Speech on Money in English

Here we have provide long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. – Speech on Money – which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.

Speech on Money – 1

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen.

Today we have all gathered here for the inauguration ceremony of our new bank branch and we are all very excited about it. As the manager of this bank I feel proud to be a part of such a great and successful company. Inauguration of a new branch is possible only with the cooperation of employees and the entire staff associated with the company. Using this opportunity, I would like to say a few words about the role of money in today’s world because money is the main reason behind the root of banks.

The role of a bank in the life of a citizen is important because it is directly related to money. Money is a very important or almost indispensable part in a person’s life and hence bank loan, transaction of money automatically becomes important. Wealth is the source through which we can buy those things which are necessary for a comfortable life. In today’s world, wealth is a source of confidence and without money it seems impossible to achieve all this. Hard work enhances a person’s ability and courage. Money reflects a person’s social status and reputation in today’s world. Unfortunately the world is lagging behind its moral and social values ​​and this is a very disturbing issue. Everyone wants to earn money in every situation. Many people are trying to earn money through wrong routes like gambling, sale of illegal things in other countries. These people have become slaves of money. Yes, slave!

People are moving towards becoming slaves of money or craving for money due to their growing love. The thirst for money is leading in the direction of corruption, cuts in tough encounters as well as deterioration of moral values. People are not using money to fulfill their needs but only to increase its number and quantity. They do not care about their health to increase their wealth. Due to their negligence towards the family and not taking care of their own health, their family has to bear the brunt of it. You cannot live a healthy and happy life only by increasing the balance in the account. Money can buy many things but cannot afford your time. After spending money can be earned again but the time once spent cannot be earned again. People only regret after losing health and family. They have forgotten the taste of a real life and are living in a limited world where money is everything.

Therefore it is better to become a master of money than to be a slave because a master knows where to spend money and how to fulfill his desires. Using money in the right way is very important.

With this I want to conclude my speech and hope that this bank will achieve great success with the confidence of citizens.

Thank you

Speech on Money – 2

Good Morning.

I am very happy to share this happiness with you that we have made double profit in business this year and this has been possible only due to the hard efforts of all of you. Thus the management committee has decided to share a certain part of the profit with all employees as a bonus.

We understand that money is the most important thing without which we cannot imagine our life. We all know the importance of money and the things that we can buy with money. This is why everyone wants to accumulate wealth in their life. I need not say that money is an important means of transaction for buying goods or availing any services. The importance of money has gone beyond the necessity of life. Money is essential to enjoy luxury and live a comfortable life.

Money was primarily invented by humans as a common denomination for trade, exchange of goods and services and aimed at earning income in the form of money. In those days, money was the main requirement in society after moral principles and policies, but in today’s time money has become the most important requirement of the people. No person can live without money.

We believe that earning more and more money is important not only for a comfortable life but also to ensure the safety of our family members. Today some things are not certain like emergency is necessary for emergencies like accidents, natural calamities etc. I do not believe in the notion that one should not work hard to earn more money or one should be happy with gifts of lesser nature. I believe that enthusiasm for earning more money makes a person competitive and agile. Also less money can meet your present needs but cannot protect you from future accidents. Thus an unseen future definitely requires more money.

In Hindu mythology, people worship Pujya Lakshmi and the deity Kubera which are symbols of wealth and wealth. No culture promotes that you ignore your responsibilities towards your family members and live the life of a saint-ascetic. It is important that you fulfill your duties towards your family members to the best of your ability and this will definitely require money to buy things that can make your loved ones happy.

Money is now available in various forms like paper, metal, plastic cards, e-wallet, travelers’ check coupons etc. Of course, the value of money is important and not its different forms. Second, in addition to earning money, you should also consider saving money for future as an important task. For this, you can consider investing in land, property, gold etc. because the value of these things is increasing every year. You should always look for different ways to earn and save money but you should not adopt illegal methods to earn money quickly. Such money can give you happiness for a short time but later you may have to face heavy penalties for it. Apart from this, you should take care that you do not compare yourself with others. Some may be richer than you and some may be poorer than you. If some things are out of your control then set your goal for it. Thus you should only focus on hard work to discharge your roles and responsibilities towards your family members, society and yourself.

