Essay on Importance of Natural Resources in English

Here you can find Essay, Paragraph, Article on Natural Resources in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.

We are cover in this article :  Importance of Natural Resources, What are Natural resources ?, Importance of Natural Resources, Advantages of Natural Resources, Classification of Natural Resources

Short Essay on Natural Resources, Importance, Speech, Article in English

What are natural resources?

Natural resources are those which are available from the earth without the action of mankind. They are naturally available and are under pressure from various natural characteristics which include all the forces of the earth. Naturally available forces include sunlight, wind, waves, forest etc. These resources maintain the population and increase the economy of a country.

Earth is an important milestone for mankind. The available supply is more than enough to sustain generations of life. Also called as resources, we can classify them for natural and man-made resources.

Importance of natural resources

Natural resources are a boon for many people’s lives. It provides innumerable substances that we use in our daily lives. This includes wood, honey, fruits, paper, sun rays etc. Natural resources such as sun and wind can be found everywhere. They are available even if it is used in large quantities. Sunlight is basically used to provide solar energy. Solar energy is exploiting sunlight for various purposes and can be replaced by many exploitative supplies. Wind energy is generated from windmills and is used to generate electricity. Tidal energy is mainly used from coastal areas that use high tides as well as low tides.

Benefits of natural resources

However resources like forest and its products are available only at certain places. Other such resources are fossil fuels, oil etc. Excess use of such resources leads to massive destruction and decay. The forests are known for large-scale gathering of trees, shrubs and different types of herbs which provide a safe habitat for animals. They give us wood for fuel and shelter, foods like fruits, honey etc., commercial products like resin, tannins etc. The Amazon forests are known as the “lungs of the world” because it provides about 30% of the Earth’s oxygen. . Fossil fuels are mainly used as fuels in industries. Oil is dug from beneath the earth’s crust. They are purified and then used for various purposes such as vehicles and industries. Petroleum is the redefined version of extracted oil. These products should be used carefully so that their disappearance can be avoided. They are naturally occurring substances. But when they are in that position, it takes a long time to return to that state.

Classification of natural resources

Natural resources can be classified into biological and abiotic resources based on their origin. Those living resources such as plants and animals are called biological resources. Resources that are inanimate like wind, sand etc. are called inorganic resources. Depending on the stage of development, natural resources are classified as potential resources, real resources, reserve resources, and stock resources. A common classification of natural resources is renewable and non-renewable resources. Resources that are readily available and the rate of consumption does not affect them are called renewable resources. Resources that are adversely affected by the rate of consumption due to various demands are called non-renewable resources.

The conclusion

It is our responsibility to take care of the resources, no matter the consumption. Effective management must be done when using every management resource. This will ensure that everyone gets a share of nature and an equal share. Protect nature for long-term establishment of resources.

Essay on Importance of Nature in Our Life 2

Nature … Do you think it’s important? You may be thinking that nature is just an ocean and a forest but no, nature is a God-given gift to us, it is everything that God has placed on this earth. Nature fulfills three basic but important needs of man which are food, water and shelter. Nature gives us food to eat, water to drink and wood to build houses, therefore, we are not just talking about trees and rivers. Nature is the key to our existence; The existence of the entire human race.

The greedy man has forgotten the nature that helped him to stand on the feet and survive. Today, we are invading forests to build homes and blame wild animals for entering our homes. But to fulfill his need, he is killing so many animals, cutting a lot of trees, mountains have flown. By cutting down trees, we are indirectly reducing oxygen levels from the atmosphere. And we all know the importance of trees in protecting and preserving our environment. Can you replace oxygen with something, can you buy oxygen from stores? Industries that spew toxic gases into the atmosphere cause air pollution. Greenhouse gases have increased the major concern of global warming. Carbon dioxide is considered one of the most dangerous pollutants. Vehicles such as cars, scooters, trucks, aircraft emit deep smoke and other human activities such as burning fossil fuels are responsible for the increase of carbon dioxide. In the last 150 years, such human activities have increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Global warming is becoming a serious issue. Increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are the main reasons for warming the Earth’s atmosphere. Global warming is an invitation to natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and is also responsible for the lack of food and diseases. Pollution is also affected by the water we drink every day. Water pollution is increasing day by day. About half of the ocean is polluted by wastewater. This polluted water is directly pumped into the river, oceans and other waterways without any treatment. In rural areas, people wash their clothes, utensils on the banks of the river, so many toxic substances get mixed up in water.

