Short & Long Essay on Road Safety in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Road Safety for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 100, 150, 200, 300 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

Seeing the need of the students, here we are presenting useful essays on road safety in different word limits and in very simple language which will prove useful for your children in various competitions.

1) 100 Words – Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Road safety is a protective step to reduce the risk of road accidents and roadside injuries caused by people’s mistakes while driving on the road. We cannot count the deaths and daily road accidents due to lack of road traffic followers and mistakes in driving. Everybody walking on the street is at risk of injury and death. Such as pedestrians, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians etc.

Everyone should be well aware of road traffic rules, especially children and young people who are at risk of significant road accident. According to statistics (World Health Organization, 2008), it has been found that road accidents are the main cause of over-hospitalization and death.


150 Words – Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

While being on the road, road safety is very important and must be known by everyone because the main cause of death is becoming a road accident. Everyone should know about traffic rules and safety rules from their early times so that they can adopt a protective behavior in later life. Here are some road safety rules:

  • All those walking on the road should walk on their left side, especially the driver and the vehicle coming from the other side should be allowed to go.
  • The driver should keep the speed slow while driving on the road.
  • Take more care when walking on more busy roads and road junctions.
  • Two-wheelers should wear good quality helmets or else they should not come on the road without helmets.
  • Keep the speed of the train up to the prescribed limit, especially in the areas of school, hospital, colony etc.
  • All vehicles should be kept a fixed distance from other vehicles.
  • All the people walking on the roads should be well aware of the markings and rules made on the road.
  • Keep in mind the rules and regulations of road safety during travel.


200 Words – Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

As we all know that road accidents, injuries and deaths have become very common today. The main reason for such accidents on the road is the neglect of road traffic rules and road safety measures by the people. We always hear about the news or our friends about road accidents due to driving in the wrong direction, lack of road safety rules and measures, high speed, drunk driving etc. In order to reduce the number of daily road accidents, the government has formulated various types of road traffic and road safety rules for those who use all roads for their safety. We should follow all the rules and regulations such as defensive movement, use of safety measures, maintaining speed limits, understanding the road marks etc.

The use of cell phones or other electronic devices while driving distracted the attention of the driver, increasing the risk of road accidents. In such cases, traffic rules and laws help you a lot to keep yourself away from road accidents and injuries. Road safety measures are the weapons that can save you from costly traffic penalty, serious offenses, removal of driving licenses etc. Pedestrians also know the rules of walking on the road such as proper use of crosswalks, use of zebra crossings etc.


250 Words – Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Road safety is the prevention and prevention of road accidents using all road safety measures. This is to save people while traveling on the road. This is to keep all the road users safe such as pedestrians, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, multi-wheelers and other vehicle users. It is very good and safe for all people to follow road safety measures throughout their life. Everyone should respect others while driving or walking and take care of their safety.

Safety of people on the road is one of the most important aspects to avoid roadside accidents, injuries and death. We can evaluate the importance of road safety based on national statistical data on complete information about accidents and deaths. In about 42% of the cases, there are pedestrians and one-way street users.

There are many ways to generate awareness among the common people such as seminar, workshop, student education by adding basic road-safety lessons to the syllabus, stop, watch, listen, think and then cross people i.e. Green Cross Code Make aware, learn traffic lights, understand road signs etc. All the following road safety measures help a lot to avoid all road problems. There are some effective road safety measures such as basic information about the vehicle, defensive movement according to weather and road conditions, use of vehicle lights and horns, wearing seat belts, correct use of vehicle glass, over-speed avoidance, road lights Understanding, keeping distance from other vehicles on the road, proper understanding of handling trouble situations, broadcasting documentary awareness on TV, etc.


300 Words – Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Road accidents are becoming very common due to vehicle collisions and neglect of proper road safety measures. The number of deaths due to accidents is increasing due to people ignoring road safety rules and collision of vehicles. All roads are busy for the whole day where the vehicle runs at its high speed. In today’s world, people have a habit of owning private vehicles, due to which the problem of traffic on the roads is increasing more than before. In such a situation, people are required to follow traffic rules and road safety rules for careful safe movement. After that, road accidents can be controlled.

