Long and Short Essay on Role of Science in Making India in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Role of Science in Making India for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Science provides a new way of looking at things. It broadens the scope of available goods and thus aids in the development and progress of any country. Here are various length essays on the role of science to help you on this subject in your exam. You can also choose any of these essays as per requirement:

200 Words – Essay on Role of Science in Making India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Science has played a big role in what India is today. Scientific instruments have helped our country grow in every field. Be it agriculture or industrial sector, health sector, infrastructure or any other field – in each of these areas, the development of science can be seen.

Worldly farming techniques used in India since ancient times require much labor but still very low yields. Along with the study of science, researchers have discovered new tools and farming techniques that are currently employed in the agricultural sector in India. This has helped in increasing the crop yield to a great extent. New time machinery and equipment employed in various fields have grown over time and have changed their methods of work. In the last few decades, many new fields like telecom and information and technology have also come up. All these are gifts of scientific inventions.

The establishment of new sectors and industries not only introduced many new goods and services but also increased employment opportunities in the country. Apart from this, the process of export, import, starting and managing business and communicating with people around the world has become much faster and easier with the help of science.

Ultimately science has played a big role in Making India.

300 Words – Essay on Role of Science in Making India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Science has helped in the development and progress of India to a great extent. There are many institutes in the country that train students in this subject. Many of these students discover new scientific inventions while other students try to improve their way of working for people with inventions already available. We as a country have benefited greatly from these inventions. Scientific inventions made in other parts of the world have also been applied to carry out various tasks in India. These inventions have played an important role in strengthening India.

Role of science in improving infrastructure

The infrastructure of any country plays an important role in its development. India’s infrastructure has grown over the past few decades due to the implementation of high scientific techniques. Many roads, bridges and flyovers have been built to ease the process of transportation. Now it takes less time to come to different places. Commercial goods can now be transported to different places in the country in a short time. Automobiles, which are the gift of science, aid in this process. Due to this quick facility, everything is easily available in every part of the country.

Role of science in export market

Science has also played an important role in strengthening the export market in the country. The production of various goods has increased due to the implementation of scientifically advanced techniques and machinery. There are many agricultural and industrial products that our country can now produce abundantly. Apart from meeting the requirement of the people living here, they are also exported to other countries. The process of import and export has been streamlined with the increase in means of communication and transportation. This has helped in the economic development of the country.

The conclusion

India has benefited greatly due to the development and progress in the field of science. Scientific inventions have played a major role in the development of India.

400 Words – Essay on Role of Science in Making India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Humans have evolved over many centuries. He has developed his lifestyle and all this is possible only with the help of scientific inventions. It all started with the discovery of fire, the invention of wheels, bullock carts and stone tools and then no disruption was seen. Man is discovering new things with the help of science and since then man has greatly increased his lifestyle.

Role of science in economy making

    Rise of industries

Gone are the days when people in India were mainly confined to cottage industries and handicraft businesses. Many new businesses have formed with the growth in science. Many industries have seen a boom due to new age scientific instruments and machinery. Thus science has played an important role in the development of industrial sector in the country.

    Increase in employment opportunities

The establishment of more and more industries and businesses in the country has increased employment opportunities. Many skilled professionals get the opportunity to work in various positions in these occupations. Many people are trained to carry out various tasks for the job. They assist in the development of businesses which in turn helps in the overall economic development of the country.

    Better Export Markets

New scientific formulas and techniques have taken advantage of agriculture as well as industrial sector in India. Better production has led to the export of various food items. Similarly the use of advanced equipment helps in the production of various goods which are exported to other countries. Thus science has helped in improving the state of export market in the country which will benefit many businesses as well as economic condition of the country.

    improved communication

If there is any scientific invention that everyone on this planet is grateful to, then that is the means of communication. With the invention of mobile phones, the Internet and other cost-effective means of communication, it has become considerably easier to exchange ideas with people living in distant countries. This allows the best practices to be used worldwide. Like other countries, India has also benefitted from this invention. Through communication we have become updated with the latest technologies in the world of science and technology and are constantly adopting practices that help boost the economy of the country.

The conclusion

Science has played a major role in the development of India. We could not develop our country as much as we have done today without using scientific methods and techniques.

500 Words – Essay on Role of Science in Making India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Science has played a major role in making India a better place to live. Scientific inventions have helped in the development of almost all regions of the country. With the help of these inventions, people today are better equipped to handle various tasks – be it small household tasks or large corporate projects.