Thank you


Speech on Money – 3

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends!

Today all of us have gathered here in this assembly hall for the speech competition organized by our school, the subject of which is money and its drawbacks. As a head girl of this school, I am very happy to start this competition by saying a few words on money. Money is one of the most amazing creations of human beings. In today’s time money is the most important and a powerful factor that we can get. People work day and night just to make money. They earn money to fulfill their desires and to their satisfaction. With money a person can earn almost everything.

If we look at the system of ancient times, when money did not exist, it was the barter system. In the barter system, people had to exchange their goods with each other in case of double coincidence of needs. The exchange of goods was possible only when a person gave his object in exchange for his own. It was not always possible to have double coincidence of needs and thus this system no longer existed. As time went on it was not possible for the exchange of goods as well as for the exchange of goods to be self-sufficient. In this way it was necessary to make money.

The search for money has made many things easier. We no longer need any type of coincidence to meet our needs. To fulfill your demands, needs or desires, you need money in your pocket. Money is needed everywhere but there are still many things that are not fulfilled with money or that cannot be bought like love. Our parents do not love us for wealth because it is unconditional love. Money can be the most important thing around the world, but there are still some places where the need for money is over or meaningless.

We all know about the lifestyle of all people today. Most of you are busy making money. Most are becoming careless towards their health and family. Money has many positive effects on the whole world but also many negative effects. Corruption is one of the major problems that many countries are facing today. This is due to the increasing addiction to earning more and more money. Yes, it is an addiction that is affecting many people. They can do anything to earn money. Starting gambling is a serious issue due to the addiction to earning money.

To overcome these problems we need to understand that money is not only a source of our needs and pleasures but more important than ourselves or our family members.

With this I would like to end my speech and wish you all the best for the competition. God make the most hardworking person win this competition.

Thank you Good day to you all.


Speech on Money by Teacher – 4

Dear students.

Hope you are enjoying your life to the fullest. I run a meditation center in the city and I am often invited to give motivational speeches on various topics in schools and colleges. Today I have chosen to give a speech about the topic of money which is the main center of attraction for all. Money is something that everyone wants to keep with them and people who already have money want to increase it many more times. Actually all of us should work hard to earn more and more money.

Money was ideally invented by humans as a means of uniform transactions that can be used to exchange goods and services. It was also considered as one of the things in which people can save their income and wealth. Money was not as important in those days as it is today.

As time has passed, the importance of money has increased drastically as compared to other things and people are looking for ways to earn more and more money. Although the truth is that we need money to buy basic necessities like food, clothes, shelter etc. But many of us want to earn more money to live our favorite things and comfortable life. The purpose of saving money is also necessary to meet any emergency or natural disaster. We have to deposit money in the bank as savings so that we can use it in future. Money is indeed one of the most important elements for everyone but it is not right to give more importance to money than man. I agree that if we have money, the people of the society will respect us. Everyone should be progressive towards earning money but one should avoid adopting inappropriate or illegal way to earn more money as these steps can prove to be very dangerous for you in future and it can ruin your life. Due to which the balance of your mental peace can get disturbed. Therefore, we should be happy with the money earned through honest means.

While earning money we must cultivate enough generosity to help the poorer sections of our society, especially children and women, and contribute towards their development and progress. Unfortunately the people of our society are focusing on themselves these days and do not pay attention to the people around them. There is a large population who live below the poverty line and there is no point in earning their livelihood, then it becomes our duty as a privileged section of our society to help uplift the weaker sections and bring them forward Help in I will appeal to all the students to study hard and establish themselves well so that you can achieve the goals in your life and give a peaceful life to yourself and your loved ones.

Another important aspect that you should consider is that the value of currency is decreasing after every year and things are getting expensive day by day so it is important that we make more money and save more and more. Many people want to save money through investment in property, gold, mutual funds, land, residential houses, bank accounts etc. It is a good decision to meet future disasters and adverse conditions.

In the end, I would say that money is definitely good, provided you know how important it is. To enjoy your money you should consider helping the needy people. In some religions people donate a certain amount of their earnings for great deeds and charity. It is totally up to you but you should always follow the right path to live a full life.

Thank you

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