Speech on Youth in English

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Speech on Youth – 1

Dear Members of our NGO – Greetings to all of you! As you all know that our NGOs work for the rehabilitation of our youth and help in giving them the right direction thus it becomes important to understand that working towards the upliftment of youth and their energy Why it is important to show the right direction.

Before addressing the matter related to youth, let us understand the foundation of our society. Every society is formed by people of different social, religious and cultural backgrounds, classes, age groups and values. It is needless to say that every person plays a role in society which produces some reactions in the immediate as well as in the future. It is the responsibility of every citizen of our country to work to strengthen the foundation of society. Elementally speaking, every society is like a bundle of flowers where the beauty of every flower is important to be able to make the entire bouquet of flowers spectacular. Each flower has a different scent, a different shape and color, but when each of the qualities come together, the bouquet made looks more vivid and captivating.

Similarly, like young flowers, they are a complex part of any society and their role is very important. No society is incomplete without the participation of the youth. To make a society progressive and dynamic, young people should become an essential part of it. Someone has rightly said that “today’s youth is the leader of hope and tomorrow” because they are the face of our community, society and country at large. Young people are the messengers of change in society and can inspire our government or system to discharge their role effectively. But our youth have also received significant responsibilities to discharge. It is important for them to take lessons from the past, be alert in the present and live with the hope of seeing a better future – a future that will be brighter and more promising for the coming generation.

The duty of our youth is to fulfill their responsibility ie to maintain genuine, honest and good moral values. He should work relentlessly for the development of his society and country. Youth should apply their brain, creativity, strength and skills to bring about a meaningful change in their society and enable it to function in the best way possible. It is our youth and the only youth who can sow the seeds of growth and progress and become the backbone of the nation to lay the foundation for a bright future based on principles and ethics.

For all these dreams to come true, it is important that our youth first focus on their studies and educate themselves well because it is only education that will empower them and help them to build the future of our country. . Apart from intellectual studies, physical education is also important because without good health their mind cannot remain healthy. So if our youth remain healthy, they can try their best in working for their country.


Speech on Youth – 2

Ladies and gentlemen! Greetings to all of you !

Welcome to the 65th celebrations of our public uplift convoy! Before starting my speech on today’s youth, please allow me to first honor our guest, Mr. Vidyut. She has been the Secretary General of the Youth Club for the last 20 years and has been actively involved in the rehabilitation camp of her club and is also associated with our public uplift convoy. His achievements in this field inspire people like us to work without any selfish interest for the upliftment of our society and nation.

I would like to thank my team members for giving me this wonderful opportunity to address this appropriate issue. I am very excited because I have not completed even a month with the organization and I have got a chance to host this event.

First of all, we ask ourselves how many times we have got the opportunity to get connected with big things? How many times have we had the chance to come back and learn from our mistakes and know how to decide to move forward? Well some opportunities last for a lifetime.

So after being associated with this gathering, I personally feel very exciting and delighted after interacting with hundreds and thousands of youth and listening to their agenda. Today’s generation or present-day youth are growing up in an unsafe and unpredictable environment. While there is no dearth of opportunities, which can be taken advantage of at the right time to bring a big change in the lives of people, on the other hand there are immense risks and challenges which if not dealt with properly, weaken the capacity of the youth. Can.

There are differences on many levels in matters of opportunity, power and money. Can you imagine that around 65 million population worldwide was forced to leave their home due to war and conflict? This will create approximately 600 million new jobs for workers in the coming decade. The environment and climate changes have harmful effects that the world needs to take immediate attention otherwise the whole world will be caught in the grip of their fatal consequences.

In our country, where we have such a large proportion of the young population whose capacity is not adequately exploited, it can have a serious impact on the development of our country. Therefore, if we try to assess the potential of our youth and do not waste their talent, then we will be able to make a big contribution for our country.

So encourage all leaders to come together and empower our youth. I also ask all the youth to organize their peer groups. This can only be done by using our greatest treasure – our youth – to build a better world for us.


Speech on Youth – 3

Honorable Chairman, members of the committee and my dear colleagues – Hello from all of you! I welcome everyone to the speech ceremony of our National Engineering Group.

