Universal Children’s Day Objectives, Date & More Things

Universal Children’s Day is celebrated every year on 20 November. Universal Children’s Day aims to improve child welfare around the world, promote and promote children’s rights and promote uniformity and awareness among all children.

Universal Children’s Day 2019

In the year 2019, Universal Children’s Day will be celebrated on Wednesday 20 November.

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) has started signing #GoBue on this Universal Children’s Day, appealing everyone to sign the petition, which will be submitted to the World Leaders on 20 November.

The petition calls for leaders around the world to protect children’s rights worldwide in a non-negotiable and unparliamentary manner.

UNICEF India will work closely with the Government of India to deal with issues such as infant mortality, child education, health and welfare. The agency is in the process of training ASHA (recognized social health worker) at the block level. These ASHA workers play an important role of a bridge between high pregnancy risk families and the nearest health center. They also advise and guide family members.

Universal Children’s Day – History

Universal Children’s Day was first established by the United Nations General Assembly through a 1954 resolution. The General Assembly suggested that “Universal Children’s Day be observed on the date and in a way each considers appropriate”. Since then Universal Children’s Day has been celebrated on 20 November; However, some countries celebrate a single day – International Children’s Day on 1 June.

In addition, on 20 November 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations. The Declaration is an international document promoting child rights, sometimes referred to as the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child. This adopted manifesto was an extended form of the original Declaration of Child Rights (1924), drafted by the British social reformer, Eglantine Jeb, and adopted by the League of Nations in 1924. The exact text according to the declaration is given below.

  • The child should be given necessary means for normal development both physically and spiritually.
  • The child who is hungry must eat, the child who is ill must be raised, the backward child must be helped, the delinquent child must be brought back, and the orphan and the waist must be sheltered and sued. Should run.
  • In times of crisis, the child should first get relief.
  • The child should be put in a position to earn a livelihood and should be protected from all forms of exploitation.
  • The child should be brought to the senses that his talent should be devoted to the service of his fellow men.

The original document is still preserved in the Geneva city archives and has signatures from various international representatives.

The United Nations also adopted a Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on 20 November 1989. It is an international human rights treaty that sets out the civil, social, cultural, health and political rights of children.

Importance of Universal Children’s Day

Universal Children’s Day is an important global event that protects children’s rights worldwide. All related agencies like United Nations, UNICEF and Governments organize many events around the world to promote the welfare of children and to protect their rights.

Despite the economical and social progress made in the last decades, the status of children has been largely neglected, mainly in developing and third countries. Their rights are being compromised in almost every area and they are being exploited physically and mentally.

A good number of children work in farm laborers and factories where they are often exposed to harmful toxic environments. Children are hired as domestic help or are employed in small hotels and eateries across the street. Such children are devoid of necessary health, education, social development opportunities and often spend their entire lives in subsistence and poverty.

Despite the decline in previous years, there are millions of hungry children worldwide. According to one report, globally, half of children under the age of five suffer from a type of hidden hunger, defined as a lack of essential nutrients. The following three forms of malnutrition are common in children – under nutrition, suffering from hunger and being overweight. Also, not a single country has made much progress in the last 20 years to combat this malnutrition.

Therefore, Universal Children’s Day is a special and most important event to protect the rights of children and to provide them adequate development opportunities. It also plays an important role in achieving SDG 2030 sustainable development.

Universal Children’s Day – Purpose

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) states the following main objectives of Universal Children’s Day.

1) Safety and security of teenagers

As children grow up, making the move towards teenagers, they are exposed to new forms of violence and exploitation altogether. At this age they become easy victims of gang violence, bullying and other illegal and anti-social activities. In addition, adolescents belonging to minority and poor families are more vulnerable to this type of violence. UNICEF is committed to protecting the rights of such children by organizing several programs.

2) Adolescent participation in social engagement

The estimated population of adolescents is 1.2 billion globally and is growing steadily. They are directly influenced by the government’s education and development policies, yet they have no involvement in decision making. UNICEF is committed to getting teenagers to be part of the social changes they want to see. Policies and legislation encouraging teen participation will be proposed and supported.

3) Child skill development

Developing a child’s skills will help him to explore a better future for himself / herself. This in turn will not only benefit families but also communities. It is very necessary to establish early developmental skills in children and specific skills for the job. This will be very important for a child’s productive and healthy life when he / she grows up.

4) Empowering child education

Education is a very important criterion for the overall development of a child. One of the aims of Universal Children’s Day is to strengthen the education system facing our children. It is a complex system that needs regular updates and constant monitoring. UNICEF is continuously working to strengthen the education system.

5) Educating children caught in emergencies

Education is the lifeline and the only hope for children caught in emergency situations. Today, more countries are affected by wars and crises than in the last thirty years. Children are the most vulnerable to such situations and sometimes the crisis increases for their lifetime. UNICEF is working tirelessly to provide uninterrupted education to displaced, refugee and migrant children.

Universal Children’s Day Themes

  • Universal Children’s Day Theme 2018 – “Children are taking over and turning the world blue”.
  • Universal Children’s Day Theme 2017 – “It’s#KidsTakeOver”.
  • Universal Children’s Day Theme 2016 – “Stop Violence against Children”.

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