Short & Long Essay on Peace and Harmony in English

In this article you will find long and short Essay, Paragraph, Article on Peace and Harmony for nursery essay, lkg essay, ukg essay, 1st to 12th, IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams essay and more. Essay of 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 words for kids and students in Very Simple & Easy Words.

The Constitution of India gives freedom of equality to its citizens and various laws have been enacted to ensure peace and harmony by the government in the country. However, there have been several instances when peace has been disrupted in the country due to various reasons. To help you in your exam, here we have provided various word length essays on this subject.

(1) 200 Words – Essay on Peace and Harmony for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Peace and harmony are the basic needs of any country. A nation attains peace and harmony only if it can prosper. The constitution of our country has a provision of law to ensure political and social equality among citizens so that they can avoid harmony and maintain harmony among their citizens.

Although the people of our country live in peace with each other, peace has always been disturbed due to some political, social, economic and religious factors. Price rise and unemployment also create unrest among people. Often people take to the streets to protest against these issues, due to which the normal work of the society is interrupted.

Terrorism is another factor which hinders the peaceful life of the people. There have been many terrorist attacks on our country in the last several years, due to which many people have lost their lives. Prominent among these terrorist attacks are the 1996 Brahmaputra Mail train bombings, the 1998 Coimbatore bomb blasts, the 2003 Mumbai bombings, the 2006 Varanasi blasts, the 2013 Bangalore blasts and the 2015 Gurdaspur attack.

Communal riots like Moradabad of 1980, 1984 anti-Sikhs, 1985 Gujarat and 2013 Muzaffarnagar have massively destroyed human life.

Along with the government of the country, the citizens of the country should also work together to maintain peace and harmony.


300 Words – Essay on Peace and Harmony for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Peace and harmony are the basis of building any society. If there will be peace and harmony in the country, there can be development everywhere. The government of the country strives to ensure peace and harmony in the country but it is often hampered due to vested interests. Here is a look at all those reasons and an example is given when peace was broken in the country.

Factors affecting peace and harmony: –

  • Terrorist attacks have been one of the major reasons for the disintegration of peace and harmony in the country.
  • Peace and harmony in the country is often interrupted in the name of religion. Some religious groups try to discredit other religions which causes dissatisfaction in the society.
  • Political parties often incite people against other parties to fulfill their own selfishness which disrupts the peace in the state.
  • The reservation system has caused a lot of unrest among general category people. Some communities have also protested from time to time demanding reservation for their people.

Similarly, inflation, unemployment and inter-state issues have also caused unrest in society from time to time.

Examples of breakdown of peace and harmony

There have been many instances when the peace and harmony of the country had deteriorated. Some of these are as follows:

  •     Ramnad riots in 1957
  •     1967 Ranchi-Hatia Riots
  •     Murders in Haryana in 1987
  •     1990 Hyderabad riots
  •     1993 Bombay bombings
  •     2000 terrorist attacks on the Red Fort
  •     2001 Attack on Indian Parliament
  •     2002 Gujarat riots
  •     2006 Vadodara riots
  •     2007 Delhi bombings
  •     2008 Jaipur bombings
  •     2008 Gujjar Movement
  •     2012 Pune bombings
  •     2013 Muzaffarnagar riots
  •     2013 Bodhgaya bombings
  •     2016 Jat Reservation Movement

The conclusion

It is difficult to maintain peace and harmony in the country until each one of us becomes sensitive about our need and contributes to it. Government alone cannot ensure the feeling of brotherhood and friendship in society.


400 Words – Essay on Peace and Harmony for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

Peace and harmony are very important for any society to function smoothly. To provide a safe environment for its citizens, the Government of India takes steps to maintain peace in the country. However, peace and harmony are often interrupted due to various social, political and economic factors. Here is a look at these factors and examples are given when peace and harmony has been disrupted in the country.

Factors affecting peace and harmony

    Political issues

In an effort to fulfill their selfishness, political parties usually provoke people among themselves, often creating an atmosphere of disturbance and disturbances in the country.


Terrorist attacks have always impeded peace and harmony in the country. This kind of attack creates a lot of fear among the people.


Some religious groups try to influence people of other religions and force them to follow their religion or condemn other religions. It has also led to communal violence many times. Apart from these, inter-state issues, reservation system, price rise, poverty and unemployment have also hindered peace and harmony in the country.

Examples of breakdown of peace and harmony

   1967 Ranchi Hatia Riots

These communal riots took place in and around Ranchi in August 1967. They continued for about a week. During this time 184 people were killed.

    1969 Gujarat riots

The most deadly Hindu-Muslim riots after the Partition of India were the Gujarat riots. These took place during September – October 1969.

    Worli riots

These riots took place on the issue of reservation between members of Shiv Sena and Dalit Panther in Mumbai. In 1974, Dalit Panther leader Bhagwat Jadhav was killed.

    Moradabad Riots

The riots during August 1980 were partly a clash between Hindu-Muslim and partly Muslim-police. The riots started when the Muslims threw stones at the police as the police refused to remove the pig from the local Idgah. The violent incidents continued until November 1980.

    1993 Bombay Bomb Blast

On 12 March 1993, a series of 12 bombings took place in Bombay. The Bombay bomb blast, one of the most devastating bombings in India, was carried out in response to the 1992 Babri Masjid demolition.

