Essay on Ocean Dumping in English

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200 Words – Essay on Ocean Dumping for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We get many economic benefits from the sea, for example, fish, tourism, minerals, medicines, new energy, trade and traffic. According to estimates, the value of all products derived from the sea is $ 2.5 trillion. If steps are not taken now, our oceans will be the biggest victims of garbage dumping.

Climate change has become the world’s biggest challenge at this time. Sagar’s condition is also deteriorating very quickly. The 2017 United Nations Conference to Save the Oceans was held at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States. In it various countries, institutions and trade groups vowed to save the sea.

Today, the greatest threat of pollution is not only to the Earth, but also to the oceans. Due to this, the marine flora and fauna present at the bottom of the oceans are fast disappearing. Every year more than one million birds and one lakh sea creatures are dying due to plastic pollution in the sea.

According to scientists, we get ten percent of the oxygen we take to breathe from the oceans. The microorganisms present in the sea emit oxygen, which is very important for life on Earth.

Scientists have found in the study that these bacteria are not able to flourish due to plastic pollution in the sea. Due to this, the amount of oxygen in the sea is also continuously decreasing and there is a great danger for humans including animals and birds.

300 Words – Essay on Ocean Dumping for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The first United Nations Conference on Oceans was held in 2017 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. In this conference, many countries, institutions and trade groups vowed to save the sea. This is the first time that 193 member countries of the United Nations were present along with educational, scientific, civil society activists and business officials. Everyone took the initiative to suggest ways to keep the ocean healthy and vibrant along with the trade of money in the sea. The importance of the conference has grown even more in the wake of the United States announcing its exit from the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

In the last two centuries 525 billion tons of waste have gone into the oceans. If there were no seas, the Earth’s average temperature would have risen further. Garbage, carbon dioxide and waste have been polluting the ocean for decades.

The conference was held at a time when all types of waste generated on land were going into the oceans. The Global Integrated Maritime Assessment released at this conference states that the oceans have full capacity to absorb pollution.

But unfortunately, we know that there is little about the seas that surround us. The Indian Ocean has been studied very rarely. One reason behind this may also be that the countries whose borders are connected to the Indian Ocean are very poor and they cannot spend a lot of money on research. So far, two international expeditions have been sent to study the ocean. In 2015 an expedition was sent. But the purpose of this expedition was mainly limited to the discovery of new grounds for fishing. By the end of the five-day conference, delegates from various countries who attended the conference took a voluntary resolution to keep the oceans clean and safe.

400 Words – Essay on Ocean Dumping for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Ocean dumping refers to a mixture of chemicals, waste, polluted water and debris in the oceans, which is very harmful to marine biodiversity. This is the reason why sea dumping is known as the main factor of marine pollution because already pesticides and fertilizers etc. are also used in the sea. Therefore, the threat to marine life is not only from toxic wastes, but also many other pollutants.

Due to ocean dumping

Ocean pollution has become a significant problem today. For this we all need to work together because the cleanliness of the oceans is affected by many human activities. The main causes of sea pollution are:

  • Toxic waste disposal
  • Origin of excessive amount of waste on land
  • Oil spill
  • Marine mining
  • domestic sewage

Effects of ocean dumping

Oil spreads to the oceans by many tankers and marine vessels, blocking the respiratory system of marine organisms so that their organs do not get the oxygen present in the water. In addition, it also affects their food and reproductive process activities and lowers their body temperature.

As these pollutants and substances deteriorate, they begin to absorb oxygen present in the ocean atmosphere. Due to which the level of oxygen present in the sea water starts to decrease and it causes many problems for marine biodiversity.

When these toxic pollutants are mixed into sea water and ingested as food by organisms, it also affects humans as they consume these marine organisms as their food. It causes many harmful diseases, among which hepatitis, cancer and central nervous system problems are prominent.

Ocean dumping act

The Marine Conservation Research and Sanctuary Act, enacted by the US Congress in 1972, emphasizes two main points:

  • No waste should be disposed of intentionally at sea.
  • Also, no such work should be allowed.

The conclusion

Marine pollution has decreased in recent times, but if we do not work together to eliminate pollution from our land, the consequences can be quite disastrous. In today’s time, global warming has become the biggest problem for us and if we do not take measures to control it, our future generations will also have to bear the burden. So we have to stop this garbage disposal in the sea and take many important steps to stop it, so that the problem like ocean dumping can be overcome.

500 Words – Essay on Ocean Dumping for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Man has been throwing litter and other harmful materials into all the oceans since the beginning of history. Putting debris in the sea is a serious problem affecting the human race as well as marine life around the world. There are many different materials that are released at sea. This garbage dumped by humans into the sea and oceans is seriously harmful to marine life as well as mankind.

