Speech on Life in English

Here we have provide long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. – Speech on Life – which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.

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Speech on Life – 1

Good morning everyone!

I warmly welcome all of you to the Yoga and Meditation session, but before our Yoga Guru session begins, I – Munit Gupta – would like to give your host a brief speech on life for today. Since yoga is very much connected to life and helps to improve its quality, it is important to talk about its various aspects and how it can be improved by adopting some healthy measures.

However if I talk about life I would say that it is difficult to define it in few words. But I want to share an important principle i.e. “Life is a journey not a destination”. This journey is full of adventure and does not stay the same all the time. It is a fascinating mix of good and bad times, achievements and disappointments, joys and sorrows, luxuries and conflicts, opportunities and disappointments, etc. You may have a difficult time and difficulties on the way of this journey but people also react differently to a situation like that some give up, some stumble and fall badly but the purpose of winning Let’s rise again. Thus life is really about the people who really know how to fight the troubles and want to work their way through any means. It is due to this approach and constant efforts that such people become immortal and their stories of bravery become a source of inspiration for others.

On the other hand, if you experience the same style of work every day and you have no challenge to face, then life will become very dull and dull. Time-tested conditions and challenges help anyone to become a better and more sophisticated person because we will not be able to realize our potential and inner strength if there are no difficult situations in life. So take life as a game, make mistakes and then learn from your mistakes. Perfection lies in imperfection and we all achieve our goals only by making mistakes. You have to struggle to achieve what you want to achieve – whether it be a good job, a big house or a large amount of money in a bank account – however do not do so at the expense of others and snatching away their assets.

Remember that you will feel sad due to loss, failures and loneliness but in the end you will experience peace because it is often said that “rainbow comes out only after rain”. Being unsuccessful every time does not mean that you are a loser and cannot really achieve anything. It could also be that time is not on your side. So do not let every chance you get in your way by hand and do not let the opportunity for regrets take birth and leave no stone unturned to sweat hard. Life is like a kaleidoscopic photograph with diverse choices. You can discover your world without giving up while chasing your dreams. Sometimes there will be a time when you will get completely upset but remember that there is also a world that is bright and shining for you.

Living life with persistence is not an option, nor will it ever be!


Speech on Life – 2

Good morning friends – how are you all?

Let’s not discuss your syllabus or examinations in this class today and discuss a deeper subject, which is related with everyone, make it a bit more special i.e. life. Do you know what life is? How would you define life?

Students should thank God for giving us this life every day and work towards achieving our goals every day. We are all unique individuals and no one else is born in this world like you and neither will anyone, so enjoy your personality. Many times I see people blaming God for not having the facilities that others have but if they realize a little bit that if we make this life worth living and work hard then this life It is precious in itself.

Life in itself is an opportunity to live a meaningful life and enable others to do the same. So it does not matter how many years you live but it does matter what kind of quality of life you live and how well you live your life. Apart from this, how much you have given encouragement and love to others, which has made people’s lives successful.

On the other hand, the fear of death always hovers over our lives. Everybody has to face death if not today but this does not mean that we should not have any hope from our life or stop ourselves from achieving our goals. A person is proved intelligent only when he is ready to face the troubles that come but he enjoys it every moment until that time comes. It is a feeling of preparation. It is a journey of everyone’s life in which we have to cross the bridge of death to be able to survive for eternity.

And you will not believe but the secret of life is best known to those who are not deeply connected to anyone so that they remain free from worries as well as the effects of changing lives. These are people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions but measure their lives in terms of people without whom they cannot live their lives.

Life has been given to us by God in the form of faith, which will enable us to make it meaningful in whatever way we can. An idea that pops into our mind will always remind us that we are accountable to God at all times regardless of the opportunity, wealth and talent that he has given us as a gift.

The Lord Jesus uttered a few words that are, “Man dies once and then he has to face justice.” The second truth is that whatever wrong things are happening in this world will be corrected and God will take care of his children and good deeds will definitely be rewarded.