Role of science in agriculture

The agricultural sector is also in various fields benefiting from scientific discoveries. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for people living in rural areas of India. The farmers of our country have worked hard day and night for centuries but still have not been able to do enough. However with the advancement in science this situation has improved in the last few decades. The agricultural sector in India has benefited a great deal with new scientific techniques for growing and growing crops.

It has been accepted that the old agricultural techniques used in our country have become almost worldly. These techniques require poor farmers to do more labor and reduce yields. More and more farmers are adopting new scientific methods of farming. New soil health management methods, improved irrigation facilities, improved fertilizers, pesticides and new tools for sowing the land and cutting the crop are all gifts of science. They are helping in the development of agricultural sector in India. Crop production has increased considerably due to the use of these new techniques. Harvesting time is also reduced and this process requires less labor. Export of various food items has also increased since the introduction of scientific methods of farming in the country. This has not only helped to strengthen the financial position of the farmers, traders and others involved in the process but has also helped the entire country. Thus science plays an important role in strengthening agriculture in India.

Artificial rain – a boon for farmers

Another problem facing farmers in India is the uncertain climatic conditions. While there is a lot of rainfall in a year which creates a flood-like situation in a particular area, the next season there is very little rainfall in that area causing the area to experience drought. However, with the help of artificial rain due to science and technology, drought-like conditions can now be prevented. Some states in India have adopted this method and many other states are planning to do so if it is needed in future.

It is sad to see that farmers work hard on their land. They sow seeds and wait for rain so that crops are harvested properly. However, many of them are disappointed as the drought problem in many parts of the country has increased over the years. Many farmers are buried under huge debt because their crops are not produced properly due to which they have no choice but to commit suicide. Artificial rain is a boon for such farmers and their families.

The conclusion

Scientific inventions have helped the country develop economically in the past and still continue to do so. This has positively impacted the development of every sector, especially agriculture.

600 Words – Essay on Role of Science in Making India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Science, like other countries around the world, has also played a big role in Making India. Scientific inventions have raised many of our standards of living and have solved many tasks that previously required a lot of hard work to complete.

Indian scientists contribute towards the world

When we adopted various scientific ideas of developed countries, Indian scientists have also made a big contribution towards the world when it comes to science to develop our country. Some of these scientists are Salim Ali, Prafulla Chandra Ray, Homi Bhabha, C.V. Raman, Satyendra Nath Bose, Meghnad Saha, SS Abhyankar, Birbal Sahni, Prasanna Chandra Mahalanobis. His research in the field of science and scientific inventions not only benefited the country but the rest of the world also benefited from it. He has made us feel proud with his inventions. Indians are known for their talented students. Many of these have contributed to the field of science and technology in the recent past and many others continue to do so.

Medical science is a boon

The role of medical science in Making India cannot be denied. There was a time when epidemic-like diseases spread and many people died due to this which caused a deep shock to their family members. Due to these deadly diseases we have lost many children, many young talented persons and many established businessmen. Although today medical science has made a lot of progress. Many medicines have been invented to treat various diseases. Scientists all over the world are busy in discovering and researching new treatments and medicines to treat various chronic and fatal diseases.

Many hospitals and nursing homes have been established in many parts of the country to provide treatment to people suffering from various diseases. Good infrastructure and modern equipment have been provided in these hospitals to treat patients. He has a team of specialist doctors in various fields.

There are already established medical institutions and colleges in the country that offer medical courses. These institutes have trained many students every year to help them make their country a better place to live.

Role of science in improving lifestyle

Science is used in all our daily work. Our lifestyles have evolved over the years. All this is due to the use of various scientific inventions. From cooking food on a gas stove to keeping the same food fresh in the refrigerator – everything is an invention of science. Some examples of scientific inventions used in our regular lives include washing machines, cars, bikes, micro wave ovens, tube lights, bulbs, televisions, radios, computers, and mobile phones.

These things help in performing various tasks easily and quickly. One of the best examples of this is the change in means of communication. Earlier it was very difficult for people to reach their relatives and friends living in remote countries. They had to send letters to share important messages. It used to take several weeks to get these letters to the recipients and it also took a long time to get the answer. This problem was alleviated to some extent by the invention of the telephone. However, it was a very expensive affair. Today, the advancement of science and technology has given rise to mobile phones and the Internet. Interacting with people from all over the world has become easier. These sources help in sharing knowledge and help in the development of the country.

The conclusion

Scientific inventions have helped the country to rise financially and still continue to do so. Many of these inventions are employed in various fields as well as domestic works to develop businesses and enhance people’s lifestyles.

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