Short & Long Essay on where there is a will there is a way

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on where there is a will there is a wayfor nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 200, 300, 400 & 500 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Where there is a will there is a way the most famous and Old English proverb. Students can be assigned by their teachers to write a few paragraphs or a full essay on the subject, sometimes in an exam or in the classroom.


100 Words – Essay on where there is a will there is a way for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We must all have heard of the famous saying “where there is a will there is a way”. The saying really applies in everyone’s life. If we feel that we can do a task then we can certainly do it without any hindrance. But if we feel that something is impossible for us, it cannot be accomplished by us, but the harder we try. So it is always good to remember that if we have concentration and pay attention to what we are doing then we will find the right path. When we are trying our best, we should not hear demoted or negative comments. To be successful we must have dedication and great interest in our work.


200 Words – Essay on where there is a will there is a way for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

As we all know that nothing is impossible in this world but it is very difficult to achieve anything in life without determination and will power. Strong gives us the power to move forward and continue tasks until we achieve success. Proverbs there is a way where there is a will ‘teaches us what we must set towards our goal otherwise we will fail.

A strong person is those who can perform miracles in their life. Human will power is very powerful which can beat any difficulty and give extraordinary results. At first glance, it seems that many tasks are almost impossible to complete and some people lack the will power. Few people have the necessary strength and willpower to accomplish their goals.

Despite being strong-willed, other things like discipline, consistency, dedication and patience are also required. We have to work hard, get up early in the morning and work beyond the scheduled hours with full commitment. We just need to postpone things and work continuously without waiting for results. Do not give any excuse for your hard work and never complain about your fate.

Some people get discouraged by failures because they lack the determination and patience to wait for the final results. We should take failures positively because it makes us stronger and teaches us that we are doing something in the wrong direction. Failures are moving towards success and we must continue to work hard because there is no shortcut to success.


300 Words – Essay on where there is a will there is a way for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Where there is a will, there is a way there is a good old saying that has proved its meaning hundred percent. If we want to do something, then things will work for us but we need to be devoted to it. There will be some hurdles along the way but will power gives certainty to winning the target.

Desire to do anything in life. It is good to dream but it is not good to fulfill the dream. If you dream, work accordingly to fulfill them. The meaning of this saying applies to all areas of life. If you want the good news of life to come your way, then you need to work hard and with patience.

You cannot achieve good results and success in the first attempt, although you may succeed after many difficult tests. We are all well acquainted with the simple story of a thirsty crow who worked hard to fill the pitcher through small stones to bring the water up so that it could drink water and quench its thirst. He was looking for water for hours but when he found water, he was very less in the pitcher. He made several attempts to quench his thirst without success. He thought up an idea and picked up the pebbles one by one in the pitcher and started collecting. In the end, he succeeded in raising the water level and quenching his thirst.

His will to quench his thirst enabled him to defeat all difficulties and achieve success. Her thirst was very important which made her strong and won. All the trials and successes of that crow teach us that you are never disappointed despite being surrounded by difficulties. Just be patient and keep working hard, you will surely get success.


300 Words – Essay on where there is a will there is a way for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

We usually make a lot of promises on our own per day such as a daily routine, daily exercise, completing homework on time, cleaning the house, following parents and teachers, commitment to daily study, and more. However, sometimes we do not win. Due to lack of will power and strong determination.

Whenever we look at our history, we find many great personalities like Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Edmund Hillary, Swami Vivekananda; Etc. who had various big dreams and most importantly they were able to fulfill their dreams because they had strong will power towards their goal. They were very clear about their decisions and decided each step to reach the goal.

He never gave up in the face of his difficult times and continued on his way, overcoming all difficulties. They were able to find the right path to success. Nowadays, most people in this generation do not have patience and willpower. Thus due to their wrong attitude and greed they lack in achieving their goal. Just think, if the rain stops, the sun will stop giving incense, the rivers will stop watering, trees will stop giving fruit, etc. If we stop helping nature, we will not live our life happily Can. We can learn from each natural cycle to develop a commitment to our work.

