Essay on National Unity in English

In this article you will find Essay, Paragraph, Article on National Unity for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 300, 400 & 450 words for child students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

300 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We achieved independence seventy years ago, but can we still truly say that our hearts and minds are free from communal hatred and other divisive tendencies. Although our country has made considerable progress in almost all areas of national development, we still have a long way to go in achieving communal harmony in our society. Communal violence has been successful in destroying our national fabric from time to time. And for all thinking and right-minded people it is a painful sight to see murder and other brutalities that one community overcomes another.

It has been truly sad that life-time organizations and friendships are often sacrificed at the altar of communalism. Although it has been openly accepted that the politics of communalism and hatred leads us somewhere. Yet there is a chance that we always do vigilance and decent thought and action only to throw in the winds, to join the stupid classes of hate. We have to dedicate ourselves a lot to answering this question as to why only those who are innocent, simple, God-fearing and enlightened PT are displaced and killed. Why is it that so many people have to suffer while Are all the perpetrators of destruction innocent free?

Religion, nationality and principles based on the constitution are likely to create harmony and goodwill in the society. But the bitter truth is that these are the very factors that are exploited by unscrupulous people in the country to divide and lead the distinction of people. And all this is happening in a country where complete harmony and recognition of ideas is common, where there is essentially no lack of cooperation among the people and where acts and festivals are the same for all. Through this despair, the only way to modern And is through enlightened education. This process will make us more tolerant of opposing views and will force us to apply all the principles of equality universally.

400 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The power of a nation is not in the arms or industrial empires, but in the unity of its people. There is unity in diversity in India. People speak different languages, believe in different religions and have different lifestyles but the common unifying factor is Indianness. It is rightly said “united we stand, divided we fall” The history of India is a good example. Whenever we remain united, no other country dares to look at us with malicious intentions.

But when the British used the policy of divide and rule, this partition sucked all the powers of India. Unity is essential in all walks of life. In sports and games, when players put their hearts and souls together, they cannot lose. But even when every player tries to play an individual game, the weakest team will lose to such a team.

See the example of the Australian cricket team. It has won the maximum tournament in the world as all the players have put their best and stand as the rocks before the rival team. The defense forces stand on the basis of unity. A large army, whose officers are disenfranchised, is defeated very easily. One of Napoleon’s favorite masks was “Divide and Cover”, before coming to the aid of other enemies when he single-handedly attacked his enemy’s armies to achieve some of his greatest victories. Or he would divide the enemy army into quarreling factions and then defeat.

All these difficulties of life disappear when we unite them. Bees and ants have a lot to teach us. They always work in the union. One lives for all and all lives for one. It is team spirit. Evils like poverty, corruption and dowry system are eliminated by joint efforts. Can. The freedom fighters of India, led by Gandhiji, drove away the British Empire from India, which never saw the sunset. It is not a man doing it, it is the result of millions of people who put their hearts together and together our country is going through a difficult time. Various political parties have only fought small battles for power. Anti-social elements know this weakness and take advantage of it. Terrorism is a big problem for my country. But this problem can be solved only when we fight in unison with this monster.

450 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

On the morning of 15 August, the whole of India rejoiced in its new found independence. It has shed tears for the division inflicted on us. The British policy of Partition and Governance presented fruit in the form of two countries as a result the country was divided on the basis of religion. The division also saw massive garbage, countless innocent people died in the name of religion. The property of millions of people was destroyed by anti-social elements, the slogan of national unity emerged from the ashes of partition. This slogan was formally incorporated into the national mainstream at the 1961 National Integration Conference. However, this often repeated term is not understood by the majority of Indians.

For him it is one of those words, constantly repeated by self-seeking leaders. On the contrary, if we separate this word from the political dictionary, we will realize that in this word we exist as a nation. National integration means connecting the people of this country into one identity. It is a bond that is above the ideas of all castes, region, religion and language, a feeling of love and harmony, cooperation and peace, unity and unity. This means that all our interests are secondary to the country and its interests. Today many political parties and so-called secular leaders have advocated separation from India. They divide people to take advantage of their emotional, religious and regional feelings.

Each of them first describes themselves as Punjabi or Tamil or Gujarati. . None of them consider themselves first in India, a process we forget. That we have become slaves many times. The reason for our history foreign powers is that we stood against our invasions. We do not sit and think that national unity is necessary for the peace of society. The security and prosperity of a country depends on our living and working together. Each state is like a body part in the name of India. The timing of any of its diseases stops a country’s progress to grind. It is only when we collectively fight divided forces that we can expect victory against any attack on our country.

Unfortunately there is no complete evidence of binding the country together. The process of unity should be slow and steady. And it should start with emotionally integrating people. This would mean that we should be on our guard against those who want to divide us. Our educational system should do away with all lessons that proclaim the greatness of one religion over another. Clearly, all public media should make a conscious effort to avoid any inflammatory news, views and programs.

400 Words – Essay on National Unity for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words – 2

Our country of India is a huge country, people of different caste, religion live in India, in these religions there are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians etc. People of these religions call their God by different names, someone calls them Allah, So some God, some Jesus Christ. National unity is visible in our country even though people of different religions are different, people of all religions live together in the same society, they are given the same kind of education.

There are many other variations in our country, we get to see many different languages. Hindi, Urdu, English, Sanskrit different people speak different languages, people, despite having different languages, people together in their country They live together and behave lovingly. Our religion teaches us to follow the path of justice, policy, truth. If a person does not believe in the words of religion and walks on the wrong path, then he is guilty of the eyes of the country because the purpose of our religion is not to provoke people. Rather, to maintain national unity.

There are many states and cities in our country, villages are also many, Indians are called Indians, whenever Indians face any foreign attack or any disaster, these Indians face those problems firmly. We all Indians celebrate the festival together and it should be so that there are good people in the country, then there are some bad people who want to wander us from these areas to national unity, we should maintain national unity and together Stayed with all the people.

We should be from any religion, to keep the country in one thread, but it should be our duty not to call people of any religion wrong and do nothing that is hurtful to their religion, do not discriminate between caste and religion and Do not hurt the feelings of any kind of people in the name of caste and religion, discrimination and live in this country together.

We may be people who speak different caste, religion or different language, but our India is the same country, we are all Indians, our birthplace is one, we should maintain national unity and the spirit of passing on something for national unity is in our heart. Should be in There are some good people in our India country and there are some bad people whose aim is to disturb the national unity of the country, we should avoid such people, take action against such people because our India is a giant country, we all have all castes. , Should live in the same society by lovingly dealing with people of religion.


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