Short & Long Essay on Violence Against Women in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article Violence against Women in India for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 & 400 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

We have provided some essays to students in different word limits here about the violence against women in India.

(1) 100 Words – Essay on Violence against Women in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Technological progress and violence against women are going on simultaneously in 21st century India. This violence against women is of different types and women can be victims of this violence in any place like home, public place or office. This violence towards women has now become a big issue and it cannot be ignored any more as women represent half the population of our country. Since ancient times, women were considered as a means of entertainment. Whether it was a matter of domestic life or of organizing a public function, women were humiliated, exploited, tortured and tortured by men everywhere.


150 Words – Essay on Violence against Women in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Since the beginning of social life in India, many centuries have come and gone, time has changed both people’s thinking and environment but still there is no reduction in violence on women. Time is a true witness of violence against women. Time has seen helpless and helpless women going through different sufferings (gender discrimination, physical abuse, repression, molestation, humiliation). This is an Indian society where women are worshiped as goddesses, while women feel helpless and helpless. In the Vedas, the woman is called Mother, which means that she gives birth as well as nourishes. At the same time, the mother considers herself crushed in this male-dominated thinking society.

Women are constantly falling prey to violence. There are many forms of this violence like domestic violence, violence in public place, physical violence, mental violence etc. The fear of violence among women has become so much that they are not able to participate openly in their favorite areas. This cruelty towards women has made a deep impact on their hearts and minds. It seems that even if violence is completely eradicated from the society, it will probably be difficult to eradicate the violence of women.


200 Words – Essay on Violence against Women in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Indian society has always been dominated by men, where women have been victims of different types of violence since ancient times. On one hand, there is a steady progress in the technical field in the world, the level of happiness is increasing, while unnatural sex and abuse from women has also increased.

Nowadays raping and brutal killing of women has become a common phenomenon. In today’s Indian society, assaulting women, harassing them, forcibly pulling chains or other jewelery along the way has become a part of daily routine. Incidents such as killing for dowry, burnt alive, beaten and thrown out of the house are giving rise to violence in the society. These atrocities on women have spread widely in independent India. Increasing violence against women is also affecting social, economic, political and cultural development.

The practice of increasing dowry in our society proves that violence against women can never be eradicated. It has become an intricate problem that encompasses many aspects of violence. The dowry system has reduced the status and prestige of minor girls in the society. It is often seen that if a dowry is not given to the in-laws at the time of marriage, then the in-laws are abused, beaten and abused in the in-laws daily. Everyday thousands of girls are becoming victims of this social monster.


250 Words – Essay on Violence against Women in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Women have suffered a lot of atrocities because of the male-dominated Indian society. Generally, the problems that women have had to face two-four are dowry-murder, sexual harassment, looting of women, molestation of minor girls on the way. According to the Indian Penal Code, rape, kidnapping or extorting of seduction, physical or mental abuse, killing for dowry, assaulting a wife, sexual harassment etc. are classified as serious crimes. The cases related to female violence are increasing continuously and now they are increasing very fast.

Violence refers to physical injury or harm to someone. Violent giving someone verbal abuse is also a form of violence. This does not cause physical injury, but the heart and brain are deeply hurt. Rape, murder, kidnapping etc. are counted as criminal violence and incidents such as beating for dowry, sexual abuse, wife beating, misbehavior in office or home are examples of domestic violence. Molestation of girls, forcing wife for feticide, pressuring widow woman to follow the practice of sati etc. comes under social violence. All these incidents are affecting women and large sections of the society.

Violence against women is constantly increasing and now it has become a matter of concern. Dealing with female violence is a major responsibility for social workers as well as a headache for them. However, women need to take responsibility for themselves and be aware of their rights, facilities and not depend on others.


300 Words – Essay on Violence against Women in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Violence against women in India is a very old social issue, which is now rooted in social rules and economic dependence. Violence against women has been exposed in the form of incidents of brutal gang rape, sexual harassment in office, acid throwing. A fresh example of this is the Nirbhaya gang-rape case on 16 December 2012 in the capital Delhi. The gang-rape of a 23-year-old girl shook the country. As a result, a large number of crowds took to the streets demanding change. Due to the occurrence of such incidents everyday, it seems impossible for women to change social norms. Despite increasing education level of the people, this problem has become serious and complex for the Indian society. The main reason behind the violence against women is male dominated thinking, weak laws, dominance of men in political structure and inefficient judicial system.

According to a research, women are the first victims of violence at their home in their early stages. Especially in rural areas, women are harassed by their family members, male relatives, neighbors.

The situation of women in India is different everywhere due to culture, customs, traditions of the people. The state of women in the north-eastern states and states of South India is much better than the rest of the states. According to the 2011 census in India, due to malpractices like feticide, there were only 940 girls per 1000 boys. The reasons behind such low number of girls are reasons like feticide, neglect of girls in their childhood and sex-testing before birth.

According to the National Bureau of Criminal Records, women are not safe at all in their laws. Cruelty towards women includes acid throwing, rape, honor killing, maiming, murder for dowry, beaten up by husband or in-laws etc.


400 Words – Essay on Violence against Women in India for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Women in India have been victims of violence in all kinds of social, religious, provincial environments. Women have to bear every kind of cruelty given by Indian society whether it is domestic or physical, social, mental, economic. Violence against women in India can be seen clearly in the pages of history. The situation of women in the Vedic period was much more pleasant than it is today but after that, with the change of time, the circumstances of women also changed significantly. As a result of the increase in violence, women also lost opportunities to participate in social, political, cultural ceremonies along with their education.

Due to increasing atrocities on women, they were not given enough food, they were not allowed to wear their favorite clothes, they were forced to marry, they were kept as slaves, pushed into prostitution. The thinking of men was to make women limited and obedient. Men saw women as an object to enable them to do the work of their choice. In Indian society it is often believed that every woman’s husband is like God to her. They should fast for their husband’s long life and should depend on their husband for everything. In the old times, the re-marriage of widowed women was banned and they were forced to follow the practice of Sati. Men considered beating women to be their birthright. Violence against women intensified when minor girls were kept as maids in the temple. This gave rise to prostitution under the guise of religious life.

The conflict between Islam and Hinduism in the medieval era gave rise to violence against women. Minor girls were married at a very young age and were strictly instructed to remain on screen at all times. For this reason it was impossible for women to establish any kind of contact with the outside world other than their husband and family. With this, polygamy was born in the society, due to which women had to share the love of their husbands with other women. The murder of a newlywed, female feticide and dowry is an example of major violence against women. Apart from this, women also suffer from problems such as lack of proper food, lack of proper health facilities, lack of adequate educational opportunities, sexual harassment of minor girls, burning of bride, burning of wife, ignoring old woman in the family, etc. Used to be

In 2015, the Government of India brought the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) bill to reduce the increase in cases related to female violence in India. The aim was to change the Indian juvenile law of the year 2000, because due to this law, the juvenile accused of Nirbhaya case could not get strict punishment. After the introduction of this law, there is a provision of strict punishment under the Indian law for juveniles aged 16 to 18 years, who are involved in serious crimes.

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