Short & Long Essay on Unemployment in English

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One of the main problems facing developing countries is unemployment. It is not only one of the major obstacles in the economic development of the country, but also has a variety of negative effects on the individual and the whole society simultaneously. Some essays of various lengths have been provided here on the issue of unemployment in our country.

200 Words – Essay on Unemployment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

People who want to work and are sincerely looking for a job but for some reason cannot find a job are called unemployed. This does not include those who are voluntarily unemployed and who are unable to do the job due to some physical or mental health problem.

There are many factors that cause unemployment problem in the country. Main in

  •     Industrial Development Slow
  •     Rapid growth in population
  •     Stay focused on theoretical education
  •     Decline in cottage industry
  •     Lack of alternative employment opportunities for agricultural laborers
  •     Non technological advancement

Unemployment does not only affect individuals but also affects the rate of development of the country. It has a negative impact on the social and economic development of the country. Here are some of the consequences of unemployment:

  •     Crime rate increase
  •     Poor standard of living
  •     Loss of skills and skills
  •     political instability
  •     Mental health issues
  •     Slow economic growth

Surprisingly, unemployment is one of the most overlooked problems in India, despite negative consequences in society. The government has taken some steps to control the problem; However these steps are not effective enough. It is not enough for the government to initiate programs to control this problem, but it is also important to pay attention to their effectiveness and if necessary, they should also take steps to revise them.

300 Words – Essay on Unemployment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Unemployment is a curse for society. This not only has a bad effect on individuals but unemployment also affects the whole society. There are many factors that lead to unemployment. Here these factors were explained in detail and possible solutions have been suggested to control this problem.

Factors that can increase unemployment in India

    Increase in population

The rapid increase in the country’s population is one of the main reasons for unemployment.

    Tardy economic development

Slow economic growth of the country results in fewer employment opportunities for people, leading to unemployment.

    Seasonal business

A large part of the country’s population is involved in agriculture. Being a seasonal business it only provides work opportunities for a certain time of the year.

    Slow growth of industrial sector

The growth of industrial sector in the country is very slow. Thus employment opportunities in this sector are limited.

    Decline in cottage industry

Production in the cottage industry has fallen drastically and due to this many artisans have become unemployed.

Possible solutions to end unemployment

    Population control

This is the right time when the Indian government takes drastic steps to control the population of the country.

    Education system

The education system in India focuses on theoretical aspects rather than skill development. The system has to be improved to generate skilled manpower.


The government should take steps to promote the industrial sector to create more employment opportunities for the people.

    foreign companies

The government should encourage foreign companies to open their units in the country to create more employment opportunities.

    Job opportunities

Employment opportunities should be created in rural areas for those who remain unemployed for the rest of the time by working at a certain time.

The conclusion

The problem of unemployment in the country has been around for a long time. Although the government has initiated several programs for employment generation, desirable progress has not yet been achieved. Policy makers and citizens should make collective efforts to create more jobs as well as acquire the right skills for employment.

400 Words – Essay on Unemployment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Unemployment in India can be divided into several categories including disguised unemployment, open unemployment, educated unemployment, cyclical unemployment, seasonal unemployment, technical unemployment, structural unemployment, long term unemployment, frictionless unemployment and casual unemployment. Before reading about all these types of unemployed in detail, we have to understand that who is actually called unemployed? Basically unemployed is a person who is ready to work and is looking for an employment opportunity but is unable to find employment. Those who remain unemployed voluntarily or are unable to work due to some physical or mental health problems are not counted as unemployed.

Here’s a detailed look at the different types of unemployment:

Hidden unemployment

When more than the required number of people are given jobs at one place, it is called hidden unemployment. Removing these people does not affect productivity.

Seasonal unemployment

As is evident from the word itself, it is the type of unemployment in which work is available only at certain times of the year. Industries mainly affected by seasonal unemployment include agricultural industries, resorts and snow factories etc.

Open unemployment

Open unemployment refers to when a large number of workers are unable to find a job that can provide them with a regular income. This problem occurs because the labor force increases at a much higher rate than the growth rate of the economy.

Technical unemployment

Unemployment has also increased as the need for human labor is reduced by the use of technological equipment.

Structural unemployment

This type of unemployment occurs due to a major change in the economic structure of the country. It is the result of technological advancement and economic development.

Cyclical unemployment

A decrease in the overall level of business activity leads to cyclical unemployment. However, this incident is only for a short time.

Educated unemployment

Inability to find a suitable job, lack of employable skills and faulty education system are some of the reasons that educated unemployed remain.

Contract unemployment

In this type of unemployment, people either work on a part-time basis or do the kind of work for which they are more qualified.

Frictional unemployment

This occurs when the demand for the labor force and its supply are not properly coordinated.

Long term unemployment

Long term unemployment is one that continues in the country due to rapid growth in population and low level of economic growth.

Sudden unemployment

Such unemployment occurs due to sudden drop in demand, short term contracts or shortage of raw materials.