Every person must take a defensive driving course (guidance under an instructor authorized by a recognized driving school) before starting the road. This is very important for road safety purposes. Everybody must know how to handle various accidents and vehicles (how to operate vehicles) or how to handle a serious situation arising from oneself to save life on the road. Road safety measures must be added to the school as an important subject so that students can get complete information about it in their early times even before driving. Most road accidents occur due to misinformation about the operation of vehicles and proper road safety measures.

Day by day driving on the road is becoming unsafe. Many times people keep their private vehicles without any regular maintenance and repair for a long time, so it is very important to be assured of the condition of the vehicles functioning properly with timely repairs. This does not only extend the life of the vehicle; It also helps in reducing accidents. The driver should check the brakes of the vehicle properly and be aware of the warning signs of brake malfunction.

Before going on any journey, first aid box, emergency tool, proper amount of gasoline, etc., along with the vehicle should be thoroughly checked.


600 Words – Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Every person on earth should pay full attention to road safety whether he uses a vehicle or not. Children and students are the most vulnerable group towards road accidents, minor injuries or even major injuries, even death due to lack of guidance from elders. There should be no delay in making children well aware of road safety rules and measures in their early times. It is the duty of parents and teachers to guide them well.

Need for road safety knowledge for children

According to statistics, it has been found that most of the road accident cases involving children as they are more at risk than other age group. They need road safety knowledge and education right from their earliest times. It should start from their home and school by adding it as a subject in their curriculum. Here the following points will prove why road safety is very important:

  • Children are children, no one is convinced about what they will do next during the traffic situation at home or elsewhere, especially in the road.
  • Children are absolutely innocent, they cannot evaluate vehicles moving at high speed on the road.
  • Due to their short stature, the driver also cannot detect their mood on the road when they try to cross the road in front of the vehicle.
  • They cannot guess how vehicles often come on empty roads.
  • They can cross the road from anywhere because they do not know the proper way to cross the road.
  • They soon get scared and cannot understand what they should do when they see the vehicle coming towards them.

Road safety rules for children

The following important road safety rules play an important role in protecting children from road accidents by making them responsible pedestrians on the road:

  • Parents should make their children extra careful and teach them to look on each side (left and right) before crossing the road.
  • Children should always hold the hands of their elders or friends while crossing the road.
  • They should never run on the road, parents should not leave hands or be in a hurry and be patient.
  • Their attention is not diverted due to any reason and they need to be more alert on the road.
  • They should be used by their parents only to follow the pavement or always use the left side of the road where the pavement is unavailable.
  • After seeing the traffic signals for pedestrians, they should be taught to cross the road only at the crossroads.
  • Tell them about the meaning of colors on the road (red means stop, green means move and yellow also means stop), basic information about traffic lights and the importance of traffic signs.
  • They should use the backside of the passenger seat while exiting the car or bus.
  • Children should be taught not to play on the road or outside the play area.
  • The use of all accessories and wearing a helmet must be done while cycling on the road by properly checking the function of the brake, horn and steering or handle.
  • Children should not use earphones or any other listening device while cycling on the road.
  • Parents should teach them to wear a seat belt or helmet while driving a car. In order to set a good example, parents should follow all the rules related to road safety while driving because parents are the first example in their children’s lives to learn a task.

The conclusion

Road safety is very important for people of all age groups to be careful and safe, along with reducing the number of road accidents and injury cases. Therefore, everyone should strictly follow all rules, controllers and signs of road traffic lights. Children should be well accustomed to road safety by getting proper education by teachers in school and correct knowledge from their parents at home.


Long Essay on Road Safety for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

In today’s time, the number of road accidents has increased considerably and there is no single reason for this problem, in fact there are many such reasons. Those who do the work of promoting road accidents such as – lack of traffic rules, road conditions are not correct, safety precautions are not taken while driving. Given the increasing number of vehicles in our country day by day. Now it has become quite necessary that we must adopt the standards related to road safety as it is only by this that road accidents can be reduced.