It is such thinking that makes life meaningful and only with the love of our family and friends can our life be made beautiful. Because of our duties in work, society and the world, life has become more beautiful and purposeful.


Speech on Life – 3

Good morning friends – how are you all?

I welcome you all to today’s speech ceremony and the theme chosen by our committee is ‘Life’. Chances are that many of us would have asked this question to ourselves all the time. The question is eternal and something that we are all trying to understand in this big and bizarre world. And the question is ‘what is the real meaning of life?’

No matter what background we are from, what position we are in and how many rupees are in our bank account. The real meaning of life for me is called Seva(Service). In the following lines, the Dalai Lama told his followers the real meaning of life or the purpose of life in this way: “We are visitors on this planet. We have been here for more than a hundred years. During this period we have to try to do something good. That is useful for our life. If you contribute to the happiness of other people, then you will get the real goal of life. ”

This Philosophy is a source of inspiration for the immense satisfaction that the poor and the needy can receive. The life that is to be lived only for selfish reasons is not life in real sense. The real happiness is found in the service of God and humanity, all the rest is illusory. While saying all that, I would still like to say that it is important to do your deeds and discharge your roles and responsibilities well. It is good to make good money, build good social friendships and have materialistic desires because these are the things that motivate a person to work hard and achieve goals.

This is just how you should strike a balance between your personal desires and acts of philanthropy. Of course you do not need to give everything to the needy people, but at least you are expected to develop a sense of sympathy and compassion for others. You should not always take this world as a battlefield and life’s challenges, rather we should live in harmony and spread the message of love and peace everywhere, only then this planet will be a safe haven to live. If by this time you are not able to understand your life or find the true meaning of life then you can step back, think / meditate and look inside yourself. Repeat this exercise and you will surely be able to find peace and right direction in life.

Look at your situation carefully and try to find out who gives you happiness in life and take steps towards it. If there is anything that disappoints your soul then you should try to remove it from your life. We must recognize our passion and work towards it because we are born only once. With this I want to end my speech.

Thank you all for listening to me patiently!

Speech on Life – 4

Hello Friends – Hello to all of you !!

Today I am here in front of you to address the subject called ‘life’. Life is like a roller coaster swing ride that never stays the same. Ups and downs are part of it but everyone strives to be happy and wishes to live a satisfying life. Some are willing to find a lucrative job, some are keen on a prosperous occupation, some are willing to have a healthy life and many have a long list. We want to provide the best facilities to our family and make friends who stand with us in all times of life.

We all want the wealth that life offers us and wish that all our problems disappear easily. So everyone wishes for a comfortable life that can happen on different levels. For example, a person can define life in a way that no other person can relate to and for that it involves just eating 3 times a day and having a roof over his head. For another person it may be a large house or large amount of money deposited in their bank accounts.

But at the present time the priorities are changing and so are the needs of the people. The level of stress is also increasing with the rise of high-paying jobs and materialistic desires. So with increasing levels of stress people are facing serious medical conditions and are unable to face the challenges that they face in life. As a result, the suicide rate and early death cases are increasing. So having a stress-free life is everyone’s wish. This is the basic human desire.

If someone is forced to show constant struggle and resistance then as a result of this their souls get disabled and such people are separated from life. Their energy runs out and it feels as if they are constantly running in a marathon. This way life becomes very difficult to handle but it is our perception that shapes reality and our lives. Surely we have to face challenges and obstacles in life, but one who is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm will rise above all difficulties and no matter how difficult the circumstances.

Life is not that easy and it is actually very normal to feel hopeless and unsuccessful in life, but it is important to rise against all odds and do your best because giving up in the face of difficulties is not a solution and constant effort is definitely you Move closer to your dreams.

The only mantra for a successful life is to believe in oneself and never bow down to difficult situations. Only the person who will give the fruits of hard work will give all his power to fulfill his dreams. So don’t run away from a difficult situation and face it firmly. If life is difficult then prove that you too are ready to face it and success will definitely touch your footsteps.

This is all I had to say. Thanks!

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