I, Vidyut Jaiswal- Senior host of our group is your host for today. Since I have been working for the upliftment of our youth for the last 10 years and have also been actively associated with them, the topic of my speech today is only on youth. Today, if we look at the entire history, there is the largest population of youth in the world and I am very hopeful in their ability to shape the future of our nation.

However, when I see youth wasting their time in useless things, I get a desire to improve their behavior and use their time wisely. We all should understand the fact that the youth of today are our only hope for tomorrow and we have a sense of responsibility towards them i.e. to guide them, nurture them and show them the right path etc. Our younger generation is no less than the youth of foreign countries and there is a lot of potential to shine the name of our country worldwide. They have the requisite skills, attitude, attitude, ability and knowledge to lay a strong foundation for our country.

I believe that the progress, development and bright future of the country is possible only when hardworking and progressive youth are included in the youth ideologies of our country and if young people are provided with strong moral values, excellent education and the gift of good health If found, nothing can stop that nation from reaching great heights of success. However if the youth of the country is disabled and spoiled then there is no future left for that nation – as it is always said that “strong buildings always have a strong foundation”.

Our youth are at the cusp of innovation and change and many of them have immense potential to perform miracles. What is needed is just to show the right direction and the right opportunities to excel or showcase their potential. Many NGOs running to fight various social evils in our society have many young volunteers who are doing fantastic work. Similarly, other fields also require young spirit and dynamic mind to bring innovation in the world. Being young means immense potential, curiosity, endless possibilities, energy, creativity, courage and patience. It brings special joy in life.

Today we have gathered to identify various ways of identifying young talents and honoring their skills to their optimum potential. We know that young people have the ability to discover unknown boundaries and provide new inventions and artistic creations to the world. So let us recognize such talent and allow them to come forward and speak with their heart so that they do not face any hindrance in realizing their true potential.

Now I request the members of my other group to come forward and say a few words on this subject which means something precious to us.


Speech on Youth – 4

Dear children – Hello everyone! I hope all of you are working hard for your board exams this time.

You all will be surprised because of my presence in your class today but as your class teacher had already informed you that today the Principal will be visiting your class so you are all a little less surprised. I am not here to scold you all but to share some words of wisdom with you. Since this is your 12th grade and after your board exams you will take goodbye from us so I consider it a fitting moment to exchange a few words that will be with you for your lifetime.

Obviously you are the youth of today and the youth of our country. Youth is the fountain of enthusiasm, energy and dynamism. It is the youth of our country who are going to carry forward the legacy of our country and will help in achieving new heights of development and achievements but if this youth becomes corrupt then the fate of that country will be in the dark. Such a nation cannot progress and is bound to face a sharp decline. Therefore it is very important to measure the autocratic power of our youth and give it the right direction. By effectively blocking this energy, any nation can achieve infinite heights and gain appreciation for its country.

And since you are all young today and as your mentor or teachers, we are responsible for shaping your future and giving you the right direction. However we can only help you choose the right path. Only you have to walk that path. And if you do not perform well in the present, it can have serious consequences in the near future.

So work towards shaping your future honestly. Make it bright and beautiful because this future will pave the way for the future development of our nation. The hard work done today will not be wasted and you will definitely get paid in the coming days. Nurture your youth with hard work, honesty and hard work. The challenges you are facing at this time will look younger to you tomorrow and you will get better with the passing time. But it is very important that you grow seriously in the direction of your goals. As you are getting older with the passing time, then with increasing age you should get more intelligence and knowledge? It has been rightly said that time is money because anyone who knows how to use time judiciously actually reaches the pinnacle of success and much further in life.

So my advice to you today is to never waste your youth capacity and use your optimum capacity. No matter what you want to become in life – a doctor, engineer, teacher, sculptor, actor, etc. Never let your best efforts fall short to accomplish whatever you do.

I hope you will take care of everything I said and remember my words forever. In the end, I want to wish you all the best on my behalf and just want to say that every passing day is better for you and you should not be disappointed with any kind of obstacles in life – face them courageously and wisely.


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