Google Bert Algorithm Update Pros And Cons – What is Google Burt Algorithm

What is Google Burt Algorithm, Google Bert Algorithm Update, Google Bert Algorithm Pros., Google Bert Algorithm Update Cons.

Do you publish your blog in both Hindi and English language? Yes, then you need Google Bert Algorithm to define the language of your blog. Friends, do you know what is Google Bert Algorithm? No, then I will tell in this article that what are Google Bert Algorithm Update Pros and Cons?

Google keeps on releasing new updates related to Search Engine every day. In the last few years, many changes are being made by Google. In which Google also launched the new Google search console. Apart from this, many changes were seen in the Google search algorithm in the year 2019, which has experienced positive and negative impact on many types of websites.

In October 2019, Google has released a new update called Google Bert. Due to which the traffic of many websites has either reduced by 50% or increased by 50%. What is the Google Bert Algorithm Update, due to which so much change is being experienced on the traffic of the website. This is a very important question whose answer you will get in this article.

What is Google Bert Algorithm?

Bert Algorithm is also called Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers. Google Bert Algorithm is a Natural Language Processing. Which helps Google to understand both the Hindi and English languages ​​of a blog phrase like a normal human. Meaning Google, through Bert Algorithm, it is able to understand what is the meaning of the phrase being searched on the Google search engine.

It is not necessary that any user can search a whole sentence on the search engine, most users ask their questions by putting different types of words. By mixing these types of words, Google itself understands the question asked by the user and according to that question gives the desired result to the user. Why was the Bert Algorithm launched when Google answers its users in such a wonderful way?

Even though a very great algorithm has already been launched by Google. Nevertheless, whenever a user puts very complex queries on the search engine, then the very accurate answer is not provided by Google. For this reason Google was not satisfied with its algorithm so far. Therefore, in order to further improve its search engine and to understand the user’s query better, Google has launched a new algorithm, which it is calling Google Bert.

The changes that have been made in the Search Algorithm are not only made in the software, such changes have also been made in the new hardware.

What are Cloud TPUs?

This time for the first time Cloud TPU has been used as Hardware Advancement. Cloud TPU powers other Google products such as Translator, Photos, Search Assistant and Gmail. This cloud helps the search engine in giving the correct answer to the question asked by the users by connecting with the TPO search engine.

Will Google Bert have an impact on Snippet?

Google Bert Algorithm has been launched so that the correct answer can be given according to the query that users want to do. The difference of Google Bert Algorithm will also be seen on Snippet. Snippet is that section when we do any queries, then a part of our answer is shown to us by Google, seeing that users click on that article, thus the snippet can be considered a big role. Therefore, the effect of Google Bert Algorithm will also be seen on the Snippet section.

Mainly the effect of Bert will be seen on the query with Sentences. According to the new algorithm, Bert will now be able to understand words like Preposition. Words that establish a relationship between two words. Bert Algorithm can understand the meaning of those words and accordingly he is now able to answer the questions asked correctly.

Pros and Cons of Google Bert Algorithm

Both good and bad results are seen for every algorithm. On the one hand it will bring good results for the algorithm users and on the other hand bad. According to the features that have been decided by Google for Bert Algorithm, Bert Algorithm will fully understand the queries of the users by choosing the article with keyword density and provide answers according to their questions.

For which Google Bert Algorithm will have to fully understand the language of query and article. Which can be seen as a challenge. Also, the Bert Algorithm will have an impact on 10% of the search queries, which is believed to be very high.

Should we change our SEO strategy according to the Bert Algorithm?

This algorithm of Google has been made keeping in mind the user only. This algorithm does not mean that it should punish any kind of websites. Therefore, according to this Google Bert Algorithm, any website owner does not need to make much changes in his SEO strategy. They just have to keep in mind that they try to give detailed and good information on their topic.

What should a website owner do?

As we all have understood that Google is now going to understand the questions asked in a better way and answer them. Now that Google will understand the sentences and answer them. That is why it is necessary that any website write such articles which have detailed information about the topic. That is, he should write on the long-tail keyword of any topic so that whatever question the user asks, he can get the answer in that entire article.

Also, there is no need to think too much about the length of the article because now it is not the case that Google will give preference to long articles only. Google means by its answer, that’s why it does not matter how long you have written the article, but it does not mean that people who have written long articles will get any negative impact.

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