This is the English proverb where there is a will there is a way ‘means that we cannot succeed in life without will power and determination towards goal achievement. Suppose a student wants to get first place in class without hard work and proper preparation, then he cannot do it under any circumstances because he lacks strong will power and strong will power. However, he can achieve the target next year after hard work and complete preparation.

Things that are impossible to achieve can be easily achieved with strong will power and hard work. So, we can make those things possible which are impossible through our continuous hard work. We all have inner will power, determination, dedication and hard work ability. We need to recognize our inner strength and develop such natural forces within us to overcome all difficulties along the way and reach the goal. We need to focus on our goal to achieve the ultimate victory because where there is a will, there is a way.


500 Words – Essay on where there is a will there is a way for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

“Where there is a will, there is a way” is a familiar and famous saying. But few understand and act on it. This proverb underlines a very important fact of life. The man is ambitious; He is full of desires. But all these are not fulfilled, because they lack will power.

Nothing can be achieved without determination and strong. When our desires are just desires, they are not likely to be satisfied, they do not have persistence on their backs, constant effort, and singularity of purpose. Determination is one of the secrets of success. Why some succeed and many others fail in life. The answer is simple and clear. Those who work hard without any effort in their efforts get success, while others try – not too much or half-heartedly. Successful people cannot be compared to a cat who wishes to eat fish but riots have wet her feet. Such people are fatalistic, indolent, aimless, inconsiderate and shameless. He lacks courage, determination and sustained efforts.

God helps those who help themselves. Luck favors only the brave. There is no reason not to achieve what you want, if you try and try for the whole time and for a long time. Napoleon believed that impossible words were to be found only in the dictionary of fools. His life is a living example of what he said, believed and practiced. There is nothing impossible in the world for a man without steel will-power and no determination. History is replete with many examples, which illustrate how men and women are crowned with success against enormous odds of iron. The legend of Robert Bruce and Spider is well known. Bruce was defeated thirteen times in succession to his superior enemy, but he never lost heart. The spider showed him the way. He took heart and defeated his enemy in the fourteenth attempt. He said that once there was a certain success and an impossible feeling in possibility.

Take the example of Maharana Pratap and Shivaji. He is well known in Indian history for his iron will, determination, courage, valor and patriotism. Rana Pratap bravely fought against such a powerful king, who was in the form of Akbar despite being constantly defeated, but he never surrendered into slavery. Such was his willpower and determination. He had pledged to liberate Mewar and therefore made determined and sustained efforts to achieve his goal till his last breath. It is not success that always matters in the final analysis. What really matters is how you have played the game and not whether you have won or lost. Again take the example of Mahatma Gandhi, a weak man, but a man of strong will and conviction. He won – freedom through non-violence, satyagraha and non-cooperation. He used these weapons against such powerful British imperialism with great determination and will that the British had to leave the goods and goods of India.

We can see the same iron wish in Sardar Patel. He has been rightly called the Iron Man, because he was filled with great will, determination and eccentricity of his purpose to unite India into one whole, unified nation. It was this iron-man’s strong will and iron will that finally merged all the princely states into the unified strong India of today.

Will is the main driving force that can lead you to your goal. Desire means strong desire that does not know the obstacles and barriers. Nothing is impossible for the iron-willed and indomitable soul; For him, the sky is not the limit. Each is strong after success and achievement, with tireless efforts. Whether it is the discovery of Everest or the moon, there is the same iron will behind these achievements. A determined person takes the obstacles and difficulties as a challenge and beats them on the strength of their hard work and tireless efforts. Determination is the primary and most important condition of any notable achievement.

History is full of many bright examples to show us how people turned an impossible task into a possibility and a success. The story of Abraham Lincoln is the story of a man from a log cabin to the presidency. After this Columbus, Garibaldi, Lenin, Mao Tsetung and many other veterans guided us and taught us how to achieve success and fame, along with constant efforts. If you have an unwavering, strong will and pursue your efforts as these great men of history have done, then you are also what you want.

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