
  • Ultraviolet rays reduce the immunity of humans, due to which they can become victims of many infectious diseases.
  • Ultraviolet rays affect the photosynthesis of plants and plants.
  • Ultraviolet rays, called UV-B rays, enter the ocean and damage marine life.
  • If the pregnant woman comes in contact with them, there may be a possibility of damage to the fetus.

Efforts of countries around the world

The 1985 “Vienna Convention” for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was held in the Austrian capital, a meaningful attempt to control ozone depletion substances. To attract worldwide attention to the problem of ozone layer erosion, the United Nations decided to celebrate 16 December as “World Ozone Day”.

The conclusion

The ozone layer acts as a protective layer protecting the surface or the earth against harmful ultra-violet radiations from the sun. Its lack is not only a concern for the environment, but also for humans along with other living species. Exposure to UV radiation can cause many harmful diseases including skin cancer.

600 Words – Essay on Ozone Layer Depletion for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

One molecule of ozone or O3 is formed by mixing three molecules of oxygen. Its color is light blue and gives a special kind of intense smell. At an altitude of about 50 km above the surface, the atmosphere is made up of layers of oxygen, helium, ozone and hydrogen gases, the ozone layer serves as a protective shield for the Earth because this ozone layer is protected from harmful ultraviolet rays. From the Sun on Earth. These ultraviolet rays coming from the Sun are beyond the endurance of the cells of the human body. If the ozone layer around the Earth did not have this protective shield, the Earth would probably have been lifeless like other planets.

Lack of ozone layer

Human actions are the main cause of increased decay of the ozone layer. Ignorance of human activities has increased the amount of gases in the atmosphere that are destroying the life-saving ozone layer on Earth. In an analysis involving the ozone layer, scientists have found that chloro-fluoro carbon is mainly responsible for the dissolution in the ozone layer. In addition, chemical substances such as halogen, methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride are also capable of destroying ozone. These chemicals have been called “ozone depleting substances”. We mainly use these in our daily comfort facilities like air conditioners, refrigerators, foam, paint, plastics, etc.

Ozone layer deficiency side effects

Increasing decay of the ozone layer can cause several adverse effects. For example, harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun can enter the atmosphere on Earth, which are extremely hot and also harmful to trees, plants and animals. These rays in the human body can cause fatal diseases like skin cancer, respiratory disease, ulcers and obesity. Also, these rays also affect the immunity of the human body. The number of patients suffering from skin cancer is projected to increase in the coming years due to the increasing decay of the ozone layer.

World’s efforts to protect the ozone layer

In view of the increasing decay of the ozone layer, some countries have taken significant steps in the last three decades. Intergovernmental negotiations for an international agreement to deal with ozone-depleting topics began in 1981. In March 1985, a world-class conference was held in Vienna to protect the ozone layer, including issues such as intergovernmental cooperation related to research. For ozone conservation, systematic monitoring of the ozone layer, monitoring of CFC production and sharing of information were seriously negotiated.

In 1987, the United Nations signed an agreement called the “Montreal Protocol” by 33 countries in the city of Montreal, Canada to address concerns arising from holes in the ozone layer. In this conference, it was decided to limit the production and use of ozone-depleting substances such as chloro-fluoro-carbon (CFC). India also signed this protocol.

In India, the work related to ozone depleting substances is mainly done by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. It is also supported by the “Small Industries Development Organization”, Indore. On this day, 16 September is observed as Ozone Day to create awareness about the facts related to the ozone layer.

The conclusion

Currently, the increasing use of many types of chemicals, indiscriminate felling of trees; All these are causing the decay of the ozone layer. In such a situation, it is our responsibility to plant trees so that oxygen remains the most in the atmosphere and it forms ozone molecules. At the same time, industry owners and management should also take care not to use substances and processes that adversely affect the ozone layer. Since we have only one Earth, we have to stop messing with nature for the survival of animals on this Earth, otherwise the day is not far when humans will also become extinct.


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