Plastic dumping effect

It is needless to say that plastic is a blessing to humanity. It is lightweight, durable, cheap to produce and can be used in many ways. Unfortunately, it has been proved that the things that make life easier are also fatal to flora and fauna. The rising level of plastic dumped in the oceans is harming aquatic life as well as outdoor life, causing problems like suffocation. Plastic items become a minefield for wildlife and since they are not biodegradable, they can float in water for years.

Contaminated water mixture

The wastewater is dumped into the sea along with the waste. Sewage comes from cities and cities that make rivers and eventually drains the ocean. Wastewater is mainly made up of biological wastes of food, animals and humans. But many of the toxic material released by industries gets mixed up in water and released through drains and reaches the oceans through rivers.

Some of these impurities are soaps and detergents and dangerous germs and chemicals that can be toxic. The discharge of wastewater has given rise to areas where there is high deposition of microbes that consume dissolved oxygen in the water and inhibit the richness of other life forms.

Lead and other toxic materials

Another major problem facing the world’s oceans and flora and fauna is the accumulation of highly toxic substances in the sea. These substances can be incredibly harmful to plants and animals.

It is already negative that any type of living organism is damaged by humans, who throw their waste into the ocean, but when there is some poison in the lower levels of the food chain, there is a high probability that it will deteriorate. And indirectly will also affect human life. Seas and oceans contain a particularly harmful substance. Lead can cause severe damage to the brain, kidneys and reproductive system of animals and can cause congenital malformations in humans.

Impact on human life

There is no doubt that dumping debris in the ocean can be harmful to our planet’s ecosystem, but some people may not realize the harm they themselves do. In many parts of the world the economy depends on the fishing industry, but this industry may be in danger if the fish population is at risk.

Many fishermen believe that marine life worldwide is disappearing by throwing debris into the sea and, as the rest of the population is affected, seafood consumption can be harmful to humans. Swimmers may also suffer the consequences. Medical waste thrown into the sea can expose swimmers to serious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.

The conclusion

Ocean dumping is harmful not only to humans and animals but to all life on Earth. Poisonous wastes are dumped into the sea, posing a threat to life outside the sea as well as outside the sea as it is polluting a wide range of water bodies that are not good for life on Earth in the future is.

600 Words – Essay on Ocean Dumping for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Decades ago, plastic was invented for the convenience of the people, but gradually it has now become a cancer for the environment. Plastic and polyethylene are polluting the earth and water as well as air. In recent times, aquatic organisms present in both sweet and salty water bodies have started showing side effects due to plastic waste dumped in them. Despite this, there has been no decline in sales of plastics and polyethylene. Therefore, its production and disposal need to be seriously discussed.

Plastic pollution in oceans

Mostly, there is no organic degradation of plastic. This is why currently produced plastic waste will remain in the environment for hundreds of thousands of years to come. The discarded plastic slowly disintegrates and its chemicals dissolve in the surrounding environment. It breaks down into smaller components over time and enters our food chain.

It is very important to clarify here that plastic bottles are not only a problem, but also some small forms of plastic, called microbids. These are very dangerous elements. They are often used in beauty products. They enter the bodies of sea birds and aquatic organisms from their food.

Efforts are being made to resolve this problem

Realizing the seriousness of the problem of plastic waste disposal, awareness is being spread globally, as well as new alternatives are being invented to address it. Recently, an enzyme has been created by Japanese scientists that can break down plastic bottles on its own.

According to environmental experts, this will prove to be a revolutionary discovery in the field of environmental pollution. It is possible that it may help solve the problem of plastic pollution. During laboratory tests, this enzyme was successful in chemical conversion of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into its basic component.

Ocean pollution loss

With massive water storage spread over a vast area of ​​the Earth, the oceans give shelter to and around many small and fragile ecosystems, giving rise to a wide variety of flora and fauna in those places. Increasing pollution in the oceans is becoming a matter of concern. Every year billions of tons of plastic waste is dumped into the sea. The amount of heavy metals and salt pollution in the ocean alone reaches millions of tons per year.

Impact on marine ecosystem

Marine biodiversity is affected by the daily exposure to toxic chemicals. These toxic chemicals also adversely affect the growth of marine vegetation. The coral reef area in the oceans is an example of an ecosystem that is a symbol of immense biodiversity that is under threat nowadays. It also affected the lives of birds and other creatures living in the oceans.

Efforts to make the oceans pollution free

The utility of the ocean in the ecosystem that sustains life on Earth is essential for the maintenance of the balance of the ecosystem of the ocean so that our future is protected. Oceans are extremely useful due to their social, cultural and economic importance. For the purpose of awareness of oceans, 8 June is celebrated every year as World Ocean Day.

The goals of sustainable development under the auspices of the United Nations include conservation of oceans and their sustainable use.

The conclusion

Pollution problems around the world are increasing day by day. Plastic waste is a problem that is most worrisome because it is a substance that takes a long time to be destroyed. Dr. who researched the ocean. Marcus Erikson says that we have to think seriously about plastic recycling and discharge our responsibilities personally; Only then this earth can remain safe. Obviously we need to work in this direction more seriously.

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