Short & Long Essay on World Environment Day in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on World Environment Day for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Students usually find this topic in schools to write paragraphs, essays, articles, give speeches or participate in debates. We are providing here some essays on World Environment Day with the aim of helping students in various word boundaries. You can choose any World Environment Day essay according to your need and requirement:

(1) 100 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

World Environment Day (WED) is a campaign, which is celebrated by people all over the world on 5 June every year. The campaign has been launched to bring global awareness of environmental issues among the people as well as to take positive steps for the environment. It is governed by the United Nations Environment Program and was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly. This day is specifically to improve the environment by focusing on the conditions of the present environment. It is celebrated by people from over 100 countries. It is the day when the public and politicians take inspiration from them to increase public works along with political attention through awareness programs in the context of environment. This day has been created for people to work on environmental issues and to be an active representative of sustainable and environmentally friendly development around the world.


150 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The World Environment Day campaign was started in 1972 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. It is celebrated every year on the 5th date in the month of June. It was announced at the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment as an annual campaign to draw attention to environmental issues in the near future. It was created by the United Nations as a main tool to create awareness about issues of warm climate around the world. The main objective of this campaign by the United Nations was to give the real face of environmental issues to the people and empower them to be an active representative of environmentally friendly development around the world.

It (World Environment Day) also promotes changes in people’s perception towards the environment to create a safe future. To celebrate World Environment Day, state level activities based on various themes or themes are organized by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment. The theme of the 2016 World Environment Day was “Struggle against illegal trade in wild life for life”.


200 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

World Environment Day is celebrated all over the world on 5 June every year. It was started in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly to raise global awareness on environmental issues. This campaign has been initiated to protect the nature of this planet (Earth) by motivating people by taking positive steps for the environment. The campaign was announced at the beginning of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment. It is administered by the United Nations Environment Program. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi planted the sapling at his official residence (7, Race Course Road, New Delhi) on the occasion of the World Environment Day 2015 program.

The main objective of this campaign is to promote environmental awareness and promotion of people through participation of media and celebrities in this program. Goodwill ambassadors of the United Nations Environment Program send messages around the world to participate in the World Environment Day. This campaign is an invitation to connect people in large numbers to this program, so that people understand the real state of the environment and become environmental representatives to combat climate change with effective programs against the ill effects of environmental issues. We should join this program for a better future and pledge to protect our environment.


250 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

World Environment Day is a campaign, which is celebrated on 5 June each year to encourage people to prevent the negative effects of the environment worldwide. The objective of launching this mission is to motivate people to be a part of positive changes in the environment to focus on environmental conditions and ensure the safe future of our planet Earth.

History of world environment day

World Environment Day was announced by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 on the occasion of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment. However, this campaign was first celebrated on 5 June 1973. It is celebrated every year and its program is specifically based on the annual theme declared by the United Nations. The event is organized by a city, where topics related to the environment are discussed, covering a range of activities. This day is the most important day for the United Nations to encourage and make people aware of some positive activities around the world to protect our environment. Now, it has become a large global platform to reach people in more than 100 countries.

Activities to be organized on World Environment Day

The World Environment Day program is celebrated in India exclusively, through various activities in schools and colleges. To create awareness among students, teachers plan to organize some effective programs; Such as essay writing, lecturing, education, subject discussion, slide show, quiz competition, art competition, banner display, seminars, seminars, workshops on fixed topics, painting competition, lectures related topics, themed performances, film shows, Statement writing, etc. Students are encouraged to do positive activities in the context of protecting our environment.


The state of our environment is falling day by day due to pollution and global warming. To protect the environment for a better future, we should promote environmentally friendly development in our country.


300 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June by people from more than 100 countries. It was announced and established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, although the event began to be celebrated every year in 1973. Its annual program is based on a specific theme or theme declared by the United Nations.

The celebrations of this campaign are organized every year by different cities, during which international exhibitions are held throughout the week. Through organizing this campaign, the United Nations promotes awareness and encouragement of the people about the environment. It is an effective annual campaign for positive public activities and gaining political attention.

Various activities and events are organized to make it more effective and to fulfill the objectives of the particular theme or theme of the year. Various verbs; For example, essay writing, paragraph writing, speech, drama is organized, street rallies, quiz competition, art and painting competition, parade, debate, etc. are organized. Other types of exhibitions are also organized to create awareness among people about the environment. It attracts groups of academics, environmentalists, professors, scientists, politicians, etc., including the general public.

On the day of World Environment Day, apart from the host city, it is organized by other countries on their states, cities, homes, schools, colleges, public places, etc., with parade and cleanliness activities, recycling initiatives, tree plantation and all kinds of green activities. To encourage and make people pay attention to the bad conditions of this beautiful planet. This day is not a public holiday, thus all schools and offices are open and no one takes a holiday. This program is an initiative to work together for some positive activities to preserve the beauty of this earth. We should keep in mind the objectives of the program throughout the year and make them beautiful and clean the surrounding environment through tree plantation, saving water, less use of electricity, use of organic and local foods, protection of wild life Etc. Many activities should be converted into work. This is the only planet we have for life, it is our home and we all are responsible for maintaining its natural beauty forever.


