Short & Long Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Plastic bags cause pollution of land, air and water, due to which it is banned in many countries. However, they are still used in many parts of the world, making it a serious threat to the environment. Here you have been provided essays on both long and short Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned, which can help you in your exam. These are written in very simple language. You can choose essay on any Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned according to your requirement.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Plastic bags are easily available everywhere and are widely used. In particular, it is very popular in grocery stores and proves to be very helpful in bringing groceries. It is available in many sizes, with it it is also economical and very easy to use. However, the price we are paying for using these plastic bags is ignored. Yes, the plastic bags that we use daily in our daily work with so much fervor are very dangerous for the environment.

This problem is more frightening than it looks, according to researchers, plastic bags are a major cause of water pollution. Apart from this, apart from making fertile land barren, many other problems arise. For this reason, the use of plastic bags has been banned by many countries to keep the environment clean and green and India is also one of these countries.

The use of plastic bags has been banned by many states of our country. However these rules are not followed properly and plastic is still available in many places in the market and they are also being used. These shopkeepers deliver goods in plastic bags and are used by shoppers to bring them happily.


300 Words – Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The problem of pollution in our environment is increasing day by day and it has increased very rapidly since the time of industrial revolution. Due to increasing number of factories and vehicles worldwide, pollution levels have increased manifold in the last few decades. While on one hand the smoke emanating from vehicles and factories has made it difficult for us to breathe by polluting the air, on the other hand, the waste from industries and houses has contributed to water and land pollution, due to which many serious diseases. Is born

Plastic: The main cause of environmental pollution

Like other cars, today, plastic also contributes greatly in causing pollution. Plastic that is obtained from fossil fuels such as oil and petroleum. It is widely used for making plastic bags, kitchen items, furniture, doors, cladding, packing items and many other things. People prefer to take items made of plastic as it is much lighter and economical than wood and metal items.
The increasing use of plastics is increasing the amount of waste generated by plastics, making it harder to dispose of, as plastic is a non-biodegradable material. It breaks into many pieces and gets spoiled but is not found in the soil, due to which it remains in the environment for hundreds of years and spreads pollution. If it is buried in landfillos, then there is a possibility of it leaking pollution to the land and water. Plastic cannot be destroyed by burning, because its combustion produces many toxic gases, which can cause many serious diseases. Disposal of plastic bags has become a major problem in today’s time.

Plastic bags are the major source of pollution caused by plastic, due to which it is banned in many countries. However, banning only plastic bags cannot solve this problem. To protect the environment, we also need to ban other plastic items.

The conclusion

This is the time when we need to understand the seriousness of the problem, how plastic is ultimately damaging our environment, which has adverse effects on the environment as well as trees, animals and sea water, and mankind. But there is also a serious crisis. To ensure the protection of the environment, we should reduce the use of plastic products, so that a clean environment can be created.


400 Words – Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

The plastic bags that we use every day in our lives have become a serious threat to life on earth. It has gradually become a part of our life, due to which it has become the cause of many serious diseases for humans as well as animals.

Plastic bags: a threat to human health

Plastic bags are very harmful to human health. From their manufacture to their disposal, these plastic bags pose a threat to human health.

The toxic chemicals that are formed while shaping them during the manufacture of plastic bags have a very adverse effect on the health of the manufacturer. Plastic bags are mostly used in packing food items. Researchers claim that some toxic substances enter them when packing food ingredients. In this way, plastic bags pollute them instead of keeping them safe. In many cases, plastic food damage has been reported and when eating such foods, food poisoning, intestinal related problems and other health problems can arise. Apart from this, humans are also at risk of cancer by plastic.

A large amount of non-biodegradable waste is generated by plastic bags and this waste remains on the earth for about 500 years. In addition, these waste materials mix in the sources of water and also spoil the quality of drinking water. Drinking water quality has come down drastically in the last few decades. An important reason for this is the increasing number of plastic bags which are dumped in rivers and other sources of drinking water. Due to which many problems and diseases related to water have arisen.

Plastic bags: Causes of diseases in animals

Animals and marine animals are worst affected by this waste generated by plastic bags. We throw these plastic bags randomly after use, converting it into a huge waste area and innocent animals reach these places in search of food and in small amounts or sometimes Whole plastic bags are eaten with their food. These plastic elements are collected inside their body and later they become the cause of their health problems. On the other hand, after consuming the entire plastic bag, he also dies of suffocation.

The same thing happens with sea java. Due to the waste generated from plastics, the sources of water are highly polluted, which spoils the quality of drinking water of aquatic animals. Many times fish, tortoises and sea creatures eat small amounts or whole plastic in the confusion of their food, which makes them unwell or they die.

The conclusion

Plastic bags are very harmful for health and along with it create many other serious problems. That is why we should stop using plastic bags and adopt other environmentally friendly alternatives.


500 Words – Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Being lightweight in weight and easy to use, the plastic bag is very popular among the logos. Apart from this, while buying goods, we do not even have to buy them like clothes and paper bags. Because they are very economical, they are given free of cost by shopkeepers when they buy goods. For these reasons, plastic bags are more preferred by shopkeepers and buyers. However, we need to forget our immediate facilities and look at the big effects of the future.