    2000 church bombings

The bombings were serial bomb blasts in the states of Goa, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The bombings were carried out in the year 2000 by Islamist extremist group Deendra Anjuman.

The conclusion

It is necessary for every citizen of India to understand the importance of peace and harmony in the country. We all must work to maintain peace.


500 Words – Essay on Peace and Harmony for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

India is known for its democratic system and secularism which gives political and religious equality to all its citizens to ensure peace and harmony in the country. However, there are many factors that disturb peace in the country. Here we have explained how the constitution binds people of different backgrounds together and what are the reasons which hamper the peace and harmony of the country.

Secularism promotes peace and harmony

India is a secular country. The Constitution of India gives each of its citizens the right to practice their religion. There is no official religion in the country. All religions are equally respected. Respect for all religions is one way to promote peace and harmony in the country. People of different religions like each other and celebrate all the festivities with equal enthusiasm. People work together in schools, places of work and various other places.

The following factors affect peace and harmony –

Citizens of India largely live in harmony with each other. However it has been seen many times when peace is interrupted due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are described below:


Terror attacks have created panic in the society. Terror is spreading through these attacks, which have brought days affecting peace and harmony in the country. There are many examples of terrorist attacks in India.


Though there is no official religion in India and its citizens have the freedom to choose or change their religion as per their wish but there are some religious groups that propagate and promote their religion so that they can promote other people’s Disregard religion. This often leads to fear of communal violence.

    Political gimmicks

A lack of principles is often seen in political parties. One party tries to discredit the other in an attempt to come to power. Those causing unnecessary unrest in the state are associated with a particular religion.

    Reservation system

In an effort to ensure social and economic equality for the people of the lower classes, the Constitution introduced the reservation system. This system was strongly opposed and many people belonging to other castes also came forward to demand reservation for their community. . This has caused unrest and obstruction many times.

  Mutual issues of states

Political parties such as the Shiv Sena have shown intolerance towards allowing people from other states to work in Maharashtra. Such issues also lead to the dissolution of peace between states.


Rising prices of goods, especially those required for daily use, is another cause of unrest in society. Often people take to the streets to protest against the sudden increase in prices and the normal functioning of the society is often interrupted due to this.

The conclusion

As far as the Government of India is concerned, it does everything possible to ensure peace and harmony in the country but we still have a long way to go. This will happen when each citizen recognizes the dangers of society and will contribute to the complete peace and harmony in the country.


600 Words – Essay on Peace and Harmony for Kids & Students in Very Easy Words

People of different religions and castes live in different parts of India. Although these people live in harmony with each other on a large scale, the peace and harmony of the country is often interrupted due to several reasons. Here is how the harmony between diversity is maintained and what factors affect peace

Factors affecting peace and harmony

While the Indian government is taking all possible steps to maintain peace and harmony in the country, there are many factors that affect it. Here’s a detailed look at them:


The Constitution of India does not officially follow any religion and allows its citizens to choose or change their religion at any time. However, there are some religious groups that spread their religion to the extent that brings instability in the peace and harmony of the country.

    Caste System

In India, it is common to discriminate on the basis of caste and religion of the person, although the Constitution gives equality to all. This discrimination sometimes disturbs the social balance, disrupting the peace.

    Reservation system

Reservation system was introduced in the country with an aim to raise the standard of living of people belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, but people from other castes such as Gujjars and Jat fraternity have also started demanding reservation which has deteriorated the peace system.

Mutual issues of states

Many regional parties do not encourage people from other states to settle in their territory. This often causes a lot of tension between members of Shiv Sena and people from other states of Maharashtra.

    Unemployment and poverty

Lack of education and lack of good employment opportunities leads to unemployment, which ultimately increases poverty and increases the rate of crime in the country.

   Political threat

Many times the opposition incites the public against the party in power to fulfill its own selfish motives which are ultimately the main factors of unrest and disturbances.


Value addition is another problem that can disrupt the smooth functioning of a society. There have been instances when people have come forward to revolt against unfair price increases which have disrupted the peace.


India has faced terrorist attacks many times which have aroused fear among civilians. The trouble caused by such attacks disrupts the normal functioning of society.

Examples of disintegration of peace and harmony

There are many instances when the peace and harmony of the country was compromised by various groups and communities. Some similar examples are shared below:

1969 Gujarat riots: Gujarat state of India witnessed communal violence between Hindus and Muslims between September-October 1969. This was the first major riot in the state involving mass massacres and loot.

1984 Sikh Riots: Violent mobs attacked Sikhs in the country. This was done by Sikh bodyguards as a response to the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

2008 Mumbai: Some members of the Islamic terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba entered Mumbai and bombarded four days of firing and bombings.

Jat Reservation Movement: In February 2016, several protests were organized by Jat people in Haryana. He demanded inclusion of his caste in the category of Other Backward Classes. This disrupted the normal work of the state and even today the movement is not completely finished.

The conclusion

Although the Constitution of India gives all its citizens the right to equality, so as to ensure complete harmony between them, peace has been broken due to many social, political and economic reasons. The government alone cannot be responsible for maintaining peace and harmony in the country. Each of us should take responsibility to nurture the feelings of brotherhood with our citizenship.

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