400 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

World Environment Day is observed every year on 5 June to address environmental issues by implementing new and effective plans to make the environment safe, healthy and ensured for a better future. It was announced by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 at the inauguration of the “Stockholm Human Environment Conference”, a special conference on the environment. It is celebrated every year with the aim of spreading awareness about the environment among people all over the world as well as to encourage and motivate people for active activities in the context of clean and beautiful environment on earth. It is celebrated with a lot of preparation as a big celebration of the year, during which there is an increase in political and public activities.

World Environment Day (WED) has been established with various plans, agendas and objectives to remove all environmental issues from this planet and make this planet truly beautiful. It was necessary to establish this special program for the environment to focus on environmental problems and to provide a face to the people on environmental issues. This ceremony helps us understand the importance of a healthy environment for healthy living as well as motivate people as active representatives to ensure environment-friendly development around the world. It spreads the general understanding of the people that, for the availability of a safer and more prosperous future for all nations and peoples, it is necessary to change their behavior towards environmental issues.

World Environment Day is governed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). It is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, however, it is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. It was founded in 1972, however, it was first celebrated in the year 1973. Its conference is organized every year by different cities (also known as host countries) with a different theme or theme. It is celebrated through the international cooperation of the people. The theme or theme of the 2016 World Environment Day was “Struggle against illegal trade in wildlife for life”, hosted by the country of Angola.

The purpose of this conference was to bring people of all countries together to deal with climate change and to compromise to improve the management of forests. It has many verbs; Such as tree plantation, cultural programs, art exhibition, painting competition, quiz competition, debate, lecture, essay writing, speech etc. are celebrated by the students on topics related to environmental protection. Workshops are also organized (in terms of fixed planning) to encourage the youth on environmental and climate change issues for a secure future on earth.

In 2009, in Chennai and Bangalore, environmentally friendly infrastructure and art competition to protect natural resources by curbing global warming, training programs for students to manage e-waste (electronic waste), reuse of energy sources , Wildlife conservation, rainwater conservation, debate on rising global warming, organic waste The environmental fair through town, etc. was organized.


600 Words – Essay on World Environment Day for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

World Environment Day is observed every year on 5 June. The United Nations was established in 1972 to inaugurate the Stockholm Convention on the Human Environment.

World Environment Day (WED) is organized each year by a different city and is celebrated through the week of June 5 with an international exhibition.

World Environment Day is used by the United Nations to encourage environmental awareness and promote political attention and public action. The first WED held in Stockholm was first discussed at great length in view of the political, social and economic problems of the global environment taking certain actions.

World Environment Day is celebrated in many ways. Street rallies, parades, street plays create awareness about the world environment.

In many cities, competitions such as poster competition, essay competition, poetry competition, slogan competition and debate are organized to further promote this event. The main objective is always to connect people with the environment.

Some cities have art exhibitions with art made from recycled materials. Some people got celebrities to support this campaign. Banners have been placed on the road to promote the message of World Environment Day.

Tree planting drives are also organized in some cities. The awards are given to neighborhoods that have made a significant effort to care for the environment.

Broadcasting public service announcements on TV and radio helps renew renewed efforts to save the environment. Conferences are held to educate people about the efforts being made to preserve the environment.

The agenda of the WED is to give importance to environmental issues. It hopes to empower people to become active agents promoting the cause of the environment.

Change can only happen when it is affected at the community level; Therefore programs are organized on World Environment Day which create community consciousness.

The head of the government and the minister of environment give speeches to advise the people what has already been achieved and what is still to be achieved. Some even go a step further and establish permanent government bodies that will particularly focus on environmental issues.

Each World Environment Day has a special theme that relates to the environment that it addresses. The theme of World Environment Day for 2007 was “Melting Ice – A Hot Topic?” It discussed climate change and the global impacts of these changes on polar ecosystems and communities.

The theme of WED 2006 was Desert and Desertification and the slogan “Desert Dry Lands” which increased the relevance of protecting dry lands, which are home to one third of the world’s people, who are more defenseless.

World Environment Day is the day to observe the state of our environment. It asks us to stop on our tracks once a year and check our surroundings. It tells us to pledge, at least in some way, to do something for the environment.

Young and old of every section can contribute to save the environment. Not everyone is required to contribute heavily to world environmental organizations. The little things that really matter are things like recycling our waste, using products made of paper and wood in a discriminatory manner and these can be done by anyone and everyone.

By turning off lights and fans in the home when water is not in use, children can also contribute to this cause by not wasting water. Some of us have to preserve the environment. So let us all do at least one thing before the next World Environment Day.

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