National Population Register Form 2020 (NPR News Update – Documents List Fake)

Central Government. A scheme has been approved to update the National Population Register on 24 December 2019 at a cost of Rs. 3,900 crores Rs. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said that the form or schedule to collect data for the NPR update has not yet been finalized. Home Minister Amit Shah said that there is no connection between NPR and National Register of Citizens (NRC). Images of the National Population Register (NPR) Form 2020 circulated on social media are fake.

The NPR Form 2020 calls for details such as the place of birth of father and mother as the program is still in its infancy. Congress leader Manish Tewari tweeted an image of NPR-2020 saying that “NPR will be raw data of NRC” and elements of NRC are smuggled into NPR. Amit Shah clarified that NPR is the register of population, NRC is the register of citizens. He asks if both NPR and NRC are anything, how is it relevant to ask whether my parents were born in India or were Aborad.

National Population Register (NPR) Form 2020 Fake

The Union Cabinet has approved the National Population Register (NPR) update for the financial year 2020. The NPR exercise was first held in 2010 and later updated in 2015. Earlier, NPR collected details on the following 15 parameters – Person’s name, relationship with head of household, father’s name, mother’s name, spouse’s name (if married), gender, date of birth, marital status, Place of birth, nationality (declared), current residence address, length of stay at current address, permanent residential address, occupation / activity and educational qualification.

The NPR pretest form was used in September 2019 for the National Population Register to collect the data of 3 million people on a trial basis. This NPR form had additional columns such as father and mother’s place of birth, place of residence, Aadhaar number, voter ID number, mobile phone number and driving license number. The cutest form to be circulated on social media was used during the testing phase of NPR and a final schedule is prepared after taking feedback from the respondents.

Before the final exercise next year, the central government wants to provide training to the enumerators and also seek feedback from those surveyed. Based on these feedbacks, the government will decide the contents of the final NPR form. The wrong National Population Register 2020, which is trending on social media, looks like this: –

National Population Register NPR Fake Form 2020
National Population Register NPR Fake Form 2020

As Minister of State for Home Affairs, Ajay Maken first supervised the NPR data collection process in 2010 who now said that NPR 2020 is completely different. The new form adds parents’ date of birth and location, last place, Aadhaar ID, driving license number, voter ID, mobile number which is similar to NRC.

No supporting documents in the National Population Register (NPR) 2020

Information about the date and place of birth of common resident mother and father in an all India practice except NPR, Assam will be sought. You will also know about it. Such as Aadhaar, Passport, Driving License and Voter ID. A normal resident is defined as a person who has resided in that area for the last 6 months or more or who wishes to reside in that area for the next 6 months.

The data will be entered as declared by the defendant and no evidence or supporting documents will be sought. Sharing of Aadhaar, passport, driving license and voter ID will be made voluntary and PAN details will not be asked. No bio-metrics will be collected during NPR, though it can be sourced from UIDAI if needed on an Aadhaar basis. The NPR was finally prepared in 2010 along with Census 2011, followed by an updation in 2015.

National population register background

The Citizenship Rule of 2003 clearly states that the Central Government may, through issuing an order, fix a date for preparing the NPR. Union Government. May even provide for the creation of NRC which will flow from data collected in NPR. As per the rules, the status of a person’s citizenship will be decided by the local authorities whether a person is in NRC or not. No new laws or regulations are required to conduct this practice across the country. The cabinet committee has given Rs. 3941.35 crore to update the NPR which will be combined with the Decennial Exercise with the House Listing and Housing Census from April to September 2020. Denial refers to a process that occurs every 10 years.

National Population Register NPR Documents List – No Documents Required
National Population Register NPR Documents List – No Documents Required

Central Government. Since 2014, the National Register of Citizens of India (NRIC) has been informed to Parliament on several occasions. NRC will be created on the basis of information collected under NPR by verification of citizenship status of all individuals. Earlier, Sh. Rajnath Singh had directed to take the NPR project to its logical conclusion which is the creation of NRIC. The NPR was created to expand various beneficial schemes for the people as data collected under the census practice could not be shared with the states or any other government agency.

PM Modi vs Opposition on NPR and NRC

PM Narendra Modi claims that till date there has been no discussion on NRC and NPR is a separate exercise for which the government has approved the budget. Opposition parties denied PM Modi’s statement and alleged that NPR is the first step of NRC. Home Minister Amit Shah claims that information obtained through NPR cannot be used for NRC and the Union Cabinet has never discussed NRC. He also said that there is no need to create a backdrop for the NRC as it should be in line with the promises made in the BJP manifesto in India.

Following the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) by the Indian Parliament on 11 December 2019, there were widespread protests against the CAA. As a result of these protests against CAA and NRC more than 20 people were killed in Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Karnataka. The CAA has granted citizenship on the basis of religion to non-Muslim communities unannounced from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who entered India on or before 31 December 2014.

There is apprehension and fear among Muslims that non-Muslims will be excluded from NRC practice following the nationwide NRC by the CAA. It is speculated by some that people from all communities will get citizenship, while Muslims will be expelled from the country following NRC practice. However, the central government. Explains that CAA and NRC are not interconnected.

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