Best Fuel Credit Cards Which saves your monthly expenses
If your fuel spends, are in the range of 5-6k per month. Then use SBI BPCL Octane , HDFC Indian Oil, Axis Indian Oil, Citi Indian Oil, BOB HPCl, ICICI HPCl Super Saver
For monthly fuel expenses of around 10K, SBI BPCL Octane and SBI BPCL credit cards give you the best reward rate
Once your fuel spends inch upwards of 10k; You will notice that the reward rate on these fuel credit cards starts declining
Best Non-fuel credit cards for fuel spends, Amex Magnus, Amex MRCC, Amex Plat Travel, SC Ultimate
In the form of magnesus, fuel spends only 1.2% reward rate, but if you run a monthly bill of 1 LAKH+, you get 6.2% effectively at your fuel expense every month.
MRCC’s 4×1500 transaction offer and monthly spend milestone offer you can get a 4%+ reward rate on fuel spends of up to 20k per month
StanC Ultimate gives you a 2.3% reward rate irrespective of the monthly spends on fuel.