Due to road accident

With the increasing number of road accidents, the number of people who died in these accidents is also increasing. If this problem is not taken care of in time, then this problem of road accident will later become even more frightening. Generally, the root causes of road accidents are lack of knowledge of traffic rules, driving by immature drivers, driving at speeds above the limit speed, ignoring safety measures, not following traffic rules, deteriorating road conditions, etc.

Facts related to road accidents

  • Every year around the world, 1.3 million people die in road accidents.
  • In India, 1.5 lakh people die every year in road accidents.
  • Drunken driving is the leading cause of road accidents.
  • Two-wheelers are 25 percent of the deaths in road accidents throughout the year.
  • About 16 children die every day in road accidents in India.
  • If these facts are considered, then this problem is going to be more frightening in future. In a research, it has been found that if the situation remains the same, by 2020, every year 20 lakh people will die in road accidents.

Road Safety Precautions

In view of the safety of vehicles and pedestrians, many rules have been made and if they are to be followed. So road accidents caused by human mistakes can be prevented.

  • One should always use the footpath while walking and always walk from the left side of the road where there is no footpath.
  • Never show haste while driving or on a road trip, never cross the path by breaking the signal or running in haste.
  • Keep complete knowledge of traffic signals and rules and always follow them.
  • While crossing the road, cross the zebra crossing, foot over and where it is not available, cross the road only by looking at both sides of the road.
  • Never attempt to cross the road at the red signal. Always keep in mind the green signal while crossing the road.
  • Do not try to climb in public transport such as buses etc.
  • Even when disembarking, get off only when the bus stops completely, never try to get off the bus while walking.
  • Never drive a vehicle while intoxicated.

Road safety challenges

In today’s time, road safety has become a serious subject. Daily accidents on the roads have taken a challenging form. If these are not taken care of soon, this problem will become even more frightening in the coming time. Since today, there are many such challenges that we have to face daily during the road trip. Some of these major problems are-

  • Improved road conditions
  • Opening of manhole and sewer in cities.
  • Watering on roads
  • Holiday animals roam freely on the road.
  • People not following traffic rules.
  • Do not pay attention while driving.
  • Use of mobile while driving.

These are the kinds of problems that people face regularly during traffic. Due to these problems many times very serious accidents also occur. If these things are taken care of, then many road accidents can be prevented and the people who kill these accidents can also be saved.

Preventive measures for road safety

If the preventive measures related to the road safety given below are adopted, then road accidents can be reduced significantly.

  • Adopt safety measures such as wearing seat belts, helmets while driving and riding.
  • Do not do things like make up, ride hair or talk on the phone while driving.
  • Always follow traffic rules.
  • Control the speed of the vehicle.
  • Do not drink alcohol or drive, do not smoke or have any kind of intoxication during travel.
  • Never drive in wrong direction or reverse in one way.

Motor vehicle regulations in India

The Motor Vehicle Bill was passed by the Government of India in the year 2016. Many important changes were implemented in it. Along with this, more and more efforts should be made by different ministers of state and central government to make people aware of road safety. In this bill, the traffic rules were implemented much stricter than before and it was also discussed to provide modern equipment to the traffic department.

Penalty imposed for not following traffic rules:

Several types of penalties have been imposed for not following the traffic rules in India. Some of these main topics have been discussed.

  • The driver can be punished with imprisonment for 3 months and fine of Rs 500 or both for driving without a license.
  • For speeding, a fine of Rs 100 is imposed on the first vehicle and a fine of Rs 300 on the second capture.
  • A fine of Rs 100-300 is levied for using a mobile while driving.
  • Driving a vehicle without insurance can result in imprisonment for 3 months and a fine of Rs 1000 or both.

The conclusion

Due to the rapidly increasing accidents on the roads, it has become quite necessary that preventive measures be adopted for this because only through these we can prevent road accidents due to human reasons. Along with this, there is a need to improve the condition of roads and more stringent traffic rules should be implemented by the government. If all of us follow the rules while driving, we will be able to fulfill this dream of road safety one day.

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