Problems arising due to plastic bags

Here are some of the major problems caused by plastic bags.


The plastic bag is a non-biodegradable item. Therefore, their disposal is a major problem. They break into small particles and enter the ground and water sources, but they do not disintegrate. Due to which it lives in land and water for hundreds of years and by emitting toxic chemicals, it causes great damage to this beautiful and rich earth.

2. Environmental level drop

Today, plastic bags have become a major cause of land pollution. Because of these, nature has a very negative effect. It takes about 500 years for the plastico that is dumped in the landfillo to disintegrate. This bag is very light in weight due to which it is carried away by blowing air. Their accumulated garbage heap causes land pollution, in addition, when they are mixed in water sources, they become the main cause of water pollution. In this way it is damaging our environment in every possible way.

3. Harmful to animals and sea creatures

Along with their food, plastic is also eaten by animals and sea creatures. Because plastic cannot be digested, it gets trapped in their intestines. In this way, a large amount of plastic gets deposited in the intestines of various animals and sea creatures, which causes many problems in their health. Many times the whole plastic bag is swallowed by the animals and gets stuck in their intestines or throat, due to which they die from suffocation. The largest victims of such incidents are sea turtles, by which plastic bags are confused and eaten as jellyfish. Research has shown that the waste generated by plastic bags is the biggest cause of untimely death of animals.

4. Cause of diseases in humans

Many types of toxic chemicals are produced from the production of plastic bags, which can cause serious health problems for those who manufacture them. Apart from this, plastic bags used in the packing of food items can also cause many health problems. Apart from this, as already mentioned, plastic bags cause environmental pollution and we all know that environmental pollution is the main cause of many diseases caused to humans.

5.Closed sewage

Poor plastic bags thrown are carried by water and air and get trapped in drains and sewers. In this way, the stalled sewage system becomes a serious threat to humans and animals especially in the rainy season. Due to the plastic getting trapped in the sewer and drains, water flow stops and water logging occurs. Due to which a flood-like situation arises and disrupts normal life.

The conclusion

We need to stop using them immediately with serious consideration of the problems caused by the use of plastics. Although some states have taken a positive initiative on this subject and plastic bags have been banned completely, but this is the time when the various state governments of our country join together and adopt a strict attitude on this matter. Need to be banned completely.


600 Words – Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Plastic bags are one of the major causes of environmental pollution. Because plastic is a non-biodegradable material, it remains in the environment for hundreds of years and continuously spreads pollution. We need to ban plastic bags completely before it completely destroys our environment.

Countries that banned plastic bags

Many countries around the world have either banned plastic bags or taxed them to reduce their use. This includes countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Morocco, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Taiwan, England, Germany, Hawaii, New York, Italy, Scotland, Rhode Island and Maine. These measures have helped to overcome the problem of plastic bags to a great extent. But this problem has not been completely resolved yet because these measures have not been implemented properly.

Plastic bags are still available in the black market in some of these countries and are still being used illegally.

Reasons to ban plastic bags

Although there are many reasons why plastic bags should be banned and due to this many countries have taken strict steps to reduce the use of plastic, some of these reasons are mentioned below:

  •     Land and water are constantly polluted by the waste that is spread through plastic bags.
  •     Due to plastic, the creatures living on Earth as well as sea creatures have also come under threat.
  •     Chemicals released from waste plastic bags enter the land and make it barren.
  •     Plastic bags also have a bad effect on human health.
  •     Plastic bags also cause problems of drainage of sewage and sewer.

Public should support plastic ban

Although plastics have been banned by the Government of India in many states, people are still seen using them. Shopkeepers stop giving plastic bags to buyers for a few days and start using them again after a few days because no concrete steps are taken by the government regarding the production and distribution of plastic bags. This is the time when we too need to contribute to make this ban a success.

The educated people like us, while carrying out their responsibility in this context, should stop the use of plastic and motivate others for it. Below are some ways we can support the government in this matter:

    Control access

Because we are in the habit of using plastic bags, it is difficult for us to stop using them one by one. To be successful in this scheme, we have to understand its adverse effects on the environment and control its use. With which we will lose the habit of using our plastic bags in a few days.

    Adopt options

Apart from plastic, there are many other environmentally friendly items that we can use. In place of plastic bags to bring goods from the grocery store, we can carry clothes or jute bags which can be used again and again while going to the market.


We should use the plastic bags lying in our house as many times as possible before throwing them.

  Spread awareness

Apart from this, the government should also create awareness among the people about the negative impact of plastic bags in the people and it should be banned by publicizing and spreading information about it verbally among people. We can also make the people working in our homes, those who clean cars and children aware about the problems related to the environment. Which may prompt them to stop using plastic bags.

The conclusion

Problems arising from plastic bags are mostly ignored by us and are not seriously considered. Because the long-term effect of these small plastic bags used on a daily basis is not noticed by the people. We keep using these plastic bags for our convenience and completely ignore the harmful effects they have on the environment and the life of the earth.

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