If there is a high fee on the credit card, then do this remedy

There are mainly three types of fees on the card. 1. Annual maintenance fee 2. Surcharge i.e. fee for non-payment of money on time 3. Interest on loan amount

All these three fees can be reduced in a way, but for this we have to first understand the structure of the annual fee charged by the bank.

First of all, a card holder should talk to the bank about the fees charged annually. The bank also reduces this fee according to the conversation

Surcharge i.e. fee for non-payment of money on time – This amount can be reduced on the basis of customer interaction. 

The interest on the loan amount can also be reduced by the customer on the basis of negotiation with the bank. This can be done with the help of the bank manager 

All the customer has to do is to contact the customer manager of his bank. Make an application. After applying, talk to the customer manager.