Plastic products in the environment directly affect wildlife and humans. The use of plastic bags is harmful to humans and animals. We use plastic bags and throw it away, but then these bags get into the soil or water and then release many toxic chemical secretions which make the soil less fertile. When these plastics are mixed in water, many aquatic animals are affected. Many terrestrial animals eat the plastic that we humans throw and often this plastic gets trapped in them and they die. Excavations, mountains and natural habitats of many animals are destroyed for the purpose of uncontrolled mining and obtaining precious metals, stones and gravel. In short, we are destroying nature from the left, center and right. Humans and animals strongly depend on plants but these days farmers use many chemical fertilizers for faster growth of plants and to make the soil more fertile. But these fertilizers are not only destroying the quality of soil but it is also harming humans and animals as we use plants as our food.

The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, launched the Swachh Bharat Mission on 2 October 2014 to clean the roads, streets and infrastructure of our country. There is a lot to achieve in this but at least we can see the garbage bin on the road, the separation of wet and dry waste in homes has become stricter. Well there it is found that you have mixed it. Plastic bags have also been banned by the government, which is a good thing to make the world plastic free.

The conclusion

Making India clean and making people aware of the importance of nature is a huge task. But we cannot just leave it to the government, for this the government should have a civil campaign. We need to support the government’s initiative about the Swachh Bharat program. If we start working today then we can have children and their children will get its benefits, it is a long process. Remember, nature is man’s best friend and we should cherish this friendship. This is the best gift, God has been given a boon; Do not change it to ban.


500 Word – Essay on Importance of Nature in Our Life 3

Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. It is the greatest blessing for human life; However, nowadays humans fail to recognize it. Nature has been an inspiration to many poets, writers, artists and many more. This remarkable composition inspired him to write poems and stories in its glory. They really value nature which still reflects their actions. Essentially, nature is everything that we encircle like drinking water, the air we breathe, the sun we sleep in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon staring at us more Huh. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and contains both living and lifeless things. Therefore, the people of the modern era must also learn something from the people of torture and start evaluating nature before it is too late.

Importance of nature

Nature has existed long before humans and ever since it has cared for mankind and nurtured it forever. In other words, it provides us with a protective layer that causes us all kinds of harm and harm. Mankind is impossible to exist without nature and humans need to understand this.

If nature has the ability to protect us, it is powerful enough to destroy the entire human race. For example, every form of nature, plants, animals, rivers, mountains, moon and more holds equal importance for us. The absence of an element is sufficient to cause havoc in the functioning of human life.

We keep our healthy lifestyle healthy by eating and drinking, which nature gives us. Likewise, it provides us with water and food which enables us to do so. Rain and sunshine are the two most important elements of survival from nature itself.

Furthermore, the air we breathe and the wood we use for various purposes is simply a gift of nature. But, with technological progress, people are not paying attention to nature. The need for conservation and balance of natural wealth is increasing day by day, which needs immediate attention.

Conservation of nature

For the protection of nature, we must take drastic steps immediately to prevent any kind of damage. The most important step is to prevent deforestation at all levels. The cutting of trees has serious consequences in different areas. This can easily cause soil erosion and also lead to a drop in rainfall at a major level.

Polluting sea water should be banned directly by all industries as it causes water scarcity. Excessive use of automobiles, ACs and ovens emits a lot of chlorofluorocarbons which reduces the ozone layer. This, in turn, causes global warming which causes thermal expansion and melting of glaciers.

Therefore, we should avoid private use of the vehicle when we can, switch to public transport and carpooling. We should invest in solar energy while giving a chance to recoup the natural resources.

In conclusion, there is a powerful transformational force in nature that is responsible for the functioning of life on Earth. It is essential for the rise of mankind, so it is our duty to preserve it for our future generations. We should stop selfish activities and do our best to conserve natural resources so that life on earth can be nourished forever.

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