The conclusion

Although the government has launched several programs to control all types of unemployment, the results have not yet been satisfactory. The government needs to devise more effective strategies for generating employment.

500 Words – Essay on Unemployment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Unemployment is a serious problem. Many factors, including lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, skills shortage, performance issues and growing population contribute to this problem in India. The negative effects of this problem can be seen on the entire society along with personal effects. The government has taken several steps to control this problem. Some of these are mentioned in detail as follows.

Government initiative to reduce unemployment

    Self employment training

The program, started in 1979, was called the National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). It aims to reduce unemployment among youth in rural areas.

    Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)

To ensure full employment opportunities in rural areas in the year 1978-79, the Government of India launched the Integrated Rural Development Program. 312 crores was spent on this program and 182 lakh families benefited from it.

    Employment in foreign countries

The government helps people in getting employment in foreign companies. Special agencies have been set up in other countries to hire people.

    Small and cottage industries

In an effort to reduce the issue of unemployment, the government has also developed small and cottage industries. Many people are earning their living with this initiative.

    Golden jubilee employment scheme

The program aims to provide self-employment and wage-employment opportunities to the urban population. It consists of two schemes:

  • Urban self employment program
  • Urban wage employment program

    Employment assurance scheme

This program was started in 1994 for 1752 backward classes in the country. Poor unemployed people living in rural areas were provided unskilled manual work for 100 days under this scheme.

    Drought prone area program (DPAP)

The program was launched in 13 states and covered 70 drought-prone districts with the aim of eliminating seasonal unemployment. The government spent Rs 474 crore in its seventh plan.

    Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

The program, launched in April 1989, was intended to provide at least one member in each poor rural family with employment of fifty to one hundred days for a year. Employment opportunities are provided in the vicinity of the individual and 30% of these opportunities are reserved for women.

    Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY)

There are a total of three schemes under this program. Under the first scheme, the urban poor are subsidized to set up micro enterprises. Under the second scheme, wage-employment is arranged for laborers in cities with a population of less than 10 lakh. Under the third scheme, the urban poor in cities are given employment opportunities matching their skills.

    Employment guarantee scheme

Financial assistance is provided to unemployed people under this scheme. It has been started in many states including Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan etc.

Apart from this, several other programs have been launched by the government to reduce unemployment.

The conclusion

Although the government is taking several measures to control the problem of unemployment in the country, a lot still needs to be done to prevent this problem in the true sense.

600 Words – Essay on Unemployment for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Unemployment is a serious issue. There are many factors which are responsible for this. Some of these include lack of proper education, lack of good skills and skills, inability to perform, lack of good employment opportunities and rapidly growing population. A look at unemployment stability, unemployment consequences and measures taken by the government to control it further.

Unemployment related statistics in India

The Ministry of Labor and Employment in India maintains unemployment records in the country. Unemployment figures are calculated based on the number of people who had no work for a substantial period of time during the 365 days prior to the date the figures were matched and are still seeking employment.

From 1983 to 2013, the unemployment rate in India was the highest at 9.40% with an average of 7.32 percent and in 2013 it was a record 4.90%. The unemployment rate for the year 2015-16 was 8.7% for women and 4.3 percent for men.

Result of unemployment

There are serious socio-economic issues due to unemployment. This affects not only one person but the whole society. Some of the major consequences of unemployment are explained below:

    Rise in poverty

This statement is absolutely true that the increase in unemployment rate has increased the poverty rate in the country. Unemployment is mainly responsible for inhibiting the economic development of the country.

    Crime rate increase

Unable to find a suitable job, the unemployed usually takes the path of crime as it is an easy way to make money. Unemployment is one of the main causes of the rapidly increasing cases of theft, robbery and other heinous crimes.

    Exploitation of labor

Employees generally take advantage of the lack of jobs in the market by offering lower wages. People unable to find a job linked to their skills usually settle for a low-paid job. Employees are also forced to work for a specified number of hours each day.

    Iolitical instability

Lack of employment opportunities results in a lack of trust in the government and this situation often leads to political instability.

    Mental health

The level of dissatisfaction increases among unemployed people, which gradually leads to anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

    Loss of skill

Staying out of a job for a long period of time leads to dull life and loss of skills. This reduces a person’s confidence to a great extent.

Government initiative to reduce unemployment

The Government of India has started several programs to reduce the problem of unemployment as well as to help the unemployed in the country. Some of these include Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Drought Prone Areas Program (DPAP), Training for Self-Employment, Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY), Employment Assurance Scheme, Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Alleviation Program (PMIUPEP), employment offices, employment in foreign countries, development of small and cottage industries, employment guarantee scheme and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana etc. Not.

Apart from providing employment opportunities through these programs, the government is also sensing the importance of education and providing skill training to the unemployed people.

The conclusion

Unemployment is the root cause of various problems in the society. Although the government has taken the initiative to reduce this problem, the measures taken are not effective enough. Due to this problem various factors must be studied thoroughly to see effective and integrated solutions. It is time that the government should recognize the sensitivity of the matter and take some serious steps to reduce it.

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